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Sunday, February 15, 2015

An Anthem Opinions Editorial....2015 Board of Directors Election

Oh No...Not Again !

Recently it was announced that we have a field of candidates who have announced their intentions to run for our Board of Directors.

We try to avoid "endorsements" and we will continue to do so...


...there is one in that group, an incumbent, who, in our opinion.... does NOT DESERVE REELECTION.  

Two terms is enough !

Bella Meese

Let us assure you....

....this editorial has nothing to do with personalities or the character of this candidate.  We are committed to our pledge of civility toward any person.


For the past four years this individual has voted again and again to USE YOUR MONEY to FINANCE HER WHIMS in supporting a restaurant she was partially responsible for bringing to our community.

It was SHE who initially supported bringing that current and continual financial drain to our association, by IGNORING the desires of "the people" who strongly the survey SHE ENDORSED...and...APPROVED.

...81% of them...

...THAT THEY DID NOT WANT  RESIDENT FUNDING to support Vic's or Cafe V, or whatever new name they will come out with as time passes.

Yet she, AGAINST THE WILL OF THE POPULOUS, continued not only to IGNORE that MANDATE, but in addition....

AGAIN and AGAIN...voted to REDUCE the monthly rent from the original agreement of $4,000 per monthto $2,000 per month for a limited timeframeuntil just two months ago,VOTED TO REDUCE IT YET AGAINto $1,000 per month...

...after she realized that her true desire...GRANTING THEM NO RENT AT ALL...would not pass the majority of board members.

In addition it was SHE who voted to approve a "sweetheartbelow prime interest rate loan using YOUR MONEY... to a business that COULD NOT PAY ITS BILLS.

This blatant DISREGARD of both the wishes of the residents coupled with AN UNCARING ATTITUDE toward maintaining the financial integrity of our community....

Says one thing to us....

...a third term on our Board IS NOT DESERVED. 

... and a vote for this individual would be interpreted as YOUR APPROVAL of public association funds to finance a private business entity which has no connection to Sun City Anthem other than a renter of property.

...a dangerous precedent that opens a door to other renters in the future should they claim DISCRIMINATION by the hands our association....a cause of action that could very possibly lead to LITIGATION against our community.

Perhaps the most BLATANT EXAMPLE of this candidate's lack of community receptiveness was her PUBLIC STATEMENT when asked: 

"Why do you want to continue financing our restaurant" ?

Her answer...

"Because I need a place to have lunch".

If you find this behavior as unacceptable as we do...then the answer to the problem is all of your neighbors, inform them of this voting record...and most importantly....

SAY  NO to the reelection of....

Bella Meese

Anthem Opinions


  1. Do we have disagreements with another publication?

    We certainly do...this is the comment made on David's Anthem Journal as to this the author.

    "These two (Meese & Mayfield) are certain to have my support."

    "Bella is already making history, because she is the first director in the history of resident-controlled Sun City Anthem to seek a third consecutive term on the Board. What I do know is that for many weeks, community supporters and friends of Bella were urging her to run again, and they are relieved that she wants to continue serving our community in this manner."

    We call this to our readers attention:


    THE VOTING RECORD HAS BEEN OMITTED in this commentary....yet another "partial" story.

    Does he have the journalistic decency to PRINT the FULL RECORD of this candidate?

    We think NOT...that would force him to admit his SUPPORT for a candidate that has cost Sun City Anthem residents THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in this restaurant financial fiasco.

  2. From Greg Opinions

    I can confidently vote for the best Board Candidate based only on their email address. I throw out AOL and YAHOO because those people do not change but rather stick with comfort regardless of what else is out there.

    I also eliminate COX.NET for the same reason.

    One candidate has their own presence on the web and that likely means they are not driven by the provider. I vote for them. One candidate uses GMAIL and might get my vote.

    Another aspect of using the email address to pick the better candidate is the name they have chosen to use.

    I guess one can't expect much from we people old enough to be retired.
