Information Pages

Sunday, January 24, 2016

"Bella...gate" May Have Been Merely Just Another Chapter in Association Spending

Let Them Eat Cake...Cheesecake !

A couple of months ago, the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors passed a budget showing a 2016 deficit of approximately $300,000, a somewhat troubling figure as we entered this new year.

Keep that in mind as we proceed.

Someone might want to remind our Association Board President,  Bella Meese,  that a deficit means...

 "the coffers are emptying faster than they are being filled"

...and that one might think twice about frivolously spending the almighty buck as a result...

...unless of course you're a bureaucrat who believes "the system owes you"   

Along those lines...

Ever wonder what Board members do on the same the day before board meetings?

Normally they have an executive session and follow that up with a nice lunch.

I have no problem with our association picking up a lunch tab for directors.  After all, it is a voluntary position, but...


Where that lunch treat is obtained and HOW MUCH it costs !

It was recently learned that the Sun City Anthem President,  Bella Meese, made the determination that since Cafe V was no longer available, an excellent alternative was..

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Ever been there?  It's a wonderful place to have thing for sure.....

 It Ain't Cheap !

...and that's where this article is headed !

When you check the internet for a restaurant's menu and the prices aren't included in the listing....

That normally means....BRING THE BANK ACCOUNT !

...and from the "grapevine", rumor has it that this latest "business" luncheon that included a board and "guests" ran up a tab of about.....


...and you and I paid for it !

Of course Mrs. Meese has long demonstrated herself to be a"spend thrift" when it comes to Association funds, hasn't she?

By now you must have been living in a cave not to be aware of the thousands of dollars Bella Meese and various members of the Board squandered on Cafe V and those buses right?

But...we have a bit more for your "digestive" system....

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Looks like we may have "politics" at work !

On Friday, January 22nd Bella Meese was spotted at Buckmans Grill having a "casual"  luncheon with board candidate, Bob Burch.

We know that Mr. Burch, a candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board election, is a "fan favorite" of a number of existing board members...

...previously meeting separately with David Berman and his wife, in a desperate attempt to look for candidates who support the "leadership" qualities that has been "exemplified" with restaurants, buses, and the Liberty Center, over the past year by a number of them.

..and we know that  Mr. Burch STRONGLY SUPPORTS this current board for the "excellent" job they're shown in their spending habits...

...something ALL OF YOU should remember when you cast that Director election ballot !

So we have a couple of questions to ask of Mrs. Meese and Mr. Burch !

Was that just a casual lunch or was there a specific purpose for it ?

Was that the first time either of them had lunch in the past ?

Who called who to have the lunch ?

Any other Board candidates receive a luncheon invitation ?

Was the upcoming election discussed in any way?

and most importantly....


Was it a personal expense or was a SUN CITY ANTHEM CREDIT CARD USED...

...and if cash or a personal credit card was used, WILL THAT BE  SUBMITTED for reimbursement by SUN CITY ANTHEM funds?

Well now, I think that's an honest question that can be asked of a board member expected to be impartial, and a board candidate who is looking to "represent" the best interests of a community, don't you?

And getting back to that lunch ordered from The Cheesecake Factory !!!!

 I certainly hope that was just a rumor ! 

After all, Burger King would have cost about $50 at best!

And...all of that can be simply answered by...


We're not insinuating anything, but then again, if it was...

 "our dough...we should know"

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...don't ya think ?

And to you, our's another one we'd like to ask your opinion.

Is it ethical for a sitting Board member to meet separately with a candidate, or does that somehow create some kind of partiality or conflict of interest?

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Anyone seen this guy?

As a result of this article, I have a feeling a few of our leaders might  be !

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Send us an email.

Let us know your thoughts.

Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Rana Goodman of Anthem Opinions

    I would be interested in knowing :
    1: how many board members were at the lunch, more than 3, I believe would make it an actual meeting if they talk association business.

    2: how many guests in order for the bill to be so high.

    We often eat at there and unless there have been a large group the bill rarely reaches such an amount.
  2. All we need to see is the detailed receipt to get those answers, Rana.
    1. From Marty Opinions

      This is where we show them the door and how it doesn't hit them in the a _ _ on their way out.

      There should be a clause that allows for impeachment !

      Misuse of funds is a clear reason and justifiable reason for such an action.

      1. Marty,

        Yours is not the first comment we have received regarding impeachment.

        It is a difficult process, and with 716 members (from separate homes) signing such a petition to impeach an individual board member, it would then force a ballot where it would require 50% +1 (3573) to formally impeach.

        That would be a momentous task, if not impossible task.

        It wasn't always that way.

        Up until a few years ago, Nevada regulations called for the same number to place the question on the ballot, but once that was accomplished, a simple majority of those who voted was needed to impeach.

        We have "distinguished" lawyers who saw dollar signs in their eyes in making sure "bad apples" stayed in power to thank for that change, and it appears we have a number of board members who have more than embraced that change.

        I hope all can learn a good lesson from this disturbing manner in which association funds are spent....

        ...look carefully at those who "cuddle up" to those with such an abysmal voting track record.

        And we know of one.....Bob Burch.

  1. From Rivka Opinions

    Why are you making such a big deal about a luncheon? Bob Burch is a person of his convictions I trust him thoroughly and will support him. It is a pity that when somebody new and informative wants to run for the board you immediately prejudge him because of a luncheon.

    I suggest you set a more positive tone rather than a constant negative tone.

    I hope you do print this email even though it might not be to your liking.
    1. Rivka,

      Why wouldn't I print your comment?

      I admire your supporting Bob Burch.

      It certainly is in keeping with your past intuition as to your candidate choices.

      I know how much you supported Bella Meese, and especially, Jean Capillupo, in the past.

