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Monday, December 8, 2014

A Response to a Another Blog

We're Good Guys...We Wear White Hats

Normally we do not respond to the alternate blogger who enjoys chastising others for not agreeing with his points of view; however, for an individual who considers himself a reporter...

... an ongoing argument that he enjoys using...

...when facts others bring forth cannot be disputed... to throw stones at residents who do not attend Sun City Anthem committee and/or board meetings; and as a result, infers they have little credibility by not doing so.

That is ridiculous....and it's an old argument as well...

...unless of course, he is also insulting approximately 11,000 others in the Sun City Anthem community who do not attend them as well...that they too have no credibility in their opinions.

Nonetheless, for a person who considers himself a reporter, he should know full well GOOD REPORTING has its sources in order to write stories.

That's how it works for those WHO HAVE BUSY LIVES and enjoy various ACTIVITES beyond the walls of Sun City Anthem.  

Good managers know how to DELEGATE.

Unlike the "stone throwing" alternative blogger who has in the past...tried and attempting to entice others to write articles for his blog...

...while merely copying Sun City Anthem president memos, restaurant menus, the schedule of meetings readily available on the community website, and informing his readers of recent deaths....

...Anthem Opinions coordinates the writing efforts of a number of individuals in order to provide a well-rounded publication with topics of interest that include entertainment (local, strip and Laughlin) , household tips, home improvement ideas, gardening advice, looking at the significance of  history and holidays, and an occasional editorial to express our beliefs in certain areas....

...many of which affect Sun City Anthem residents, and a belief that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM IS ENTITLED TO A FAIR SHAKE for the $1,100 per year each homeowner pays for the privilege of residing in that community.D  F
E for the $1,100 in dues each  yearly
In the case of Cafe V, we fully believe there are members of our board who have FAILED in their sworn duties to uphold their fiduciary responsibilities in properly managing the funds in which residents have bestowed their confidence.

No board member has the right to PURPOSELY SPEND ASSOCIATION FUNDS that they know full well...


Time and again...we wholeheartedly believe that this board HAS DONE JUST THAT.


There is no good way to inform our readers that they have been HAD ...other than to express the betrayal any normal person would....when they trusted those individuals. Anthem Opinions....want our readers to know exactly what the full details are as to agreements that are made...and have NO REGRET as to exposing what we believe constitutes mismanagement of funds knowing that action creates ADVERSE FINANCIAL RESULTS on us all. to our sources of information...the alternative blogger in his fit of anger and jealousy at the success of our publication....


Anthem Opinions co-owner, Allen Weintraub did attend that meeting and took diligent notes on which our previous article was based.

In addition, we also received an email from a trusted reader and NRS 116 expert, Tim Stebbins, a regular "target" of the alternative blogger...who DOES ATTEND numerous meetings.

With his permission....

"Larry Hughes and his friends went into the lease with their eyes wide open.  They carefully inspected the facilities and fully agreed to all the conditions of the lease. 

They assured themselves and everybody else they had the expertise to make the restaurant successful.

They were given rent-free use of the facilities for the first 90 days of the lease.

After a brief initial surge many to most people decided to NOT support the restaurant.

Hughes and company badly bungled major catering events such as with the Philippine Club.

After several months Hughes and company stopped paying for the utilities usage.

Hughes and company pleaded for a reduction of the rent amount and an extended  "payment plan" to pay the amounts of past due utilities - this was granted by the board.  

Rent lowered to $2,000/month and an extended term payment plan for past due utilities. 

In turn Hughes and company would redo their business plan and menu to assure a successful future.

That plan failed.
Again after several months Hughes and company stopped paying utility costs. 

Again they asked the board for a extended term"promissory note" at ridiculously favorable terms to Hughes and company. 

Again Hughes and company said they would have a new business plan and menu that would attract business and assure success. 

The board granted them further financial concessions.

The board told SCA owners the financial concessions to Hughes and company would end Dec. 31,  2014. 

As of January 1, 2015 the full terms of the lease would be enforced - $4,000/month rent plus prompt payment for utility usage as well as continued payments on the promissory note for past due utilities. 

These assurances from the board were documented in the 2015 budget adopted by the board in October 2014 and ratified by unit owners in November 2014.

Then Hughes and company recently came back to the well again and asked for basically total removal of rent and major reduction in payments for utilities. 

Bella Meese championed this request and just 2 weeks after the 2015 budget was ratified by unit owners Bella proposed the new "cost free" operations- no rent, no utilities - even though this would result in SCA unit owners paying about $50,000 to subsidize restaurant operations for the first 6 months of 2015.


This is at least the fourth failure at operating the restaurant - S&D Cafe, Tirzo, Audry Tubin and now Larry Hughes and company.

Larry Hughes and company have failed again and again to meet their financial obligations to SCA - lie after lie.

SCA residents as well as those people in our neighboring communities have voted with their feet to not support the restaurant.

This has to stop."  

Of course, in the spirit of fairness, we would like to propose an idea to the alternative blogger, board members, and those who support using association funds for Cafe V.

If you are of such a strong belief that this will benefit our association...that this is a good use of funds...a good about each of you PUTTING UP the necessary cash and become stockholders in Cafe V ?  My guess is that they would welcome any of you to "share the wealth".

You can run that business as you see fit...serve the meals you choose to the times you choose to serve anyone who will eat them !

You will be a private business; you will pay an appropriate rent that covers association costs for the rented area; you will pay your own utilities; you can cater to anyone who wants to be catered; and, you will have the ability to  go to your own bank to get additional financing.

You can keep any profit, or share in your losses. will have a grateful community for your commitment.

...and we...

...will never write another word in the matter of Cafe V !

Well   ?????

Anthem Opinions


  1. From Valerie Opinions


    1. Thanks for the compliment, Valerie. Evidently we must have accomplished our mission in making people aware of this deplorable situation.

      Yesterday, December 8th, our internal software indicated that 1,177 people read our article entitled "Sun City Board offers Temporary Lifeline to Cafe V" and we obtained 5 new registered subscribers to Anthem Opinions.

      Actually in the past 60 days, we have had 35 additional new subscribers who read our almost daily articles that are composed not jut by myself, but our entire staff of individuals dedicated to making retirement an enjoyable and stress free existence.

      Hopefully the word will spread and even more people will become aware of Anthem Opinions and the Cafe V disaster with this article posted today.

      Since Anthem Opinions was established just 2 years ago, our total "reads" are now at 454,703 as of yesterday.

      We believe we are making a difference....making people aware of not just what goes on in Sun City Anthem, but the surrounding Las Vegas valley, producing a useful publication that is intended to primarily entertain.

      As you know, we have strict standards regarding postings and stress positive commentary (unless something drastic like this restaurant takes place which involves the community well-being).

      At that point, we take matters into hand in a manner that "calls it like it is".

      In our subscription process we specifically state that though our primary function is to entertain, but that readers should also be aware that we will at times, be controversial.

      This was one of those times where facts had to be presented without rose colored glasses, expressing our disappointment at senseless spending...and unfounded criticism from a blogger who has a history of character assassination.

      As a result, when all is said and done, we believe we have done well to avoid being similar to other publications which in our "opinion" have in many cases, have sadly reduced themselves to "bitch" blogs.

  2. From...Hollis Opinions

    Another Great Anthem Cafe Article

    The only thing missing in this history lesson is the ridiculous expenditure of tens of thousands of OUR dollars spent to equip the kitchen & facility for this PRIVATE business to operate under our roof.
