Information Pages

Sunday, January 31, 2016

First Position Paper of 2016 Sun City Anthem Board Candidate

Sun City Board Candidate
Barry Goldstein

Proposed Governance Changes
Self Management
Our community is about to embark on a completely new method of managing our association day to day operations.

It is my humble opinion that we, the members of our association, must move past our history of trying to blame someone for past mistakes; that, in order to be successful in self management, we all must turn that page of past disappointments to a future of positive accomplishments.

Here is my road to make this happen:

I believe in the KISS system. (keep it simple, stupid)

The current members of the Board of Directors not up for election must be able to give up all remnants of absolute power that was created by the Board Policy Manual.

The job of the Board of Directors under Governance would be to set the Goals, Objectives, and Budget constraints of the General Manager.

Their responsibility thereafter, should be monitoring the success or inability of the General Manager to meet the tasks put forth by the Board , paying close attention to fulfilling their FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITIES to our association members.

The General Manager would have total control of daily day to day operations in order to meet the Board approved mandates.

The standing committees would be used by the General Manager to ensure successfully following the rules of NRS 116,etc. and the association CC&R's.

This is an important step as the short period of time the General Manager has been in our community, she would need some guidance with these rules and regulations.

In establishing these guidelines, one must always remember that "absolute power corrupts". 

I cannot stress enough my firm belief that seeking election to our Board must encompass an individual's full understanding of the words "FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY".

We also elect individuals who have the personality and common 
sense to allow the  association General Manager do her job.

As a member of the finance committee, I experienced the effect of absolute power of the current Board of Directors.

Their insistence in maintaining that attitude of control, which they exercise over the community;  will, in my opinion, not work effectively under self management.

I thought Jim Mayfield did an efficient job of presenting his vision of future management, but answers to questions and proper clarification must be forthcoming in order for our association to fully comprehend the affects of the suggested changes prior to implementation.

If any of your readers would like to ask me direct questions regarding  my position on issues that may be of concern to them, my email is:

Have comments or questions for Barry Goldstein?

Send them to :

  1. From Josette Opinions

    I like Barry's analysis of what the board should be.
    1. Josette,

      We've offered other candidates the opportunity to share their thoughts and positions.

      It's a wonderful opportunity to ask honest questions. Remember, any candidate who participates, has agreed to answer all relevant questions.

      Let's hope they will be as responsive as Barry Goldstein.
      1. From Mary Lee Opinions

        Excellent First Position Paper!!!!
        1. From Tito Goldstein (through Anthem Opinions)


          I'm glad you are running again for the Board.

          I voted for you the last time and I would again this time around.

          Considering what has been happening since we moved to Sun City Anthem 7 years ago, we need people in the Board like you who have a good business sense and respectful of every resident in our community. Let me cut to the chase and ask your opinion on the one issue that had bothered me and hundreds of residents and that is, the restaurant or the recent fiasco with "Cafe V".

          The Board as well as our famous resident, David Berman, had trumpeted for this restaurant since its inception, pointing to us how important it is to our community for reasons most of us cannot imagine.

          The majority of our residents, including me, are on fixed Social Security income and watch every dollar we spend for eating out. There are so many available deals, comps and bargains the "casinos" offer to local residents to attract them to eat at their restaurants, not to mention the numerous eateries we have within a short drive that are reasonably priced.

          As a member of the Finance Committee, you know fully well that by subsidizing and maintaining that restaurant, we have lost tons of money and still might continue to lose more for litigation, attorney's fees, etc.

          I just read that the present Board is still considering having another restaurant after settling the issues with "Cafe V".

          Very few people have been patronizing our restaurant even before "Cafe V" and, in all honesty, we don't believe we need one and we don't want one.

          Where do you stand on this issue?

          Thank you.
        2. From Barry Goldstein to Tito Fernandez

          Tito, first let me say thank you for your support.

          I greatly appreciate it, and need all the help I can get.

          My position on the restaurant has not changed.

          I am not in favor of subsidizing a for profit business.

          We already do this because of the equipment in place in the kitchen.

          The board has a fiduciary duty to make deals that favor the members of our association.

          If we can make a deal that lives up to our obligation to the members, then and only then, would I support it.


  1. From Josette Opinions

    I like Barry's analysis of what the board should be.

  2. Josette,

    We've offered other candidates the opportunity to share their thoughts and positions.

    It's a wonderful opportunity to ask honest questions. Remember, any candidate who participates, has agreed to answer all relevant questions.

    Let's hope they will be as responsive as Barry Goldstein.

  3. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Excellent First Position Paper!!!!

  4. From Tito Goldstein (through Anthem Opinions)


    I'm glad you are running again for the Board.

    I voted for you the last time and I would again this time around.

    Considering what has been happening since we moved to Sun City Anthem 7 years ago, we need people in the Board like you who have a good business sense and respectful of every resident in our community. Let me cut to the chase and ask your opinion on the one issue that had bothered me and hundreds of residents and that is, the restaurant or the recent fiasco with "Cafe V".

    The Board as well as our famous resident, David Berman, had trumpeted for this restaurant since its inception, pointing to us how important it is to our community for reasons most of us cannot imagine.

    The majority of our residents, including me, are on fixed Social Security income and watch every dollar we spend for eating out. There are so many available deals, comps and bargains the "casinos" offer to local residents to attract them to eat at their restaurants, not to mention the numerous eateries we have within a short drive that are reasonably priced.

    As a member of the Finance Committee, you know fully well that by subsidizing and maintaining that restaurant, we have lost tons of money and still might continue to lose more for litigation, attorney's fees, etc.

    I just read that the present Board is still considering having another restaurant after settling the issues with "Cafe V".

    Very few people have been patronizing our restaurant even before "Cafe V" and, in all honesty, we don't believe we need one and we don't want one.

    Where do you stand on this issue?

    Thank you.

  5. From Barry Goldstein to Tito Fernandez

    Tito, first let me say thank you for your support.

    I greatly appreciate it, and need all the help I can get.

    My position on the restaurant has not changed.

    I am not in favor of subsidizing a for profit business.

    We already do this because of the equipment in place in the kitchen.

    The board has a fiduciary duty to make deals that favor the members of our association.

    If we can make a deal that lives up to our obligation to the members, then and only then, would I support it.
