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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Looking Back at 2015 in Sun City Anthem....An Anthem Opinions Editorial (Part Three of Three)

2015 Sun City Anthem Board
A Comedy of Financial Errors & Failures !
(Part Three of Three)

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This is the final installment of a three part series of articles looking back over 2015 and the uncertain future we, as Sun City Anthem residents, will face as we enter 2016.

In our previous articles, we discussed the utter calamity of decisions leading to the failure of the restaurant, and the unanswered questions that remain about our transition to self-management.

Today, we will conclude with the many questions that remain regarding the problems associated with the closing of the Liberty Center.

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Before we begin, we want all of you to know that the Association President announced that the projected date that the Liberty Center will reopen is THE END OF FEBRUARY, 2016.

And so...with that statement in mind, let's examine a number of the concerns surrounding that building as 2016 rapidly approaches.

First....WHY would anyone have structured a deal where we would not be allowed to examine a building prior to accepting it? simply....not only INCOMPETENT...but...INSANE.  

Why would those board members "cave" to the whims of a builder regarding a simple request to inspect the third recreation center through an independent and impartial firm before accepting the building? 

Actually, PULTE was LEGALLY BOUND by a MASTER PLAN CHANGE  they, as the builder,negotiated with the City of Henderson

This agreement allowed the builder to both increase housing density (that's why homes in the Black Mountain Village and certain other areas  are closer together than homes built in earlier phases)...


...construct The LIberty Center.

The "catch"....a third golf course would not be built.

These changes allowed the builder to increase their profits while not being saddled with what would have, in all likelihood, been a money losing golf course.

Not constructing that 3rd golf course was understandable....the rest WAS NOT.

Pulte hesitated on the Liberty Center construction much to the dismay of residents living in that area of Sun City Anthem....

...and the "natives grew restless" threatening legal action...with the ultimate result of The Liberty Center finally being constructed.

Why did it take a group of homeowners to threaten such action to obtain A PRODUCT THEY WERE PROMISED IN A LEGAL SALES DOCUMENT ????????

And...when it was finally determined that it would be as obviously assumed that it would be done correctly.

What happens when you ASSUME without dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t's" ???

The inevitable conclusion.... make an...

ASS out of U and ME !

Was negotiating a demand to merely independently EXAMINE A BUILDING before accepting it......too much to ask?

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In a previous "mailbag" article written by resident, Forrest Fetherolf, and published by Anthem Opinions on November 22, 2015, entitled

"Sun City Anthem Liberty Center Debacle...
It Could Have Been Easily Avoided"

...Mr. Fetherolf made a concerted effort as a concerned citizen with over 30 years of experience at owning a contracting and construction firm, to volunteer his expertise to then Board President, Roz Berman...recommending a formal inspection by an outside independent party.

What was the result of an EXPERIENCED REQUEST ? 

He was not only merely IGNORED...but in subsequent articles published on David's Anthem Journal, was referred to as a CLOWN, at the time Fetherolf ran for a Board Director position.

What the community seems to have forgotten, or many newer residents are unaware of...and never brought up in David's Anthem Journal, was that David Berman was also a member of the board at the time the Liberty Center deal was originally determined.

Well...that supposed "clown" evidently knew what he was talking about, didn't he?

Only those who "made the call" can answer the question of who is to blame, but the question itself is legitimate. 

Who ????

Someone was responsible for the inadequate construction of that building that is now closed, facing major expense to repair.

And whether we, the community, must personally pay to have the Liberty Center restored, or if insurance will cover some of the cost...

Sun City Anthem must face this fact...

Those costs will be BORNE BY YOU....whether through assessments, or increased insurance premiums due to the poor experience claim rating that WILL RESULT.

Another concern....RAIN. !

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It certainly has rained a number of times since the Liberty Center was built....and...when the Liberty Center roof leaked from the very onset, as it has been well documented over the years...

One would think that any intelligent person would know the obvious potential result if not promptly and properly addressed...

MOLD....MOLD...lots of MOLD

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Is there anyone out there that would allow a leak to remain in your home without fixing it IMMEDIATELY?

Which brings the next concern !

If the management company WAS AWARE OF THE roof leaking... 

