Information Pages

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Enough is Enough....The Community Wants you GONE from Sun City Anthem Governance

Time to Go Jean...
You've Done More Damage
than any member of any Sun City Anthem Board

The time has come to speak out. 

Our community's financial future is at stake...and we believe this Board Member has to be held accountable for the financial disasters she has created and supported since her election to the Sun City Anthem board of Directors.

Yes indeed, it is time this enigma who has been on the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors for the past 3+ years...HAS TO GO.

And its about time she realized it.

In our opinion never before in the history of Sun City Anthem governance has a more INCOMPETENT individual held office....

...and the damage she has created will take years for this community to recover as a result.

Yet in her CONCEITED ARROGANCE, despite the vast and growing members of Sun City Anthem residents who shake their heads at the DAMNING DECISIONS she has been a part of over that timeframe...

...she continues to believe...

...she is beyond REPROACH...and for some unknown reason, insists on HAVING HER HAND IN EVERYTHING. those of us who have been in business for ourselves in the past, this dear readers, represents the WORST in MANAGEMENT.

Good managers have a common trait...they know how to DELEGATE responsibilities. 

 BAD ones believe only they are capable of DOING THE RIGHT THING....and usually, through INSECURITYbelieve others are incapable WITHOUT THEM.

...and that has been the perfect description of the management style of this individual who was a former association president, and is the current secretary.

What brings me to this conclusion?

History...the ugly past...the financial losses sustained as a result of her time in office.

The latest outburst against resident Tim Stebbins was merely an example of POOR LEADERSHIP...and as far as we are concerned, the STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL'S BACK.

She erred...there was little doubt...and she apologized to Mr. Stebbins at a meeting in the Ombudsman's office...

...yet took no mercy on him at a board meeting when she openly criticized his taking a complaint to a state official.

The words used were INEXCUSABLE BEHAVIOR....INCOMPETENT BEHAVIOR....RUDE BEHAVIOR...toward a man whose knowledge of Nevada NRS 116 statutes is second to none in the Sun City Anthem community.

This woman actually made some "off the wall attempt" excuse for not trying to solve the problem with a simple telephone call... saying the initial inquiry made by Mr. Stebbins did not include the proper "opening" and "closing"... and as a result...

...HE WAS NOT ENTITLED to a proper response...

...nor was it necessary to inform other board members of the pending complaint.

What she did do...WAS CREATE HER OWN NIGHTMARE when she insisted on pursuing it formally with an association attorney who had no difficulty in CHARGING LEGAL FEES for a problem that should never have occurred.

Did she apologize

Did she offer Sun City Anthem reimbursement for the unnecessary legal fees

Did she even admit SHE WAS WRONG at the board meeting?

Of course not...that is how BAD MANAGERS react to making wrong decisions...they BLAME OTHERS FOR THEIR OWN INCOMPETENCE.

Let's pursue some other subjects regarding this woman.

We can't forget the restaurant nightmare, can we?

Earlier in the year she and association president, Bella Meese, took upon themselves to make concessions IN WRITING to Cafe V for past due utility payments, granting the restaurant CREDITS toward future bills.

...with two problems that resulted as a result of that decision...

1The meters were found to be in proper working order and no concessions were necessary.

2The concessions were made WITHOUT BOARD APPROVAL.

The result...costing Sun City Anthem resident funds resulting from those actions....and perhaps a strong reason as to why the matter is "in the hands of the attorney".

Has she EVER VOTED to refuse anything to Cafe V?

Perhaps once....a few weeks ago when she joined a unanimous vote to insist that Sunday service continue....a requirement in the lease they signed...


...we learned that Cafe V on two separate occasions still took it upon itself to OPEN later than the lease demanded.

Know who the board liaison to the restaurant is?

None other than Jean Capillupo, the subject of this article.

Why did she not bring this to the attention of her fellow board members

What about the continual financing of this place that LITERALLY ALMOST AN ENTIRE COMMUNITY OPPOSED?

