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Monday, June 29, 2015

Common Sense Has to Question Logic of Sun City Anthem Board Financial Decisions...An Anthem Opinions Follow-Up Editorial

Sun City Anthem Board Logic:
1 + 1 = 3

When we published the article entitled...

 "Is Sun City Anthem Endorsing an Uninsured Restaurant ?"

...on June 29th, we had no idea how INFURIATED the residents of Sun CIty Anthem would be when Anthem Opinions questioned the current insurance coverage carried by Cafe V.

...and what started as an honest inquiry as to whether the restaurant was indeed properly insured, began a countless number of "comments" that were made by residents of the Sun City Anthem community.

For those of you who merely read our articles when sent to subscribers through eblasts each morning, perhaps you might wish to revisit our blog throughout the day to examine them...especially those made regarding the above referenced piece.

These comments are published beneath the actual article.

We post EACH and EVERY comment sent to our email address, though some are slightly edited to avoid violating our policy of respect toward fellow this particular case, BOARD MEMBERS.

Though many comments were made, one in particular stood out that SHOCKED many of published by Mr. Barry Goldstein, a distinguished member of the Sun City Anthem Finance Committee, who was defeated in the board election this past spring.

Stated Mr. Goldstein:

"Just to let you know the Board of Directors has known about the lack of a certificate of insurance from the restaurant for months."

"Behind the scenes, for months I have been requesting Certificates of Insurance from both the restaurant and FSR that were required by their contracts."

"I have the emails on my computer as proof."

"Some the Certificates of Insurance from FSR expired in April and I have not seen any proof that they were renewed and undated certificates were provided.  I am glad that this issue has now seen daylight.  I guess the board does not think protecting community assets is as an important as self-management."

What does Mr. Goldstein have proof of in his possession?

Undisputed knowledge that board members at that time, namely then president Jean CapillupoBella MeeseJim LongJim MayfieldTom Nissen,  and Don Schramski WERE MADE FULLY AWARE OF THE PROBLEM.

Knowing this problem existed....WHAT WAS THEIR ANSWER to SOLVING it?

Board members Jean CapiluppoBella MeeseJim Long, and Tom  Nissen voted to FURTHER REDUCE the CAFE V rent payments...effectively CAUSING FURTHER LOSS to the Sun CIty Anthem Homeowners Association

Only directors Jim Mayfield and Don Schramski voted NOT to further subsidize Cafe V.

Yet all evidently IGNORED the insurance matter COMPLETELY brought to their attention by Mr. Goldstein, rather than DEMANDING our management company,  FSR,  do frequent checks as to their in force "Certificates of Insurance".

Now...lets send the clock ahead to June 25, 2015 keeping in mind that...

... first, a board IGNORED a vital financial concern as to association finances...


... second, none verified if FSR performed THIS SIMPLE DUTY FOR WHICH WE PAY THEM...

...after being WARNED by a Finance Committee member and board candidate that NO PROOF OF INSURANCE could be found.

On June did the following Board members handle this obvious DELINQUENT DUTY by that company?

Bella Meese, Tom Nissen, Rex WeddleCarl Weinstein, and Don Schramski EACH voted to give FSR a $90,000 amount to provide salary increases to FSR be paid to ANY EMPLOYEE(S) CHOSEN BY FSR.

Only director, Jim Mayfield, voted AGAINST this measure.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of this ?

Perhaps this 2015 version of management directors economic logic can best be described as...
1 + 1 = 3

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Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Barry Opinions

    Dick, I have been reading some of the comments made by residents regarding this issue.

    I blame FSR for not doing their job. Their contract requires them to make sure insurance policies are in place from any outside vendors to protect our community.

    FSR should have shut the restaurant down from the beginning without proof of insurance.

    Would they allow roofers or landscapers to work on our property without proof of insurance?

    It may be time for residents to insist on a special meeting to discuss the future of the restaurant and have the owners answer questions from the community.
    1. Barry,

      Sadly, a past board DID ALLOW a contractor to do repairs at Independence Center in (I believe 2008), authorized by then RMI, now FSR, that neither had insurance or a current contractor's license.

      For those here in the winter of 2008, there was an unexpected 8" snowfall that collapsed the roof...and thankfully, no one was injured or killed.

      When a number of us delved into the matter, it was discovered that the contractor HAD NO LICENSE or INSURANCE.

      Amazingly, after it was discovered that the contractor demanded we pay him $5,000 to do the repairs, two board members authorized PAYING THE BILL.

      Instead of demanding they obtain current insurance and license and then repairing at their expense...THEY PAID IT.

      It was at that point that a member of our community, Forrest Fetherolf, fought to create an "oversight committee" to avoid that ever taking place again.

      The board reaction....IGNORING THE REQUEST...PAYING THE BILL...and for the past 7 years, the "system" has remained in place.

      And this was the type of behavior that we have tolerated over the years by both Board Members...and...a Management Company.

      How is this threat to current financial liability handled today?

      We grant a $90,000 increase in management company be paid to whoever the management company decides who should get it.

      Is all of this the fault of the management company? should be shared by those who OVERSEE the management company as well; namely the Board.

      1. From Dorothy Opinions

        All I can say is the more I read the more infuriated I get.

        Why are there never people with common sense up there to guide these fools into making logical decisions?
      2. Frome Laura Opinions

        You certainly know how to get a person's "juices" flowing.

        When will this circus of events concerning Cafe V stop?

