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Monday, September 21, 2015

Let Us Entertain You...with an Anthem Opinions Editorial

Cafe V to Get a New

Huh ?  

Something new on the menu to offer "specials" to Sun City Anthem residents? 

We're buying the guy a lizard ?

Couldn't be...but the question remains...

"What the H _ _ L is a salamander?"

When you're a guy whose only experience in a kitchen is the location of the refrigerator, and whose cooking experience is pretty well limited to the words " Big Mac, Coke and Fries", cooking words are rather foreign in my vocabulary....

so... to Wikipedia I went to find out just what this contraption was all about.

The best I could find was that this machine is:

... "a cheese melting cooking device used primarily in commercial restaurant kitchens. Powered by direct flame of electricity, these long, toaster-like appliances allow cooks to put finishing touches on dishes, especially those topped with shredded cheese."

And so...we are about to buy Cafe V a new cheese melter.

This is an example of a salamander...not the actual one, should the board approve its purchase.
Why we're buying Cafe V a cheese melter when, to my knowledge, "grilled cheese" doesn't appear to be on its best seller menu...I'll never understand !'s in the budget...a reserve item...something that you are supposed to believe is needed...because it was previously a group of people...who design budgets!

Now...if that makes sense to you, perhaps you might explain that to me !

I'm saving the best part, though. 

Turns out this wonderful "gotta have it gadget" will cost...


and to install it...



And that's Seven Grand so Cafe V can provide his "numerous customers" melted cheese.

Well that set me off into checking the internet for one of these "necessary" machines...and here's what I found:

...and low and behold, after examining the many varieties available...the most expensive one I could find on this list was a whole lot less than what "the budget approved".

So now you know....$7,000 of our money for a restaurant that doesn't open every day, for a place that YOU AND I ALREADY SUBSIDIZE.

And how much of this will be paid by the renter?


Looks like our board has figured out yet another way of
using our money to...

"Cut the Cheese"

Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions

  1. From Laura Opinions

    WHY, WHY, WHY, do we keep allowing these people to pour good money after bad into this losing proposition of a so-called restaurant? I just don't understand why nothing is being done.

    It makes my blood boil!

    Thanks for keeping us informed.
    1. And it makes all of our wallets, cry, Laura.

      1. From Forest Opinions

        Did SCA President Bella Meese and Secretary Jean Capulippo sabotage plans to dump the failing restaurant?

        It is no secret Café V is a failing entity and a poor excuse of a restaurant serving only a few residents.

        Bella and Jean (ladies that must have a place to eat lunch) liaison to the restaurant, decided between themselves to cut the restaurant another hand-out by waiving more of the utilities that were the responsibility of Café V to pay after other rent and utility reductions had been given.

        Noted…this was done without any other board members approval. Some of the Board Members I have talked are not very “happy” with Bella and Jeans antics.

        By doing this, Bella and Jean either knowingly or unknowingly threw a wrench in the eviction process our SCA Attorney John Leach was trying (slowly, I must admit) to resolve without another lawsuit against SCA, as was the case with the original restaurant “Trumpets.”

        Trumpets restaurant failed to meet the lease agreement stopped paying rent for about two years. SCA sued and somehow-someway we lost the case and paid them $250,000. Sounds like a good case of poor legal representation on our behalf.

        So now, according to Nelson Orth, Café V is about another $17,000 in the rears, they are still in business, serving substandard food to the few who dare to eat there.

        Thank you Bella and Jean for your thoughtlessness and power mongering.


  1. From Laura Opinions

    WHY, WHY, WHY, do we keep allowing these people to pour good money after bad into this losing proposition of a so-called restaurant? I just don't understand why nothing is being done.

    It makes my blood boil!

    Thanks for keeping us informed.

  2. And it makes all of our wallets, cry, Laura.

  3. From Forest Opinions

    Did SCA President Bella Meese and Secretary Jean Capulippo sabotage plans to dump the failing restaurant?

    It is no secret Café V is a failing entity and a pour excuse of a restaurant serving only a few residents.

    Bella and Jean (ladies that must have a place to eat lunch) liaison to the restaurant, decided between themselves to cut the restaurant another hand-out by waiving more of the utilities that were the responsibility of Café V to pay after other rent and utility reductions had been given.

    Noted…this was done without any other board members approval. Some of the Board Members I have talked are not very “happy” with Bella and Jeans antics.

    By doing this, Bella and Jean either knowingly or unknowingly threw a wrench in the eviction process our SCA Attorney John Leach was trying (slowly, I must admit) to resolve without another lawsuit against SCA, as was the case with the original restaurant “Trumpets.”

    Trumpets restaurant failed to meet the lease agreement stopped paying rent for about two years. SCA sued and somehow-someway we lost the case and paid them $250,000. Sounds like a good case of poor legal representation on our behalf.

    So now, according to Nelson Orth, Café V is about another $17,000 in the rears, they are still in business, serving substandard food to the few who dare to eat there.

    Thank you Bella and Jean for your thoughtlessness and power mongering.
