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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Thoughts on Losing a Friend

Every Day Really is...a Gift

We try to be as objective as possible as we publish articles for the community, but a different kind of day... article is for ME....

....yet at the same time, I felt the need to share it with all of you.

It has been a mere few days since a dear friend and former business associate of 35 years, George Jacobs, and his wife, Patti,  made their semiannual pilgrimage to their favorite city, Las Vegas.

It had been a cold and damaging winter in Cleveland, Ohio this past year, and for months they were looking forward to getting back into the warm weather and continuing to travel by auto throughout the Southwest as George was "considering" retirement.

George always had one of the most successful insurance brokerage operations in the country, and let's just fun... in his mind.

...but as is the case with all of us, the years passed; the times changed;  and year after year, the decision to retire always got pushed back....again and again.

It was not a matter of money...George was always very generous toward others,  but never toward himself.

For years I would always ask him if he had ever spent his first communion money given to him as a child....and pleaded with him...

...that it was about time he and his lovely wife, joined the ranks of the seniors to enjoy whatever time the good Lord allowed us.

George turned 68 not long ago....and it appeared that I had finally been making some headway in his thinking....

...thanks to some prophetic words given to me by another dear friend years ago when I decided to retire.

I told George...

 "Do you realize that if you're lucky, you probably won't be able to enjoy 10 more summers before your health won't allow you to enjoy them any longer...

...that 10 years is more like 10 minutes in a retiree's life, as the years pass by so quickly?"

I know...'s been 10 years since I retired, am the same age as George...and it's still hard to comprehend just how fast the last 10 years have passed...

...that the number of summers I may enjoy.....are also quite limited.

But...I'm not the subject of this story....

George and his wife are !

George and Patti arrived in Las Vegas on Saturday evening, April 25th. 

Like every trip they ever made to Las Vegas, the two week "detailed itinerary" that George would create each time,  allowed them to drive through a number of states to enjoy the scenery, and spend a few up front and at the end of the trip, days, in Las allow Patti her love....slot machines...

...before they would travel back to Cleveland.

They got a rental car, checked into their hotel, and couldn't wait to see the lights of the Strip while they were staying at the Aria. 

Saturday was was Patti's part of the trip...she knew that driving though the other states to see the sights was "for George"...a happy compromise !

Sunday rolled around, and unlike so many visitors who arrive here, that didn't stop them from getting up early and going to Mass, before the day would proceed.   

Their devotion to the Catholic faith has always been unquestionably the number one priority in their lives.

But this Sunday...something different would happen.

George parked the car after dropping Patti off at the front of the church, and as he was about to meet her... something was wrong....Patti had tripped and hit her head...

...and was being assisted by others who had witnessed her fall.

She was hurt...but it was believed the injury was not serious, and they continued their day.

After church, Patti knew that it was time to find her favorite slot machines, and off they went in search to find them.

Two hours passed and suddenly Patti was feeling ill....she thought it would be best to go back to the room and rest.

When she arrived at the Aria, her stomach became upset and she began to vomit....and now, George was beginning to worry.

His wife of 44 years (they had celebrated their anniversary a couple of days earlier on April 24th) didn't look "right", and an ambulance was called. 

Patti was taken to UMC Trauma Center when it was explained that she had taken a bad spill a few hours earlier....

...and two hours later, emergency brain surgery was performed.  The fall had caused bleeding in her brain.

George called me from the ambulance on the way to UMC to tell me what had taken place, and my wife, Marla, and I were off to UMC within minutes.

When we arrived....George had told us that the surgery was believed to have been successful....

...but that was not the case.

Sunday went into Monday, and her condition worsened...two of their three children flew in from Cleveland to be with their mom and dad....who were 2,500 miles from their home.

On Tuesday, the doctors gave George the news no person would ever want to hear....his wife of 44 years had been placed on life support, and that tests indicated no brain activity.

In the wee hours of Wednesday, April 29th....the decision was made by the family to remove life support from her; and within minutes, a wife and mother, who just three days previously had been looking forward to spending a two week vacation with her husband....was now gone.

As I write this, my heart is heavy, as my dear friend George, had to go back home to a house that will now be empty.  His companion of 44 years will never again greet him in the morning, or say good night to him as each day ends.

...Yet...those "10 summers" will continue to pass...won't they?

So as I said goodbye to the wife of a dear friend, I came to realize the true meaning of the words...

"Every Day is A Gift" as I did this morning...