She was always there to say "How much to you want?" to the restaurant owner, wasn't she? 

A month ago, I attended a Board Book meeting and the subject of LOANS made to the restaurant owner came up in the discussions.

Keep in mind....they had been continually DELINQUENT in their rent and UTILITIES, when the loan was granted.

My question at that meeting ?

"Did you vet the individuals who were requesting the loan?"

Her answer..."we did it when the restaurant first opened".

Other than the delinquencies, give them a loan at below the prime rate of interest without a current vetting of the individual(s) who were making the request?

Yup...that's what happened !

And the silence from the remaining board members was deafening.....with one of them who shall remain unnamed looked at me like a Cheshire Cat as if...

"You got her on that one"

Her response...."Well it was complicated, you've not familiar with this."

Complicated....not familiar... my patoote....she was making excuses as if I had no idea of what I was speaking of....despite my years of self-employment and degree in economic, finance, and marketing.


...a mistake that each and every resident of Sun City Anthem had assumed the financial responsibility as a result of her actions.

Now...we are being confronted with perhaps the most substantial project in the history of our association....


...a road unfamiliar to ANY PERSON on this board.

A committee was chosen to investigate potential candidates for the position of General Manager, and of those three board members on that committee, one, Carl Weinstein, was the ONLY MEMBER who had any experience in Human Relations.

What would become of that decision?

Mr. Weinstein was dismissed WITHOUT AN ABILITY TO ASK "WHY"...

...and replaced by... guessed it....Jean Capillupo.

And so...when you have INCOMPETENCE at any level of decision making authority....there can be but only one result...and based on this woman's past, that means...

(I won't use the word to describe it)

Last but not least, each Anthem community has a designated representative to "Anthem Council", an organization that essentially makes financial decisions for properties that share commonality with the various Anthem communities.

Who is the Sun City Anthem representative to Anthem Council?

I know this will come as a complete surprise....

...Jean Capillupo.

And she was the one who actually had the audacity to publicly send out a bulletin ON SUN CITY ANTHEM STATIONERY....while president of the association....

...that community blogs were presenting

When we asked her to be specific...

...her response...

SILENCE....she could "dish it", but when asked for an explanation, she refused to give one.

Well,  if we have in some way provided "misinformation",
we're unaware of that she was referring to when she made that RUDE PUBLIC COMMENT ON OFFICIAL SUN CITY ANTHEM STATIONERY...

...BUT we fully believe it's small potatoes compared to the INCOMPETENCE she has displayed for the past 3+ years.

And we'd like to give her some advice if she really wants to do the right thing in light of her OFFICIAL VOTING RECORD. of two actions that most residents of Sun City Anthem would be forever grateful !




We want to hear from you, our readers.  

Have you had enough of this board member's antics that have cost Sun City Anthem thousands of dollars over the past 3+ years?

Send us an email to:

Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Pat Opinions

    Regarding Self Governance, I don't know how or where this started, but this is a step in the wrong direction for our community.

    The current board members can't even get the restaurant under control, how the heck are they going to self govern?

    I moved here from Sun City MacDonald Ranch because of the poor quality of self governance. Yes the association fees are small, but the quality of the community club house and grounds is very run down, just drive by on Green Valley Parkway and notice the landscaping..

    I also understand Vic is no longer associated with the restaurant and wants nothing to do with it. Having been run by an incompetent staff and given the green light to make their own rules and not enforcing our contract.

    When will we all get inspired enough to say enough is enough!

    Write, phone, e-mail or text all of these board members to do the right thing.
  2. Pat, would it surprise you that this idea was the belief of JEAN CAPILLUPO and her "Carver Method" of know, the "book way of doing things" that ignores PEOPLE, and instead encompasses concepts and theories ?

    After all, everything she believes seems to come by way of a TEXTBOOK rather than real life BUSINESS ACUMEN..because SHE HAD NONE.. as a public employee in a school district.

