Information Pages

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Cost to American Taxpayers is Astronomical...and...Growing

The Financial Facts
About Legal and Illegal Immigration

We make it a point not to become "political" as to individual candidates, but some interesting facts were recently disclosed about the costs Americans bear for both legal and illegal immigration....

...and in our opinion they were startling much so that we'd like YOUR OPINION !

We all know that this topic has become a major issue to candidates in the 2016 presidential race, but recently the Obama administration has determined that the nation is planning to admit an ADDITIONAL 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States...

...and according to Catholic Charities...

...many will be relocated to the Las Vegas area.

A new report shows that more than half of U.S. immigrants receive some kind of government assistance.

That's according to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, D.C.-based group that advocates for lower levels of immigration.

The group looked at data from a 2012 Census Bureau survey.

51% of immigrant-led households (legal or illegal) reported that they tapped into at least one kind of benefit, including medicaid, welfare, food stamps and housing assistance, over the course of the year.

The report does point out where immigrant needs were met most by public assistance programs: 40% of households depended on food assistance and 42% were on Medicaid.

The report looked at immigrants who are naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, those on short-term visas and undocumented immigrants.

It also estimated that 76% of immigrant-led homes with kids received welfare

And now...we'd like your opinion on this subject by asking you some questions !

1. Do you believe we have an immigration crisis in the United States?

2. Do you believe this subject will play an important role in the coming 2016 presidential election?

3. Do you believe that the United States should admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees...many to the Las Vegas area?

If this issue is of concern to you....

4.  If the election was held TODAY, of any presidential candidate...Democrat & Republican...declared or undeclared.... which one do you believe would address this issue in a manner you would support?

Send us your thoughts.

Our email address is:

Anthem Opinions Administration 

  1. From Suzy Opinions

    I believe this country is rich beyond imagination.
    I wake up in the morning, NOT wondering where
    my meals will come from or where I will sleep
    at night. THAT is rich.

    The Syrians are choosing between death at home
    and death on the road. I cannot imagine such a
    choice. I have NEVER had to make a choice such
    as this.

    With our malls and restaurants full of people, I
    think the least we can do is reach out to these
    unfortunate displaced persons. Other countries
    have stepped up to the plate because it is the
    right thing to do.
  2. From Peter Opinions

    Hi Dick.

    I want to make a comment on today’s blog on immigrants using government assistance.

    You include naturalized citizens in your statistics. America is made up of naturalized citizens, their families, and for earlier immigrants, their descendants. It’s not meaningful to include these people along with illegal immigrants. Government assistance programs were designed for Americans who have worked for and contributed towards the success and prosperity of their country. That includes naturalized citizens. You need statistics to show the impact of non-citizens on government programs.
  3. Peter, what a terrific comment. These were the only statistics that were available when I wrote the article.

    Taking out "naturalized citizens" (which I might add, would have included my dear mother), probably would have made the financiial statistics more costly to the American taxpayer...whether they are native born or naturalized..

    Thanks for putting a different light on the subject.

    1. From Peter Opinions

      It would be interesting to find out what the numbers would be without the naturalized citizens. I’m not sure whether it would go up or down.

      If there are a very large number of these citizens taking advantage of government programs, then the number would go down, but I suspect you’re right and the majority of people taking advantage are the illegal immigrants.

      On a related subject, I just wanted to add my opinion on the subject of children born here to illegal immigrants, becoming citizens.

      I heard someone on TV read the exact wording that specifies all children born here are Americans by definition, and it sounded very much like the authors did not conceive of the situation we are now in.

      It sounded like it assumed that anyone born here was born to someone who had a legitimate right to be here.

      In my opinion, the wording should be clarified to eliminate children of people here illegally.

      While I’m at opining, I think the same applies to the ownership of guns.

      The Constitution was written to allow for a legitimate militia to protect the country.

      Guns can be used for both defense and offense and I think the Constitution authors did not consider that some people would want to own a gun purely for offensive purposes or to facilitate a crime or use it to resolve an argument.

      Pandora’s box has been opened now and you can’t take all the guns back, so let’s at least try to impose some control and restriction on their ownership and use.