...pick up that phone, or look over at that certain special someone and say 

"I Love You"    

Be a kinder person, and  appreciate those who have made you the person you are ...

...because summer is approaching... will be short...

...and suddenly the number 10...

...will be 9 !

Dick Arendt


  1. From...Cary Chubin of Ft. Lauderdale, Opinions

    I've been sent this message many times over the years. Never so poignant and well.

  2. From Mary Opinions

    Wow Dick.

    Brought tears to my eyes.

    So sorry to hear about your friends wife. You are so right. Time is passing quickly!!

  3. From Joanne Heeren of Scottsdale, Opinions

    So sorry for your loss.

    It's a shame it takes a tragic event to remind us to appreciate our loved ones and the time we're given.

    Keep spreading the word.

  4. From Margaret McKee of Grayslake, Opinions

    No truer words were ever spoken.

    Sorry to hear of your loss of a friend.

  5. From Jill of Opinions


    As always, beautifully written and in this particular case, more than heartfelt.

    So sorry for your loss

  6. From Thom Wollard of Barrington, Opinions

    Great article Dick.

    Oh how tragic and sad.

  7. From Mary Lee & Don Opinions

    Dear Dick:

    Thanks for sharing the heartbreak and emotional trauma your best friend is going through. I cannot begin to imagine the shock and tremendous loss of your closest companion!

    While many miles from their home, you and Marla were "here for them".

    Every day IS a gift that should be treasured! Y'all are surrounded and appreciated by supportive and respectful friends.

    IF there are is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to call us.

    Our hearts and prayers are with your friend and his entire family.

  8. From Bill Farrell of Cary, Opinions

    Sorry to hear about your friend.

    The years are passing too quickly.

  9. From Opinions

    Life is a gift.

    Dick, I’m 85 and my wife is 82. We moved to Sun City in 2003, having bought a lot and building a house in 2002.

    We cannot think of a better place to be enjoying our “gift”. I play at golf, shoot pool, and play poker. My wife plays cards, loves to shop for costume jewelry and share her reading experiences with our daughter and her book club.

    In addition we attend the Broadway series at the Smith Center, having seen most of the good shows on the strip and attend the Olli lectures at UNLV plus attend many of the Barrick Lecture Series.

    We usually take 1 or 2 trips [cruises or road] each year plus enjoy visits from our children and grand children.

    We do not gamble but enjoy the many upscale restaurants on the strip at least once or twice a week.

    For our “Senior Follies”, my wife drives a BMW convertible [mostly with the top down] and I drive a 563 horsepower Cadillac.

    Yeah, we are active, alert and try to do things that make our “gift” enjoyable for as long as HE keeps giving it to us.

    At 69, here’s hoping you have many more Gifts.

    Best, Don

  10. From Bill Moren of Milwaukee, Opinions

    Dick - a lovely remembrance - thanks so much.

    The local Stars and Stripes Honor Flight organization that has flown WWII vets to DC more than 20 times says "Every Day is a Bonus"

  11. From Linda Opinions

    Just read your blog and wanted to say how sorry I am about your friend death.

    I always say "you can plan for the future, but you can't depend on it".

    Take every day as though it's your last.

  12. From Susie Martin...of Nashville, Opinions

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend,

    My thoughts are with you and prayers for George.

  13. From Anne Opinions

    Dear Dick & Marla,

    I am so very sorry to hear about your friend. Life is short and getting "less young" is no guarantee. My Mom always said, "enjoy yourself, it's later than you think"!!

    My deepest sympathy and prayers,

  14. From Mary Kolak of Des Plaines, Opinions

    Dear Dick,

    I am sorry for your loss of a dear friend - and under such tragic circumstances.

    Your column says it all - we really do need to cherish every loved one and treasure every minute we have with them.

  15. From Tim O'Brien of Atlanta, Opinions

    God bless you, Dick.

  16. From Dave Nall of Wilmington, North Opinions

    A truly heartfelt article, Dick! I’m glad you shared it!

  17. From Andy Kasow of Miami, Opinions

    What a shock!

    Your words are a beautiful tribute to patti and george and quite a poignant message for the rest of us.

  18. From Phil Villi of New York, Opinions

    Thank you for a heartfelt obit for a fine lady.
    I can only think of George and Patti as young and vibrant.

    Her fate should not have happened and it is a particularly sad end.

  19. From Pete Leo of Des Moines, Opinions

    Very nicely done, Dick.

    Your article is right on. This is one of the reasons I am retiring May 15.