  3. From Maryanne Opinions

    Good morning,

    As a renter in this community I don't have a voice vote but I must relate this incident.

    About a month ago having some out of town visitors , I proudly toured them about the excellent facilities.

    Since they were hungry we stopped in Vic's about 1pm.

    We waited about 10 minutes until a server appeared wearing a dirty apron and a rude attitude.

    Also the menu was filthy wrinkled paper.

    Ugh! She returned with water glasses said nothing and we left.

    My point is can't you get rid of this place for violations?

    Since the rest of SCA facilities are so excellent, why does this need to be here?

    Thanks for all you do.
  1. From Samuel L. Opinions

    Yes, Jean, you have to go. Please resign and take Bella with you.te
  1. From Robert Opinions

    Guess there's no way in our bylaws to start "Impeachment Proceedings"??​

  2. There is, Robert, but recent changes in the law have made it all but impossible to accomplish.

    You would need 3,573 votes to impeach.

    When you consider that only about 2,000 people vote in any election, that means that when those who are elected and subsequently act on their own behalf rather than the public good, we are stuck with them for the duration of their term.

    There are only 4 ways to end this nightmare in my opinion.

    1. She resigns (but those who have experienced her egomania know that is impossible for her to ever admit she made a mistake).

    2. If she decides to run for reelection for a 3rd term, make sure you not only vote against her, but tell every living person you know who resides in Sun City Anthem of her despicable track record of failure and waste.

    3. File a formal complaint with the Ombudsman and claim that her actions are a BREACH OF FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY as a board member...stressing your reasoning was that she was responsible for entering into an agreement SHE KNEW WOULD CAUSE FINANCIAL HARM to the Sun City Anthem community. There is little doubt,,,and adequate reasoning...that she knew full well that Cafe V was losing money, yet chose to waste association funds to sustain an independent profit-making entity causing financial LOSS to Sun City Anthem residents.

    4. Encourage others who believe change is possible and are willing to make change, to consider running for the board in the next election.
  3. From David Opinions

    Thank you for your hard work at protecting the interests of our community.

    I agree with our editorial concerning Jean Capillupo and have sent her an email requesting her resignation.

    I doubt if it will prompt her to do so but at least she will see that there are more people who would like her to step down.

    Is there any way to recall her? If there is, I would be happy to assist.

  4. Dave, everyone should have your passion...and thanks for the offer to assist in a recall effort.

    Read my previous comment about the difficulty in obtaining a successful recall of this woman...but...I send you kudos...and ENCOURAGE ALL OF OUR do as you did by sending Jean Capillupo an email asking her to resign.

    She probably won't but at the very least, if enough people send such an email, perhaps she can get it through her head just what people think of her actions....and...the damage they have caused.
  5. From Laura Opinions

    Thanks again for a very informative blog and for being so dedicated to this travesty of justice.

    I don't think this woman is capable of "changing her act". She is so narcissistic..

    Can we send out a mailing to every home owner to make them aware of this crucial situation. A lot of people, I'm sure, don't get your blog and might not be aware of this ongoing nightmare. We have to remove her from her position on the Board and anyone else that agrees with her.

    She should be ashamed of herself. Don't know how she can show her face in the community.

    Enough is enough!
    1. From Janet Opinions

      My question is, why didn't the residents have a vote to determine if we want self management?

      As a 15 year resident, all the failed restaurants that the board selected certainly reflect the areas of non expertise they have.

      Why should self management be any different?

      We seem to be on a very rocky road. Too bad.
  6. From Elaine Opinions

    I have one simple question – How can a board of 7 people decide the fate of 7200+ without a vote regarding self management since they can’t seem to control the running of the restaurant?
  7. Elaine, I too, have wondered about that myself.

    I think a matter of this magnitude should have been placed on a formal ballot with both sides of the argument presented by a number of INDEPENDENT individuals to present their case for and against this issue.

    That may have given people an opportunity to digest the pros and cons and vote accordingly in an intelligent manner.

