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Saturday, June 21, 2014

After Failing to Destroy Club...Blog Owner Resigns as Veterans Club Officer

Mr. Fix-It Speaks Out

  Sun City Anthem Entertainment Club

Controversy  is Over  !

Many of our readers have been reading about this newest Sun City Anthem venue on other community publications, a club that is making every attempt to bring greater happiness in our daily lives. 
Yet despite those attempts, there was also an attempt to destroy it....... an individual who has again and again, tried to discredit Entertainment Club president, Forrest Fetherolf

This individual has referred to our Mr. Fix-It as "slippery" and a "clown", and made an attempt to hold the Woodchips Club responsible for a tragic suicide...

...all during a point in time when Forrest was a candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board in 2010.

In addition, prior to that, this same individual maliciously made attempts to have  Entertainment Club Vice-President, Rana Goodman, not be reappointed to her position on the Henderson Senior Citizens Advisory Commission, by concocting a petition that he claimed to have received  numerous amounts of support.

It was later learned through the Freedom of Information Act, that only a handful of individuals signed the petition, and Ms. Goodman was subsequently reappointed.

Recently he "struck again" at these individuals by attempting to have the Entertainment Club Charter REVOKED...leading people to believe he spoke ON BEHALF OF THE VETERANS CLUB.

He DID NOT speak on anyone's behalf other than his own.

This act,  of what many have perceived as additional vindictive behavior on this person's part toward these individuals, has thankfully FAILED...

...and Forrest Fetherolf, our Mr. Fix-It, has asked  that we print this comment on behalf of the Sun City Anthem Entertainment Club as its president.

States Mr. Fetherolf:

Now the dust has settled once again in SCA...hopefully we can close the door on this issue.

David Berman not only displayed his hatred for three of our SCA Entertainment Club Board Members in his rant on his  blog, via emails, and phone calls, he used his position as Veterans Club Secretary, without authority from the Veterans Club BOD, in an attempt to influence others and file false charges against our SCA Entertainment Club with Lifestyle Committee to have our club charter pulled.

It backfired in his face resulting with his SUDDEN RESIGNATION as Secretary of the Veterans Club and all charges withdrawn from the Lifestyles Committee.

What Mr. Berman didn't know or ignored was the fact I was in constant contact with Veterans Club President Roger Cooper during this ordeal, getting approval for the Veterans Wall improvement through Property and Grounds Committee, and arranging professional entertainment to perform during the Veterans Club big event on November 11, 2014.

This man not only tried to discredit our SCA Entertainment Club, he also brought discredit to his own Veterans Club to satisfy his personal hatred agenda.

Berman may have been successful convincing a few of his believers our SCA Entertainment Club and the officers are bad...

...but results are very clear.

SCA Entertainment Club currently has over 160 members within the first two months after charter club approval and growing at the rate of more than a dozen new members per week.

Our first major event is scheduled for July 20 in Freedom Hall @ 2pm. We have commitments from six Las Vegas entertainers to provide an afternoon of enjoyment for our club members and their guests.

For more information go to our website.........

Thanks to all believing in us and our cause!

Forrest Fetherolf
SCA Entertainment Club President
702 823-5580

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