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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Wine Stains...We Know How to Get Rid of Them

It's a long night for Santa, and after a cold sleigh ride, even "Santa" enjoys a "nip" or two coming and going up and own that chimney....often leaving a telltale sign that he's been there.

....and the next morning...there it is...a stain on the carpet....a dreaded RED WINE STAIN.

We'll blame it on Santa rather than the guest you might have invited for the holidays....

...but how many times have you spent time getting the house just perfect for guests...only to have one of them  them accidentally spill red wine on your white or beige carpeting?

...or when you're dressed to the 9s and a the spirit of the holiday....accidentally bumps into you or another person.... while taking a sip of the red vino?'re reaction is this....'s really this....

Well...not to worry !

We know the best way of removing the stain....

Removing Red Wine Stains


See our Information Page...

"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

1 comment:

  1. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Using the red grape to the excess at times,and spilling a bit on occasions, there is another product that is GREAT and can be purchased at Lee's Liquor and most other liquor stores.

    It's called "WINE AWAY' and is a red wine stain remover that's made by Evergreen Labs, Inc. in Walla Walla, WA.

    Their web site is

    It comes in two sizes, one for household use and another that will fit in a purse.