    Then again, that means "asking the people" what they wish...something NO BOARD has been willing to do as long as I've resided in Sun City Anthem.
  1. From Robert & Marlene Opinions

    Couldn't agree more.

    What are our options for accomplishing a recall?

    Getting any kind of majority of residents to vote would be a real project given the apathy shown in the elections.
  2. Robert & Marlene,

    Our options are minimal due to having to have 3,573 vote to impeach.

    But....our objective is actually being met.

    In excess of 1,500 people from different computers have read this article thus far, and with the number of responses, Jean Capillupo would have to be naive to believe her positions meet with the approval of residents.

    NOT A SINGLE COMMENT has been in favor of her or defending her in any way.

    We have an election coming up in 2016. Let's concentrate on this incompetence and make sure people like her are NEVER allowed to hold any position of responsibility again.

    I can assure you that Anthem Opinions will make every effort to look deeply into the backgrounds of any candidates who choose to run, and will bring you the FULL STORY about each and every one.

    One more thing....make sure you tell your friends to subscribe to this blog if they want the FULL STORY and an objective view.

    Also keep in mind that there are some on this board who deserve kudos for the valiant effort they have made in protecting the financial well-being of Sun City Anthem; namely Carl Weinstein and Jim Mayfield.

    Unfortunately, they seem to have paid a price for not "going along to get along".

    The 4 others leave much to be desired in leadership...and are ALL without any relevant experience.

    Let's concentrate on replacing them at the earliest opportunity.


  1. From Pat Opinions

    I don't know how or where this started, but this is a step in the wrong direction for our community.

    The current board members can't even get the restaurant under control, how the heck are they going to self govern?

    I moved here from Sun City MacDonald Ranch because of the poor quality of self governance. Yes the association fees are small, but the quality of the community club house and grounds is very run down, just drive by on Green Valley Parkway and notice the landscaping..

    I also understand Vic is no longer associated with the restaurant and wants nothing to do with it. Having been run by an incompetent staff and given the green light to make their own rules and not enforcing our contract.

    When will we all get inspired enough to say enough is enough!

    Write, phone, e-mail or text all of these board members to do the right thing.

  2. Pat, would it surprise you that this idea was the belief of JEAN CAPILLUPO and her "Carver Method" of know, the "book way of doing things" that ignores PEOPLE.and instead encompasses concepts and theories ?

    After all, everything she believes seems to come by way of a TEXTBOOK rather than real life BUSINESS ACUMEN..because SHE HAD NONE.. as a public employee in a school district.


  3. From Maryanne Opinions

    Good morning,

    As a renter in this community I don't have a voice vote but I must relate this incident.

    About a month ago having some out of town visitors , I proudly toured them about the excellent facilities.

    Since they were hungry we stopped in Vic's about 1pm.

    We waited about 10 minutes until a server appeared wearing a dirty apron and a rude attitude.

    Also the menu was filthy wrinkled paper.

    Ugh! She returned with water glasses said nothing and we left.

    My point is can't you get rid of this place for violations?

    Since the rest of SCA facilities are so excellent why does this need to be here?

    Thanks for all you do.

  4. From Samuel L. Opinions

    Yes, Jean, you have to go. Please resign and take Bella with you.

  5. From Robert Opinions

    Guess there's no way in our bylaws to start "Impeachment Proceedings"??​

  6. There is, Robert, but recent changes in the law have made it all but impossible to accomplish.

    You would need 3,573 votes to impeach.

    When you consider that only about 2,000 people vote in any election, that means that when those who are elected and subsequently act on their own behalf rather than the public good, we are stuck with them for the duration of their term.

    There are only 4 ways to end this nightmare in my opinion.

    1. She resigns (but those who have experienced her egomania know that is impossible for her to ever admit she made a mistake).

    2. If she decides to run for reelection for a 3rd term, make sure you not only vote against her, but tell every living person you know who resides in Sun City Anthem of her despicable track record of failure and waste.

