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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Should Sun City Anthem Adopt the Regal Cimemas Policy ? We Want Your Opinion !

Regal Cinemas Now Checking Bags of all Theatergoers 

Do you agree?
Should Changes be made in Sun City Anthem as well ?

Recently we learned that security concerns are now causing the Regal Theater chain to begin increasing security at their theaters across the county....including the 10 that exist in the Las Vegas valley.

Regal is now checking bags, backpacks, and packages of all theater goers before patrons are admitted to their theaters.

Surprisingly, violence at movie theaters has a long history.

In February, 1979, a gang related brawl took the life of a nineteen year old at a drive-in movie in Palm Springs, California when two rival gangs brawled at a showing of the movie "Warriors".

On December 25, 1990, a 15 year old boy was killed and three other patrons were shot in Long Island, New York, when caught in the cross fire of gang related violence while watching the moving "Godfather III". 

On July 12, 1991, a Chicago man was killed and 30 others wounded by gunfire during the showing of the movie, "Boyz in the Hood".

As we entered the 21st century, the violence continued.

On June 15, 2006 in Baltimore during the showing of the movie, "X-Men, The Last Stand", a medical student pulled out a gun and for no reason, shot and killed the man sitting in front of him.

On December 25, 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the showing of the film, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", a patron shot and wounded a man for talking too loud during the movie.

In April, 2009 in Eugene Oregon, a man shot and killed himself while sitting in the last row of a late night movie.

The violence took on a new meaning on July 22, 2012 when a man named James Holmes in Aurora, Colorado entered the showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" and for no apparent reason shot and killed 12 innocent people.

...and then...on July 23, 2015, yet another theater murder took place in Lafayette, Louisiana when a 58 year old man shot and killed two patrons and wounded seven others during the movie "Trainwreck" before taking his own life.

With all of this violence, we'd like to get your opinion on whether you believe Regal has done the right thing.

1. Should people be searched before they enter a movie theater?

2. Should any form of weapon (gun or knife)  be allowed when one enters a theater (even if the individual has a permit for a concealed weapon)? 

3. Would you feel safer if ALL PATRONS are searched before entrance into a theater?

4. Should all other move chains adopt the same policy?

5. Would you NOT patronize any theater that would enforce these newest Regal Theater guidelines?

A few years ago a similar issue was raised about allowing CONCEALED WEAPONS in Anthem Center...and the matter was dropped allowing residents TO BRING THEIR CONCEALED WEAPONS into the Sun City Anthem properties.


6.  Is it time to change that rule in light of the Regal Cinema chain's newest regulations?

Send us an email with your thoughts to:

Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. From Ken Opinions

    More regulations restricting our rights as Americans won't fix the problem. I, for one, will not patronize an establishment that infringes upon the American rights for which this nation was founded.
  1. From Robert Opinions

    A "No Weapons Allowed" sign at a movie theater is an open invitation to any lunatic looking for a "safe" place to kill people - I personally would NOT patronize such a place.​
  2. From David Opinions

    Here are my answers to your survey:

    1. Should people be searched before they enter a movie theater?


    2. Should any form of weapon (gun or knife) be allowed when one enters a theater (even if the individual has a permit for a concealed weapon)?


    3. Would you feel safer if ALL PATRONS are searched before entrance into a theater?


    4. Should all other move chains adopt the same policy?


    5. Would you NOT patronize any theater that would enforce these newest Regal Theater guidelines?

    I would not patronize any theater that would search me.

    A few years ago a similar issue was raised about allowing CONCEALED WEAPONS in Anthem Center...and the matter was dropped allowing residents TO BRING THEIR CONCEALED WEAPONS into the Sun City Anthem properties.


    6. Is it time to change that rule in light of the Regal Cinema chain's newest regulations.

    I'm not too sure what that rule is but I am against any sort of weapons in Anthem Center. 
    1. From Samuel Opinions

      I consider the policy to be a complete waste of time.

      If someone wants to bring a weapon into a theater for the purpose of causing harm, searching purses and bags won`t stop them.


  1. From Ken Opinions

    More regulations restricting our rights as Americans won't fix the problem. I, for one, will not patronize an establishment that infringes upon the American rights for which this nation was founded.

  2. From Robert Opinions

    A "No Weapons Allowed" sign at a movie theater is an open invitation to any lunatic looking for a "safe" place to kill people - I personally would NOT patronize such a place.​

  3. From David Opinions

    Here are my answers to your survey:

    1. Should people be searched before they enter a movie theater?


    2. Should any form of weapon (gun or knife) be allowed when one enters a theater (even if the individual has a permit for a concealed weapon)?


    3. Would you feel safer if ALL PATRONS are searched before entrance into a theater?


    4. Should all other move chains adopt the same policy?


    5. Would you NOT patronize any theater that would enforce these newest Regal Theater guidelines?

    I would not patronize any theater that would search me.

    A few years ago a similar issue was raised about allowing CONCEALED WEAPONS in Anthem Center...and the matter was dropped allowing residents TO BRING THEIR CONCEALED WEAPONS into the Sun City Anthem properties.


    6. Is it time to change that rule in light of the Regal Cinema chain's newest regulations.

    I'm not too sure what that rule is but I am against any sort of weapons in Anthem Center.

  4. From Samuel Opinions

    I consider the policy to be a complete waste of time.

    If someone wants to bring a weapon into a theater for the purpose of causing harm, searching purses and bags won`t stop them.