      That’s it for my “opinions” – I’m off the soapbox now!
      1. September 15, 2015 at 5:16 AM
        From Josette Opinions

        1. YES.
        2. YES.
        3. NO.
        4. TRUMP.

        1. From David Opinions

          1. Do you believe we have an immigration crisis in the United States?

          It is a problem but not a crisis.

          2. Do you believe this subject will play an important role in the coming 2016 presidential election?

          It probably will but it shouldn't.

          3. Do you believe that the United States should admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees...many to the Las Vegas area?

          Hmmmm.. 10,000...many to Las Vegas. How do we know they will be placed here? Sounds like a scare tactic.

          4. If the election was held TODAY, of any presidential candidate...Democrat & Republican...declared or undeclared.... which one do you believe would address this issue in a manner you would support?

          I don't think any of them have any idea what to do nor do they have the political independence to make sane decisions. Especially most of the Republican candidates. What happened to this party.


  1. From Suzy Opinions

    I believe this country is rich beyond imagination.
    I wake up in the morning, NOT wondering where
    my meals will come from or where I will sleep
    at night. THAT is rich.

    The Syrians are choosing between death at home
    and death on the road. I cannot imagine such a
    choice. I have NEVER had to make a choice such
    as this.

    With our malls and restaurants full of people, I
    think the least we can do is reach out to these
    unfortunate displaced persons. Other countries
    have stepped up to the plate because it is the
    right thing to do.

  2. From Peter Opinions

    Hi Dick.

    I want to make a comment on today’s blog on immigrants using government assistance.

    You include naturalized citizens in your statistics. America is made up of naturalized citizens, their families, and for earlier immigrants, their descendants. It’s not meaningful to include these people along with illegal immigrants. Government assistance programs were designed for Americans who have worked for and contributed towards the success and prosperity of their country. That includes naturalized citizens. You need statistics to show the impact of non-citizens on government programs.

  3. Peter, what a terrific comment. These were the only statistics that were available when I wrote the article.

    Taking out "naturalized citizens" (which I might add, would have included my dear mother), probably would have made the financiial statistics more costly to the American taxpayer...whether they are native born or naturalized..

    Thanks for putting a different light on the subject.


  4. From Peter Opinions

    It would be interesting to find out what the numbers would be without the naturalized citizens. I’m not sure whether it would go up or down.

    If there are a very large number of these citizens taking advantage of government programs, then the number would go down, but I suspect you’re right and the majority of people taking advantage are the illegal immigrants.

    On a related subject, I just wanted to add my opinion on the subject of children born here to illegal immigrants, becoming citizens.

    I heard someone on TV read the exact wording that specifies all children born here are Americans by definition, and it sounded very much like the authors did not conceive of the situation we are now in.

    It sounded like it assumed that anyone born here was born to someone who had a legitimate right to be here.

    In my opinion, the wording should be clarified to eliminate children of people here illegally.

    While I’m at opining, I think the same applies to the ownership of guns.

    The Constitution was written to allow for a legitimate militia to protect the country.

    Guns can be used for both defense and offense and I think the Constitution authors did not consider that some people would want to own a gun purely for offensive purposes or to facilitate a crime or use it to resolve an argument.

    Pandora’s box has been opened now and you can’t take all the guns back, so let’s at least try to impose some control and restriction on their ownership and use.

    That’s it for my “opinions” – I’m off the soapbox now!

  5. From Josette Opinions

    1. YES.
    2. YES.
    3. NO.
    4. TRUMP.

  6. From David Opinions

    1. Do you believe we have an immigration crisis in the United States?

    It is a problem but not a crisis.

    2. Do you believe this subject will play an important role in the coming 2016 presidential election?

    It probably will but it shouldn't.

    3. Do you believe that the United States should admit an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees...many to the Las Vegas area?

    Hmmmm.. 10,000...many to Las Vegas. How do we know they will be placed here? Sounds like a scare tactic.

    4. If the election was held TODAY, of any presidential candidate...Democrat & Republican...declared or undeclared.... which one do you believe would address this issue in a manner you would support?

    I don't think any of them have any idea what to do nor do they have the political independence to make sane decisions. Especially most of the Republican candidates. What happened to this party.