    3. File a formal complaint with the Ombudsman and claim that her actions are a BREACH OF FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY as a board member...stressing your reasoning was that she was responsible for entering into an agreement SHE KNEW WOULD CAUSE FINANCIAL HARM to the Sun City Anthem community. There is little doubt,,,and adequate reasoning...that she knew full well that Cafe V was losing money, yet chose to waste association funds to sustain an independent profit-making entity causing financial LOSS to Sun City Anthem residents.

    4. Encourage others who believe change is possible and are willing to make change, to consider running for the board in the next election.

  7. From David Opinions

    Thank you for your hard work at protecting the interests of our community.

    I agree with our editorial concerning Jean Capillupo and have sent her an email requesting her resignation.

    I doubt if it will prompt her to do so but at least she will see that there are more people who would like her to step down.

    Is there any way to recall her? If there is, I would be happy to assist.


  8. Dave, everyone should have your passion...and thanks for the offer to assist in a recall effort.

    Read my previous comment about the difficulty in obtaining a successful recall of this woman...but...I send you kudos...and ENCOURAGE ALL OF OUR do as you did by sending Jean Capillupo an email asking her to resign.

    She probably won't but at the very least, if enough people send such an email, perhaps she can get it through her head just what people think of her actions....and...the damage they have caused.

  9. From Laura Opinions

    Thanks again for a very informative blog and for being so dedicated to this travesty of justice.

    I don't think this woman is capable of "changing her act". She is so narcissistic..

    Can we send out a mailing to every home owner to make them aware of this crucial situation. A lot of people, I'm sure, don't get your blog and might not be aware of this ongoing nightmare. We have to remove her from her position on the Board and anyone else that agrees with her.

    She should be ashamed of herself. Don't know how she can show her face in the community.

    Enough is enough!

  10. From Janet Opinions

    My question is, why didn't the residents have a vote to determine if we want self management?

    As a 15 year resident, all the failed restaurants that the board selected certainly reflect the areas of non expertise they have.

    Why should self management be any different?

    We seem to be on a very rocky road. Too bad.

  11. From Elaine Opinions

    I have one simple question – How can a board of 7 people decide the fate of 7200+ without a vote regarding self management since they can’t seem to control the running of the restaurant?

  12. Elaine, I too, have wondered about that myself.

    I think a matter of this magnitude should have been placed on a formal ballot with both sides of the argument presented by a number of INDEPENDENT individuals to present their case for and against this issue.

    That may have given people an opportunity to digest the pros and cons and vote accordingly in an intelligent manner.

    Then again, that means "asking the people" what they wish...something NO BOARD has been willing to do as long as I've resided in Sun City Anthem.

  13. From Robert & Marlene Opinions

    Couldn't agree more.

    What are our options for accomplishing a recall?

    Getting any kind of majority of residents to vote would be a real project given the apathy shown in the elections.

  14. Robert & Marlene.

    Our options are minimal due to having to have 3,573 vote to impeach.

    But....our objective is actually being met.

    In excess of 1,500 people from different computers have read this article thus far, and with the number of responses, Jean Capillupo would have to be naive to believe her positions meet with the approval of residents.

    NOT A SINGLE COMMENT has been in favor of her or defending her in any way.

    We have an election coming up in 2016. Let's concentrate on this incompetence and make sure people like her are NEVER allowed to hold any position of responsibility again.

    I can assure you that Anthem Opinions will make every effort to look deeply into the backgrounds of any candidates who choose to run, and will bring you the FULL STORY about each and every one.

    One more thing....make sure you tell your friends to subscribe to this blog if they want the FULL STORY and an objective view.

    Also keep in mind that there are some on this board who deserve kudos for the valiant effort they have made in protecting the financial well-being of Sun City Anthem; namely Carl Weinstein and Jim Mayfield.

    Unfortunately, they seem to have paid a price for not "going along to get along".

    The 4 others leave much to be desired in leadership...and are ALL without any relevant experience.

    Let's concentrate on replacing them at the earliest opportunity.
