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Monday, February 23, 2015

MacKeeper Download....a Scam that Could Cost You $$$$

Computer Scam
Don't Download the Clean-Up Program

Allen Weintraub
Anthem Opinions Administration
As the computer organizer for Anthem Opinions (I say that word loosely after what I just encountered), rarely do I get "had" by computer scams, but at times even the best of us suffer at the hands of the dishonest.

And I was one of them recently.

So in order that you do not go through what I did, I'd like to tell you a story with a warning ! 

I accidentally downloaded a toolbar that had a virus...or should we call it Malware !

It was associated with a clean up program called MacKeeper that claims to keep your Apple Mac Clean.  

As soon as I started the download of the toolbar, I realized that this was a problem and shut down my computer.

From that was pop up after pop up asking to download MacKeeper to clean my files....for a fee.

I could not complete any task on my computer that was internet related….the internet was worthless as a tool.

I could only use my standard programs.

My son was able to clean up the problem....


... it took over an hour and he is a technical genius with computers.

Without his expertise, I am sure I would have had to pay in the hundreds of dollars to clean it up and remove the Malware.

For those non-Mac users out there, be aware that...

... Mac’s do not get viruses,  but the darn pop ups are just as bad.

Think the story is over with "Mackeeper"? 

Well, think again !

Shortly thereafter, I received a phone call from someone with a distinct accent. 

They said there were calling regarding a Microsoft problem that was reported on my computer...and they, posing as the technical department of Microsoft, were offering to help solve it.

(PS, Mac’s do not use Microsoft)  I never reported anything and if I did….it would not be to Microsoft....It would be to Apple.

They were selling something to fix it

What a scam !

The same culprits who initially created the problem...would now offer to fix it..for a fee ! 

I told them that I did download something that effected by computer, but I had it fixed by an expert...

...that I knew the call was a scam....and...they were a bunch of XXXXXXXXX (not nice language).

They hung up.

Talk about abusing the public...and what I consider a complete violation of privacy.

They alter your system...or order that you have difficulty using your system...and then want to charge you to fix it.


...and MacKeeper is one of them ! 

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