(Many times water on the floor had to be mopped, and buckets placed to catch the water from constant numerous leaks) 

What action or actions were taken BY THEM TO CORRECT THE PROBLEM  ???


If they did address it.....

Did they properly fix it ??? 

The last question appears to have an obvious answer. 

If it was originally fixed PROPERLY...

Why did it continue to leak and eventually allowed to create MOLD ????

That certainly is a $64,000 question we should be asking !

Finally there is the issue of WHY IT WAS ACCEPTED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS.

Arguments have been made trying to make an excuse as to a former Sun City Anthem president, Roz Berman,  merely carrying out the dictum of a previous board.

Roz Berman

Are those people kidding and merely have their heads stuck in a bucket of sand? 

That, again, is our opinion...merely BUCK PASSING....

...a common trait by most former Board members who have refused to accept responsibility for POOR DECISIONS they made, and refuse to admit THEY ERRED IN JUDGMENT.

It has to leaves little left to the imagination when it comes to the future of our community's financial well-being if such governance is allowed to continue.

Let me close this series of articles and ask all of you to join me at the ballot box in the coming months with this attitude:

858f9fc1f0bffe46152e65f9b90fc0f8c085554067eb0ed75a1b9399dcbceb66.jpg (625×351) choosing those whose past indicates COMPETENCE, not merely submitted biographies that are UNVETTED and all too often INFLATED, or listening to the all too often BS spoken at what I will loosely call "debates" or the obvious nonsense spoken in videos that we have proven have been LIES following their election as shown in our previous article.

Candidates should voluntarily submit themselves to BACKGROUND CHECKS....avoiding ANY who refuse.

My dear departed father once made a statement to me that took years (and my retirement) to fully understand.

He once said...

"Some People Deserve to be Screwed"

Paying little attention to those who run for Board positions and electing incompetent board members in our association, has more than proven the validity of his statement.

And...we suggest you keep that saying in mind and pass it on to your neighbors as they choose succeeding Sun City Anthem Board members in 2016 and in the years to come.

It takes a very short amount of time to examine the worthiness and credentials of a board candidate.

Don't be one of those who complain, yet are unwilling to do so...

...or my dad's prophetic words will ring loud and clear.

If you are one of those people...take a different approach this year. 

And...consider becoming a candidate who can contribute to changing the past.  
You owe it to those you call FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS.

Tomorrow we will print an Epilogue to these articles.

We hope you read it....and consider the plea it will make of all who are dedicated to making Sun City Anthem the dream we hoped would have existed.

Send us a comment.

Our email address is:

Anthem Opinions Administraton
  1. From Robert Opinions

    ....surprised that they haven't (already) said: "It's Bush's fault". 
    1. From Lloyd Opinions

      I have loved reading your articles about SCA and the boards that have run them.

      Former Pres. Roz who accepted Liberty center what was she thinking when she approved this building?

      Something happens when the people get voted into office at SCA they forget they are part of the community and should be thinking about the rest of us.

      There hasn't been a board yet who knows about the restaurant business.

      God help us in the future if we continue to get people who know nothing about running an association,

      Thank you for your articles. I hope all residents of SCA have read them.
      1. From Jim Opinions

        I like the idea of VETTING candidates for the Board. I also suggest that one DUTY of the new MANAGER be to do the vetting.

        This would make more certain that she would know who she could rely on on the Board to help her and work with her in managing SCA. 


  1. From Robert Opinions

    ....surprised that they haven't (already) said: "It's Bush's fault".

  2. From Lloyd Opinions

    I have loved reading your articles about SCA and the boards that have run them.

    Former Pres. Roz who accepted Liberty center what was she thinking when she approved this building?

    Something happens when the people get voted into office at SCA they forget they are part of the community and should be thinking about the rest of us.

    There hasn't been a board yet who knows about the restaurant business.

    God help us in the future if we continue to get people who know nothing about running an association,

    Thank you for your articles I hope all residents of SCA have read them.

  3. From Jim Opinions

    I like the idea of VETTING candidates for the Board. I also suggest that one DUTY of the new MANAGER be to do the vetting.

    This would make more certain that she would know who she could rely on on the Board to help her and work with her in managing SCA.
