Information Pages

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Beginning of the End of Another Sun City Anthem Restaurant

Cafe V
Served with Eviction Notice

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Pasted on the gates leading to Cafe V, an eviction notice has been posted.

It was served by a process server on December 15, 2015.

We are pleased this is the first step toward solving a problem faced by the Sun City Anthem Community for years.

We also want to call your attention to a three part series of articles that will be published on Monday, December 21st; Tuesday, December 22nd; and Wednesday, December 23rd.

This series of articles will look back at the 2015 calendar year and the decisions made by Board members that had an impact on the Sun City Anthem community's financial condition in 2015.

Let us assure you, we will "tell it as was" during the year....and...

...examine the many questions our community will face in the upcoming year.

Anthem Opinions Administraton
  1. Can't wait for the articles. Tell it like it is.
    1. From Director Carl Opinions

      A correction.

      The posted notice is a "Demand to Clear a Liability" not an eviction notice.

      They have 5 days to clear the liability.

      If they don't, then it becomes an eviction.
      1. From Bud Opinions

        Truth is we all lose, reality is we could have lost less.

        Hand writing on the wall was when Vic took his name off of everything and Café V was left to wither.

        If common sense prevailed, approving the reduction in operating hours and cutting the menu in half (literally) was the point of no return.

        Thank goodness we have Buckman's Grill, and Lord help us with self management headed by this Board. 


  1. Can't wait for the articles. Tell it like it is.

  2. From Director Carl Opinions

    A correction.

    The posted notice is a "Demand to Clear a Liability" not an eviction notice.

    They have 5 days to clear the liability.

    If they don't, then it becomes an eviction.

  3. From Bud Opinions

    Truth is we all lose, reality is we could have lost less.

    Hand writing on the wall was when Vic took his name off of everything and Café V was left to wither.

    If common sense prevailed, approving the reduction in operating hours and cutting the menu in half (literally) was the point of no return.

    Thank goodness we have Buckman's Grill, and Lord help us with self management headed by this Board.
