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Thursday, February 12, 2015

An Anthem Opinions Board of Directors Election Editorial

Friday, February 13th is the last day for filing a candadicy in the 2015 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors Election.   

It is with this final date in mind, that this article is dedicated.

Looking at a Senior Homeowners Association...It's Membership...and a Need for

 in its Leadership

Being a member of the Sun City Anthem community for almost 10 years, I've come to the conclusion that "crusading" is normally a complete waste of one's time.


Fighting "the system" only results in criticism and dislike amongst many residents despite honest attempts of some to bring change that common sense demands.

And nothing demonstrates that more than selfish decisions of leaders believing they are unaccountable to those they swore to honestly represent.

The saying, "you can't fight city hall", is ever so apparent when one looks at the continual election of individuals who, for some strange reason, need "power" at this late stage of their lives...

...making choices...that simply HURT PEOPLE, as well as the financial integrity of our community.

Someone once said to me:

"There are three types of individuals who reside in a senior homeowners association:

1. Those who have been successful in life and wish to enjoy its last years in peace without community involvement.

2. Those who have been successful in life, yet feel they still have "something left"....making attempts to "give back" in order to make life an enjoyable experience for others.

3. Those who have accomplished little in their past lives, yet feel a last ditch effort to "be someone" in their own eyes and those of others...the followers who now for some insecure reason....believe..."they're time has come" for power and control."

....and....sadly in an overwhelming number of cases....those in category #3...are normally elected to a Board of Directors.

I've often thought about that over the years as I've witnessed those words in action....and...unfortunately...they are, for the most part, TRUE.

So many GOOD people volunteer for various committees with the best of intentions, yet once a part of them....CHANGE...or...feel peer pressure...TO CHANGE.

Individualism and creative thinking become "stifled" as they realize their hope of a positive experience has turned into a nightmare of frustration.... pettiness and "politicking" become the norm,  knowing that acceptance among "the leaders" also means, agreeing with them...

...or...face being looked at as a "thorn in the side" with the ultimate result in being ostracized by the remaining "team players" who accomplish little, other than DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD...

...a sure-fire result of which is...STAGNATION.

And what is the reward for always defending and being a part of that "system"?

A small group of people congregating in a "smoke filled room" deciding who the future BOARD MEMBERS should be...and how they plan to keep their "control" in tact by choosing only those who have been loyal at "playing the game".

To this, add a publication run by an individual whose background is less then honorable and who fits category #3 previously described....a person who is every bit "in the pocket" of those same individuals.

And that....

...pretty much describes the evolution of leadership in Sun City Anthem.

Is all of this a fantasy on my part?

That is for you to decide...but...when you see few, if any individuals, running for positions on our board, with the exception of a small group...normally all campaigning together....and...being endorsed by one particular publication that boasts a 100% winning record...

....that same publication that avoids telling the FULL STORY....

...that same publication that has SUPPORTED every decision made by those endorsed...

...despite the ADVERSE affect many of those decisions have had on our community....

To continue that path...that mediocre past....can have only one result...


It is time we realize that we an aging association that is now 16 years old...that the time has come to "pass the baton" to a new and younger generation....a generation that must realize that excellent leadership is not merely desired, but IMPERATIVE in order to continue your Sun City Anthem retirement existence. 

Will any of this change ?

Not as long as those in Category #3 are allowed to prevail.

Could you be a Category #2 individual or a Category #1 individual who feels a need to "right..wrongs"?

If so, there is a growing army of many residents who want to know who you are....and...if you have....

"The Right Stuff" lead our community in an HONEST and UNSELFISH manner...

... looking at it through the eyes of proper experience,  integrity, and individualism....

...sharing your reasoning for decisions through fluid communication with your constituents...

... in order that they too feel a part of an "honest system" to which they would give their time and effort in volunteering for various positions....knowing their input would be welcomed rather than rebuked.

We hope you will step forward and consider running for our Board of Directors...dedicating yourself to reestablishing the true meaning of the word ...


Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions

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