Information Pages

Sunday, January 3, 2016

From the Mailbag....A Resident Responds to Alternative Blogger's Commentary

A couple of weeks ago, we received a detailed editorial comment from one of our valued readers, Robert N

We deemed it so well written that instead of posting his views as a comment, we instead chose to make it a complete article.

We have received another excellent piece from this individual that we believe should be published as a full article as well.

Accordingly, we thank Robert N. for his taking the time to write the following detailed and thought provoking piece.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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Resident Responds to Alternative Blogger's
Defending Meese Magazine

Robert N.

Once again I received copies of our “Spirit” magazine as well as the competing “the Villages of Sun City Anthem” magazine.

I again compared the advertisers in the two magazines.

This time I found forty-six (46) advertisers that appeared in the Villages of Sun City Anthem” and did NOT appear in our “Spirit” magazine:

Dura Cool, Southwest Air Conditioning, Superior Plumbing & Drain, Sierra A/C & Drain LLC, Silverton Casino, Dream Design, Sunrise Dental, Summit Mechanical Heat/AC, American Jewelers, Harold Lloyd/Allstate Insurance, Action Plumbing, Fast-Fix Jewelry & Watch Repair, Modern Closet, AireServe Heating & A/C, Surface Specialists of Nevada, Hybar Window & Door, Pedego Henderson Electric Bikes, Bernard’s Bistro, Barcelona Restaurant, CheeseBurger-CheeseBurger, The 52, Sai Sushi, New York Chinese Restaurant, Ichabod’s Lounge, Bavarian Castle, Las Vegas Quality Water Works, The Multi-Care Group, SellMyHome, Ambiance Barber Salon, Rebathand, Sunburst Shutters, Elite Plumbing, Heating, AC, BugWorks Pest Control, A&F Painting, Land Teck Inc., Kimberly’s Cleaning, Pacifica Senior Living, Air Supply Heating & A/C, Universal Realty, US Patio Furniture, Ron DeCar’s Event Center, Linda Wood Dermatology, Alternate Window Tint, Rhino’s Maids, LLC, First Class Pharmacy, Davis Funeral Home.

As you are aware I previously questioned the appearance of what could be interpreted as questionable fiduciary responsibility on the part of our Board members, as the publisher of “the Villages of Sun City Anthem” is the husband of our Board President.

In the spirit of time and efficiency I will not re-hash my opinions.

An alternate blogger appears to have found it necessary to refute my opinions.

His response was printed as an “editorial” in that blog.

It raised an eyebrow as I read it since, in my opinion, it was prepared to defend a seemingly innocuous possibility of a Board member’s inability to conduct business within proper fiduciary parameters.

I would like to address several of the points in that editorial:

(Note that the following are my opinions - future true and verifiable facts my prove my opinions incorrect)

The author stated:

This year’s budget, for example foresees a profit-revenue over expenses-of more than $65,000 for the Spirit, and some in community leadership have told me that the final figure may actually be much higher than that”.

It appears this blogger has access to financial information not readily made available to the membership.

I reviewed the budget mailed to SCA Residents in the letter dated 11-2-2015 and did NOT see any entry for that estimate; and, incidentally, the figure is an estimate only. 

If that estimate was made the same way the estimate(s) for our current restaurant were made, we have a BIG problem.

And, of course, think of what the estimate COULD be if all the advertisers in “the Villages of Sun City Anthem” paid to advertise in the “Spirit” magazine;  the increased revenue could help pay for the Liberty Center mold remediation (another result of failure to follow proper fiduciary parameters).

The author further states

For the most part, the Villages magazine features lifestyle articles, including cover stories about SCA residents, that are not deemed appropriate for the Spirit…

WHO exactly determines “what is appropriate for SCA residents”?

Would not cover stories about SCA residents be quite appropriate for the Spirit magazine?

The author also states:

…Bella has nothing whatsoever to do with the Villages magazine. George does not sell the advertising, which is done by a separate company…

I commend the author for his apparent intimate knowledge regarding Mr. and Mrs. Meese.

This statement, however, appears to substantiate my opinion regarding the lack of adherence to fiduciary parameters.

Perhaps the HOA Board should hire the same company to sell advertising in the Spirit magazine?

Did anyone ever consider that possibility?

In closing, during my working career, my chosen profession required State licensing; during my 30+ years I was licensed by two (2) different States.

The requirements of both States included strict ethics provisions, not the least of which was the Licensee’s fiduciary responsibilities to his/her clients.

