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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Looking at the 2015 Sun City Anthem Board Candidates....Rex Weddle and Carl Weinstein

Sun City Anthem 2015 Board Candidates
Hodgepodge of the Past & Present

(part 4 of 4)

In our final segment of examining the six candidates who have chosen to run for the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors, we will examine both a past board member and a first time contestant.

Rex Weddle

Having seen Rex Weddle in action as a member and now chair person of the Life Style Committee, we find him condescendingopinionated, inflexible, and frankly, not much of a "people person".

"Mr. Friendly"...he is NOT. 

Mr. Weddle, as head of that committee, recently recommended the construction of a nine hole Mini-Golf course despite the Property & Grounds Committee having previously rejected the idea, leading us to conclude that his election would continue the path of unwarranted needless spending.

That same day the staunch advocate of that mini-golf project suddenly endorsed him for election to the board on his publication

Coincidence?  We don't believe that to be the case.  

That leads us to believe electing him to our board,  would also mean his voting in favor of the vast expenses associated with the mini-golf project.

The word "compromise" is not in his vocabulary, and we believe he would demonstrate that closed mindedness if elected....similar to many who have been elected in the past.

In addition when questions were asked of him by a resident who was merely asking for a simple "yes" or "no" answer, we were surprised at this response...

"Without fail, the questions seem poised atop prejudicial argument. That is, the questions set forth ’facts’ as someone sees them; ‘facts’ which color the picture and subtlety make the interrogator a proponent of one side of the question.  As posed, the questions are a straw man argument, something I have a policy of not trying to argue."


Is that the manner in which you would expect an answer to a question from a person who is asking to represent you?

If this is the manner in which a question is answered prior to election, one can imagine how it would be...afterwards !!!

We believe that working with this man would be difficult at best; and as a result, we consider Rex Weddle, NOT the best person for the job.

Our final candidate in this year's board election is...

 Carl Weinstein

He too was a member of "The Unity Party"...when, with their support....he was elected for one term.

It was near the end of that term when certain other members of that board...decided that he and another board member, would no longer be privy to PRIVATE negotiations with a proposed restaurant operator...

...a restaurant operator who had a devious past...and was married to an individual who had robbed 8 Las Vegas banks and served in a Colorado penitentiary...

...the one who eventually would obtain the SCA contract through the approval of those same board members who withheld that vital information....

...until she too....sold the business to another individual who had a judgment of $150,000 against him for improper financial conduct...

...documentation of that judgment presented privately to a board member at a breakfast meeting with two separate blog owners...

... in hope that it would convince him to avoid this individual from consideration...

...who in turn...promised to convey that information to eventual association president and current retiring board member, James Long.

Despite that concerning documentation...that individual's restaurant was also subsequently approved by that board to continue its operation...

...until one day...the doors to the restaurant were abruptly shuttered....and he too...disappeared !

Who was a part of that original secret negotiation to allow such "concerning" individuals a contract for Sun City Anthem residents ? 

We learned in a three way phone conversation between Mr. Weinstein and another board member...

...conducted on speaker phone...with witnesses...

...the individuals who were involved in that "secret meeting" purposely excluded Mr. Weinstein and a fellow board member but included an alternative blogger, his wife who was then a member of the board, and other selected board of which was the association president...

..the same association president who would subsequently be named to the HOA Hall of Shame by Channel 13s Darcy Spears in TWO separate television reports.

"Coincidently", that same alternative community blogger refused to support Mr. Weinstein at that time for reelection, writing demeaning articles about him and criticizing him at every opportunity, resulting in Weinstein's defeat.

Here is a quote made by the alternative blogger on February 14, 2011 regarding this candidate:

"In the transition election of 2005, when there were 13 candidates for 6 open seats, Weinstein finished 7th.

In 2006, with 3 seats open, Weinstein finished last among the 6 candidates.

In 2007, with 12 candidates running for 4 seats, Weinstein finished 5th, but his total of 826 votes was less than half the total of the 4th-place finisher."

In 2008, with support from Unity, Weinstein not only won election, but he led the results among 6 candidates for the 3 open seats."

Is that indicative of a "machine" candidate"?

That same blogger on August 10, 2011, further wrote:

"Gosh, if I had known that all it would have taken in the past was to start a recall against Weinstein in order for him to do the honorable thing and resign, I might have given it a try". 2015....Mr. Weinstein has been endorsed by that same blogger.

Perhaps someone out there might explain how that can happen ?????

Our take....the "good old boy" system at work....

Why the reason for the change of heart? 

Another "quid pro quo" crony deal?

...and when all of that is added raises our eyebrows as to the credibility and motive of this candidate's desire to be on the board.

It was some time ago when Mr. Weinstein was asked...

Why do you want to be on the board?

And his response....heard by a number of people...

"because I like the benefits"

Our conclusion...we have no idea who the real Mr. Weinstein is...and our association has run out of time to find out !

Accordingly, the questions surrounding this individual are substantial, and as a result, we believe Mr. Weinstein does not deserve election to the SCA board of Directors. 

We hope this series of articles has assisted you in casting your ballot in this year's election.

As we mentioned in the initial article of this four part series, we feel strongly that knowledge of the past is indicative of what is to come.

We ask all of you if confronted with the words...

"Don't Look Back"
(the creed of the Unity Party) look that person straight in the eye and say...

"Those unfamiliar with the past... are condemned to repeat it"

We have now made you aware of the past...and from this point, it is up to you, the property owner and voter, to decide whether or not you choose to repeat it...or reject it.

We believe the time has come for "new blood", fresh ideas, and leaders who are committed to first examine the "politics" of the past, recognize them for the damage they have caused, and correct them in the spirit of unselfishly "caring" for the community as a whole...rather than through the eyes of special interest groups.

And in conclusion, following our detailed analysis of the candidates, we believe the following individuals can best accomplish that goal.

Barry Goldstein
Bob Frank
Jim Mayfield

Whatever your decision...we ask all of you a simple request....
Anthem Opinions Administration

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