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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Value of a Vital American Ally During World War II

Keep the Spirit of '45 Alive.....
The Battle of China


On March 25th, we published an article entitled "The World's Wartime Debt to China" in our "History and Holidays" Information Page.
Our dear friend and valued reader, Dorothy Yu, wanted us to know about the value of a vital ally during World War II, China...and we agree !
She's done it again, and has sent us a movie....entitled
"The Battle of China" that further dramatizes the importance of that nation's fight in winning the peace during World War II.
It's a presentation that lasts slightly over one hour, but it you have a passion for the past....with the belief that...
Forgetting it....condemns those to repeat it.....
Sit back....and learn....learn the trials and vital importance that nation played in...
Keeping the Spirit of '45 Alive

CLICK HERE for Full Information

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 "History and Holidays"

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