      Still feel you made a wise decision?

      Or...could you have possibly made a mistake in light of all the matters that have been uncovered by Anthem Opinions FOR YOUR BENEFIT in order that they not take place again and again?

      You really think a candidate that cuddles up to them and has a belief that this board has done an admiral job, would vote against their continued wasteful habits?

      Somehow, we would very much like to understand your logic.

      No Rivka, it's a shame you can't understand that voting for Bob Burch is another vote for the deeds of the "establishment" and everything they stand for...

      ...that a vote for him will CONTINUE the PAST.

      Is that what you want?

      And Rivka, there is a difference between a "negative" tone and a "realistic" one.

      We look at the past, study it, and come to logical conclusions that are pretty much DEAD ON when it comes to accuracy.

      Perhaps Anthem Opinions should give kudos for waste?
      1. From Opinions

        Did I read that right?

        Board members and guests at a lunch at Cheesecake Factory paid for by the membership?

        How does one get on that list?

        I sat on the board of directors for a 3,000 home community in California for seven years and not once was I provided with a free meal paid for by the membership.

        As it should be.

        Being a board member is just as voluntary as participation in a community club and we don't provide them with meals at membership expense.

        Just another perk this board seems to be taking advantage of.
  1. As a result of a our article, we have since learned some additional information, and clarification must be made of what was previously reported.

    It was learned that the $500 was spent for multiple events for authorized purposes over a multi-month period.

    We want to thank Director Carl Weinstein for this clarification and the prompt attention he gave to this matter.

    Our investigation did bring out one other interesting fact, however.

    Lunches paid at alternative locations were HALF the price charged by Cafe V.

    Lunches at Cafe V were authorized by President Bella Meese despite other board members objecting to the high prices; however, those objections were overruled by her, resulting in paying TWICE what alternatives would have provided.


  1. From Rana Goodman of Anthem Opinions

    I would be interested in knowing
    1: how many board members were at the lunch, more than 3, I believe would make it an actual meeting if they talk association business.

    2: how many guests in order for the bill to be so high.

    We often eat at there and unless there have been a large group the bill rarely reaches such an amount.

  2. All we need to see it the detailed receipt to get that answer, Rana.

  3. From Marty Opinions

    This is where we show them the door and how it doesn't hit them in the a _ _ on their way out.

    There should be a clause that allows for impeachment !

    Misuse of funds is a clear reason and justifiable reason for such an action.


  4. Marty,

    Yours is not the first comment we have received regarding impeachment.

    It is a difficult process, and with 716 members (from separate homes) signing such a petition to impeach an individual board member, it would then force a ballot where it would require 50% +1 (3573) to formally impeach.

    That would be a momentous task, if not impossible task.

    It wasn't always that way.

    Up until a few years ago, Nevada regulations called for the same number to place the question on the ballot, but once that was accomplished, a simple majority of those who voted was needed to impeach.

    We have "distinguished" lawyers who saw dollar signs in their eyes in making sure "bad apples" stayed in power to thank for that change, and it appears we have a number of board members who have more than embraced that change.

    I hope all can learn a good lesson from this disturbing manner in which association funds are spent....

    ...look carefully at those who "cuddle up" to those with such an abysmal voting track record.

    And we know of one.....Bob Burch.


  5. From Rivka Opinions

    Why are you making such a big deal about a luncheon? Bob Burch is a person of his convictions I trust him thoroughly and will support him. It is a pity that when somebody new and informative wants to run for the board you immediately prejudge him because of a luncheon.

    I suggest you set a more positive tone rather than a constant negative tone.

    I hope you do print this email even though it might not be to your liking.

  6. Rivka,

    Why wouldn't I print your comment?

    I admire your supporting Bob Burch.

    It certainly is in keeping with your past intuition as to your candidate choices.

    I know how much you supported Bella Meese, and especially, Jean Capillupo, in the past.

    Still feel you made a wise decision?

    Or...could you have possibly made a mistake in light of all the matters that have been uncovered by Anthem Opinions FOR YOUR BENEFIT in order that they not take place again and again?

    You really think a candidate that cuddles up to them and has a belief that this board has done an admiral job, would vote against their continued wasteful habits?

    Somehow, we would very much like to understand your logic.

    No Rivka, it's a shame you can't understand that voting for Bob Burch is another vote for the deeds of the "establishment" and everything they stand for...

    ...that a vote for him will CONTINUE the PAST.

    Is that what you want?

    And Rivka, there is a difference between a "negative" tone and a "realistic" one.

    We look at the past, study it, and come to logical conclusions that are pretty much DEAD ON when it comes to accuracy.

    Perhaps Anthem Opinions should give kudos for waste?

  7. From Opinions

    Did I read that right?

    Board members and guests at a lunch at Cheesecake Factory paid for by the membership?

    How does one get on that list?

    I sat on the board of directors for a 3,000 home community in California for seven years and not once was I provided with a free meal paid for by the membership.

    As it should be.

    Being a board member is just as voluntary as participation in a community club and we don't provide them with meals at membership expense.

    Just another perk this board seems to be taking advantage of.

  8. As a result of a our article, we have since learned some additional information, and clarification must be made of what was previously reported.

    It was learned that the $500 was spent for multiple events for authorized purposes over a multi-month period.

    We want to thank Director Carl Weinstein for this clarification and the prompt attention he gave to this matter.

    Our investigation did bring out one other interesting fact, however.

    Lunches paid at alternative locations were HALF the price charged by Cafe V.

    Lunches at Cafe V were authorized by President Bella Meese despite other board members objecting to the high prices; however, those objections were overruled by her, resulting in paying TWICE what alternatives would have provided.
