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Saturday, March 14, 2015

What a job !

Anthem Opinions Salutes
Anthem Today's Rana Goodman
Guardianship issues have become a major concern and talking piece recently after it was discovered that non-Nevada residents were barred from being named guardians for individuals determined unable to physically and mentally care for their personal well-being.
On March 13, 2015, Senate Bill 262 was placed on the official legislative docket to be reviewed by the Committee on Judiciary to replace current Nevada law that has been in effect for over 30 years. 
Here is the actual senate bill:
When we were made aware of this successful effort, we sent our congratulations to Rana...and she in turn
responded as follows:

Rana Goodman of Anthem Today
"I'm very proud. It was so cool yesterday. Senator Harris asked me if I would like to sit with her on the Senate floor when she introduced the bill. I said I'd love to. At the end of the session they then had the three guests, two other women and me, stand. 
The senators who had invited us, stood and formally introduced us to the entire senate telling a little about us.
Senator Harris said I had doggedly pushed the guardianship issue and would not give up until it became a bill..
I thought I'd bust.. It was a great moment and Friday the 13th too."
Well Rana, we too think it's pretty "cool" too....
...that legislators across the state, and so many individuals in our community...have finally recognized you for the good person you have always been, and given you the kudos you have deserved for years.
With this bill and the accolades you received from the Nevada Senate for your dedication to public assistance of those in need....
We congratulate you, not just for your persistence in pursuing the passage of this bill....
...but forever dispelling any possibility as to the validity of untrue derogatory rhetoric previously written that made attempts to taint your integrity in any way.
We wish you our best in your continued pursuit to make this effort a permanent part of Nevada law.
Anthem Opinions Administration


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