Information Pages

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Anthem Opinions Looks at 2015 Sun City Anthem Board Candidates

Sun City Anthem 2015 Board Candidates
Hodgepodge of the Past & Present
(Part 1 of 4)

Very shortly, all residents of the Sun City Anthem community will be receiving their annual ballot to decide who will "represent" the residents for a two year period.

We use the word "represent" loosely, because the question that should be paramount when you cast a ballot, is..

Who do they represent...YOU or THEMSELVES ?

What do we suggest?

There are four seats to be filled in the 2015 edition of "HOA political chairs" and of the 6 candidates, 4 have been on previous boards.

We will look at all six candidates individually and give you our rationale as to why we believe each would be suitable or unsuitable for our leadership.

Let us begin with whom we believe would make excellent decisions toward strengthening the financial integrity of Sun City Anthem:

Barry Goldstein
Bob Frank
Jim Mayfield

Note: we have found it difficult to recommend a fourth individual.

You are entitled to vote for 4 individuals; however, voting for less than 4 will NOT invalidate your ballot, and can actually better assist those you prefer by not voting for a specific individual you feel is not qualified.

A series of three articles will be presented.  

The first, to be published on Monday, March 30th, will summarize candidates Barry Goldstein and Bob Frank.

The second  (to be published on Tuesday, March 31st) will include the two incumbents running for office, Jim Mayfield and Bella Meese.

The third and concluding piece (to be published on Wednesday, April 1st) will give you our thoughts on candidates, Carl Weinstein and Rex Weddle.

Let me remind all of our readers...

...that other than the facts presented, we will also share our personal opinions about them as well....

... based on personal observation, experiences, and actions, while bringing up questions that we believe YOU, the resident, are entitled to have correct knowledge of, prior to your casting any ballot.

Our practice has been...and will continue, not to make endorsements of any kind.

We feel that is would be improper.

...that a good quality publication merely tells all, and leaves the results of those facts and opinions up to the voter in order to make a personal educated decision.

As a part of our  pledge of "telling it all", we have disclosed not just information about the candidates, but the behind the scenes actions of some who sadly believe they must have absolute control in the running of our retirement community.

Some might say....look ahead, not back....but the past has always been indicative of what one might expect in the future...

"that those unfamiliar with the past, are condemned
to repeat it"

It is now for you, the electorate, to determine the future course of our community and whether or not you believe the past must be maintained...or...altered... make a qualified decision based on YOUR NEEDS and the abilities of those you achieve them.

Once again, look for our first installment tomorrow, March 30th.

Anthem Opinions Administration


  1. Part One of Three

    I would like to thank David Berman for exposing himself as the object of a previous atticle involving his obsession with a mininature golf course.

    It must hurt to be able to recognixe yourself...when no name was mentioned.

    Obviously, the truth must have hurt to the point of taking every bit of my initial error to task....using the same old style of nitpicking a couple of minor details, and then blowing that into something that will fit a derogatory purpose.

    Yes, I made a few errors on who belonged to which committee, and yes, I corrected them....that's what good journalism is all about, admitting you made a boo boo when you do.

    In mature circles, that is usually the mark of a "man" who has the ability to admit he is fallible....something I have yet to see in years of Mr. Berman's publication.

    ...but...they were corrected...thanks to both a board member and a committee member who read Anthem Opinions with regularity.

    Other than article stands.

    Mr. Berman, you know as well as I do, that the cost figure you provided did not include the other aspects of the project. Why is that so difficult for you to discolose that fact? Or would it prove you were telling only "half truth"?

    Mr. Berman,is that the best you can do in order to blast another individual.....a committee name or an 18 hole course instead of a 9 hole one?

    (continued on next comment)

  2. Part Two of Three (continued from previous post)

    Is the best you can do criticizing someone for not going to meetings...when 11,000+ others don't either?

    Anthem Opinions has a staff of 5 individuals that cover various topics of interest and our lives take paths that involve other activities than walking the halls of the same building each and every day, going to one meeting after another...

    And by the way...the "quid pro quo" part stands. You sir are the one who seems to be forgetting that there are people you talk to....who use much as you attempt to use them !

    Ever wonder why no other existing blogs seem to share your opinions ? Oh yeah...I's because of "hate" isn't it?

    My goodness, you seem to love to use the word "hate" whenever you believe that it might fit a manner in which you can use that word to your advantage.

    Somehow the word "hate" has never been used on Anthem Opinions...but IS so often on your publication when arguments are needed in order to destroy an individual's credibility.

    Mr. Berman...I do not hate you...I actually pity you...and believe you are a person who, based on accomplishing so little in your former life before you arrived here in Sun City Anthem, you somehow needed something to make you feel as if you were a "somebody".

    That was obviously the purpose in your writing a community blog after your not fulfilling the two year term as a board director you had originally committed to serving years ago.

    Should we really discuss your usage of the word "hate"?

    I never lost a professtional license, but you lost your law license, didn't you? Is that "love"...or "hate" for others who bestow you with their confidence?

    I maintained a successful business for years never asking for handouts from people that I believe "owed" me anything... what are your business accomplishments to show any credibility?

    Why do you seem to believe you and others who have accomplished so little in your financial past...feel you are now "owed" other's expense?

    Oh yes, following the loss of your law license, you worked in some capacity for the IRS just long enough to qualify for some form of retirement benefit, didn't you?

    Just how did you pass a background check....or did you apply for the position during the bar association's process of suspending your law license while it was not yet order that they would not be aware of your activity before we were hired?

    Harming a client and a state in forging a judge's signature, certainly was an act of "love" wasn't it?

    Somehow I never sued a man who was 78 years old at the time...and settled for a "nuisance" amount after all was said and done...YOU DID. Is that your definition of "love"?

    I never authored a petition to have a woman not reappointed to a city advisory commission....bragging you had numerous signatures, until of course the Freedom of Information Act discovered that only a handful of your crony friends were the ones who signed of which was a wife who admitted her husband forged her signature....and that woman was reappointed.....YOU DID.

    Just another example of your ability to "love", right?

    I never confronted a widow who lost her husband to suicide and attempted to convince her that it was the fault of a Sun City Anthem club, writing an article condemning that the same time 2 members of that club were running for the board....YOU DID.

    The "love" must has gushed from you when you attempted to destroy the reputation of a club that provides Sun City Anthem and kids around the world with just "hateful" gifts, right?

  3. Part Three of Three (continued from previous post)

    For a person who spews the word "hate" as often as you do, perhaps you might explain your constant need at harassing others when they disagree with you?

    ...your favorite targets other than Bob Frank and me...somehow usually involve women !

    But I'm saving the best for last....

    It is Anthem Opinions that made a statement against harassing commentary through Nevada law AB395...

    ...and that Anthem Opinions has NEVER ALLOWED any harassing comment to be published in any manner, requiring only REAL Identifiable individuals to post comments...while you sir, allow nameless individuals in many cases who are too cowardly to do so.

    Go your merry way, Mr. Berman...and continue your hypocritical manner of writing the derogatory comments that you obviously believe should be referred to as a "love fest".

    Of course....Mr. Berman, you obviously ignored the aspect the article that mentioned having the residents decide by vote on whether or not to accept your miniature golf concept.

    Democracy seems to be absent from your article, doesn't it?

    Why are you so afraid to allow the electorate to make a decision?

    Are you afraid of the outcome....or must you maintain a "good old boy" crony system which you have had to be a been a part of your entire life in order to exist?