I take pride that I conducted my business with honesty, integrity, and with full adherence to such responsibilities.

My License, for one, was never revoked or terminated by the State for failure to follow these requirements.

Of course, the possibility exists that there is confusion regarding the definition of “fiduciary”.

To prevent any misconception(s) be aware of the following:

Used as a Noun:
A person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benefit of another.”

Used as an Adjective:

Of (or based on) nature of trust and confidence, as in public affairs

Got a comment or wish to share your thoughts?

Send us an email at:

  1. From Hollis Opinions

    Too bad we can’t force the Bermans to leave the community….!
  2. Hollis,

    We would never ask a person to leave the community.

    On the other hand, we would hope that one might look at the amount of damage to our community caused by them, and not allow it to continue.

    How is that accomplished?

    Look closely at the past endorsements made by the blogger and then examine the accomplishments of those he recommended.

    The results speak for themselves, some of which include....

    He has recommended each and every restaurant that has failed.

    He has never reported any adverse affect to our community resulting from the actions of those he recommended.

    He supported a man named Jack Troia, who was elected as the Association President, who was subsequently "honored" on two occasions by Channel 13's Darcy Spears by admittance to the "HOA Hall of Shame".

    He condemned a Woodchips Club by inferring they in some way were responsible for a man's suicide, yet a year later, subsequently supported the president of the club at that time, Don Schramski, for election to the endorsement that was welcomed by current Board director, Schramski. (Draw your own conclusions as to those actions...OF BOTH the blogger and the current board member).

    He wrote the City of Henderson asking that Anthem Today owner, Rana Goodman, not be reappointed to the Citizen's Action Advisory Commission....telling his readers that he had a petition signed by a substantial number of Anthem residents who supported that position....but the Freedom of Information Act proved he had only 8, one of which was forged.
    1. She was subsequently reappointed to the position, and today is perhaps the one individual most responsible for uncovering the guardianship issues facing seniors...being appointed to a special governmental committee to investigate such concerns.
    2. He sued a man who was 78 years old....only to receive a $1,000 nuisance settlement.

    He "fudged" the numbers for a mini-golf course by telling those who signed his position, it was going to be "free".

    He tried desperately to condemn two residents (Bob Frank & Tim Stebbins) in a criminal matter that was subsequently dismissed as being found without merit.

    As far as his wife, as you pass the Liberty Center and watch the thousands of dollars that will be spent in its repair, remember she was the president of the association at the time that building...filled with defects...was acccepted...without demanding an independent inspection.

    No Hollis, you can't ask them to leave, but what you can do is read his publication...

    Look at the individual who made the recommendations......

    Look at the results of his endorsements....

    ...and be smart enough to IGNORE THEM.


  1. From Hollis Opinions

    Too bad we can’t force the Bermans to leave the community….!

  2. Hollis,

    We would never ask a person to leave the community.

    On the other hand, we would hope that one might look at the amount of damage to our community caused by them, and not allow it to continue.

    How is that accomplished?

    Look closely at the past endorsements made by the blogger and then examine the accomplishments of those he recommended.

    The results speak for themselves, some of which include....

    He has recommended each and every restaurant that has failed.

    He has never reported any adverse affect to our community resulting from the actions of those he recommended.

    He supported a man named Jack Troia, who was elected as the Association President, who was subsequently "honored" on two occasions by Channel 13's Darcy Spears by admittance to the "HOA Hall of Shame".

    He condemned a Woodchips Club by inferring they in some way were responsible for a man's suicide.

    He wrote the City of Henderson asking that Anthem Today owner, Rana Goodman, not be reappointed to the Citizen's Action Advisory Commission....telling his readers that he had a petition signed by a substantial number of Anthem residents who supported that position....but the Freedom of Information Act proved he had only 8, one of which was forged.

    He sued a man who was 78 years old....only to receive a $1,000 nuisance settlement.

    He "fudged" the numbers for a mini-golf course by telling those who signed his position, it was going to be "free".

    He tried desperately to condemn two residents (Bob Frank & Tim Stebbins) in a criminal matter that was subsequently dismissed as being found without merit.

    As far as his wife, as you pass the Liberty Center and watch the thousands of dollars that will be spent in its repair, remember she was the president of the association at the time that building...filled with defects...was acccepted...without demanding an independent inspection.

    No Hollis, you can't ask them to leave, but what you can do is read his publication...

    Look at the individual who made them...

    Look at the results of his endorsements....

    ...and be smart enough to IGNORE THEM.