        I, personally would be happy to stand amongst all in favor of getting rid of Cafe V and our joke of a Board of Directors.


        What can we do, as a community, to get rid of both, The Board and Cafe, and stop the infusion of money, which is not theirs to spend as they wish.


        Thank you,
      3. Dorothy, there's not much you can do about the Board...for NOW.

        Yes, a community can have a recall election, but the rules changed a few years make that an almost impossibility. first have to have 10% of all the voting members (742) sign a petition for the recall.
        Then...once the ballot is conducted, you need 50% +1 of the entire voting body (3,573) to vote.

        The old rules merely stated you needed a simple majority of those WHO VOTED.

        Why did it change to make it a literal impossibility? Ask the lawyers who defend improper board actions. They have the best well paid lobbyists.

        I don't believe we have ever had more than 2,000 people vote in a Board election, much less a recall. is the problem solved now?

        Between now and the next election, TALK TO PEOPLE, MAKE THEM AWARE of these issues that affect our financial integrity, and most importantly, PAY ATTENTION to the QUALIFICATIONS an individual brings to the table.

        Some "unofficial" advice...what you see ENDORSED on another biased community publication that prides itself on having 100% ELECTIVE SUCCESS, always seems to back THE ONES WHO CREATE THE PROBLEMS WE HAVE DISCUSSED.

        ...yet that publication, after Cafe V will in all likelihood disappear, will still have a 0 for 4 success rate in recommending anything remotely successful.

        Why is that the case?

        Simply stated...."that beat's the h..l  out of me" !
        1. From Kay Opinions

          Does the business judgement rule in Nevada law make it a violation for the association to allow the operation of the restaurant without insurance?

          My reasoning is the fact that they have known about this for more than a few days.


  1. From Barry Opinions

    Dick, I have been reading some of the comments made by residents regarding this issue.

    I blame FSR for not doing their job. Their contract requires them to make sure insurance policies are in place from any outside vendors to protect our community.

    FSR should have shut the restaurant down from the beginning without proof of insurance.

    Would they allow roofers or landscapers to work on our property without proof of insurance?

    It may be time for residents to insist on a special meeting to discuss the future of the restaurant and have the owners answer questions from the community.

  2. Barry,

    Sadly, a past board DID ALLOW a contractor to do repairs at Independence Center in (I believe 2008), authorized by then RMI, now FSR, that neither had insurance or a current contractor's license.

    For those here in the winter of 2008, there was an unexpected 8" snowfall that collapsed the roof...and thankfully, no one was injured or killed.

    When a number of us delved into the matter, it was discovered that the contractor HAD NO LICENSE or INSURANCE.

    Amazingly, after it was discovered that the contractor demanded we pay him $5,000 to do the repairs, two board members authorized PAYING THE BILL.

    Instead of demanding they obtain current insurance and license and then repairing at their expense...THEY PAID IT.

    It was at that point that a member of our community, Forrest Fetherolf, fought to create an "oversight committee" to avoid that ever taking place again.

    The board reaction....IGNORING THE REQUEST...PAYING THE BILL...and for the past 7 years, the "system" has remained in place.

    And this was the type of behavior that we have tolerated over the years by both Board Members...and...a Management Company.

    How is this threat to current financial liability handled today?

    We grant a $90,000 increase in management company be paid to whoever the management company decides who should get it.

    Is all of this the fault of the management company? should be shared by those who OVERSEE the management company as well; namely the Board.

  3. From Dorothy Opinions

    All I can say is the more I read the more infuriated I get.

    Why are there never people with common sense up there to guide these fools into making logical decisions?

  4. Frome Laura Opinions

    You certainly know how to get a person's "juices" flowing.

    When will this circus of events concerning Cafe V stop?

    I, personally would be happy to stand amongst all in favor of getting rid of Cafe V and our joke of a Board of Directors.


    What can we do, as a community, to get rid of both, The Board and Cafe, and stop the infusion of money, which is not theirs to spend as they wish.


    Thank you,

  5. Dorothy, there's not much you can do about the Board...for NOW.

    Yes, a community can have a recall election, but the rules changed a few years make that an almost impossibility. first have to have 10% of all the voting members (742) sign a petition for the recall.
    Then...once the ballot is conducted, you need 50% +1 of the entire voting body (3,573) to vote.

    The old rules merely stated you needed a simple majority of those WHO VOTED.

    Why did it change to make it a literal impossibility? Ask the lawyers who defend improper board actions. They have the best well paid lobbyists.

    I don't believe we have ever had more than 2,000 people vote in a Board election, much less a recall. is the problem solved now?

    Between now and the next election, TALK TO PEOPLE, MAKE THEM AWARE of these issues that affect our financial integrity, and most importantly, PAY ATTENTION to the QUALIFICATIONS an individual brings to the table.

    Some "unofficial" advice...what you see ENDORSED on another biased community publication that prides itself on having 100% ELECTIVE SUCCESS, always seems to back THE ONES WHO CREATE THE PROBLEMS WE HAVE DISCUSSED.

    ...yet that publication, after Cafe V will in all likelihood disappear, will still have a 0 for 4 success rate in recommending anything remotely successful.

    Why is that the case?

    Simply stated...."that beat's the h..l of me" !

  6. From Kay Opinions

    Does the business judgement rule in Nevada law make it a violation for the association to allow the operation of the restaurant without insurance?

    My reasoning is the fact that they have known about this for more than a few days.
