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Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Reader Brings Up an Issue that Needs Community Attention

Anthem Opinions recently received an article from one of our readers that we thought we would bring to the attention of the community.

Lately It has been noticeable as to the laxity paid by those in authority to some rules that are a part of Sun City Anthem...and this may be one of them.

We'd love to hear your views on this topic.  

Send us an email at:

 Should Leash Laws be Enforced?

Let me begin by saying I love dogs (and cats), which is surprising considering that I was bitten by a dog as a young child. Minding my own business on a merry-go-round, an innocent looking collie came up behind me and bit me right on my butt cheek! It took a long time for me to stop being frightened of dogs.

Of course, back in those days dogs were not required to be on a leash in a public area. Now it is the law. Today, if a dog wishes to romp and play unleashed in public, there are dog parks for that purpose.

So why does it come as a surprise to me that I'm seeing unleashed dogs romping on our association's clubhouse lawn from time to time?! And the management company of our association seems to be unconcerned about enforcing the rules...

10.6...Owners must adhere to Henderson Animal Control leash requirements and sanitation requirements in all areas of Anthem. Per Henderson Municipal Code: Leash means any rope, leather strap, chain or other material not exceeding six feet in length, being held in the hand of a person capable of controlling and actually controlling the animal to which it is attached...”

Rules and laws need to be enforced because if one dog owner gets a pass to romp and play on the clubhouse lawn, then shouldn't all residents get to do the same? If that were to happen, we would have a big problem and that is why there are rules. 

Do I really need to call the police department to come out and fine the dog owner the next time I see an animal is not on a leash? 

The answer is.....NO

Management SHOULD be the responsible party to put a stop to it

That's what we pay them to do.

If you don't have two trees in your front yard over 5 feet tall, you are threatened with fines if not rectified. If you have a bench in your front yard that is not in a fenced-in area, you are threatened with fines if not rectified.

Now I know most of us, including management and board members, are pet lovers but unleashed dogs should not be an exception to the rules.  


  1. From John Opinions

    Read your article. I also love dogs, however, being a victim of numerous c _ _ p attacks by owners, not dogs,

    My problem is I have a grass lawn.

    You would have laughed had you seen my shouting "get your dog off my lawn and keep it off"..

    I did this through my front window and a solar screen. The solar screen makes it impossible to be seen.

    The woman looked around in fright, not knowing who said that. I think she thought it was God.

    I have not seen her since.

  2. From Harlen Opinions

    Yes they should.

    You may have a very friendly gentle pooch but then one day he bites.

    The other issue we have in Mt. View Village is people not picking up after their dog has a BM that is disgusting. There are more piles daily.
