Information Pages

Friday, January 29, 2016

Incorrect Link on Original Article

2015 Age Restricted Occupancy Form

oops_we_goofed.jpg (225×110)

Anthem Opinions was notified by a reader who completed the form noted on our previous article.

It appears that an incorrect form was linked to the article.

Actually...the form that was linked has been discontinued and is no longer required under Nevada law...

(As to why it is still on the SCA website, we have no idea !)

At any rate...

This is the correct link to the form.

Our thanks to Lori Martin, Community Association Manager, for clarifying this and sending us the correct form.

Upon completion, please return it to the Anthem Center office at your earliest opportunity.

Again, we apologize for this error and we thank our reader Bill Zipfel, for calling this to our attention, Director Jim Mayfield's prompt notification to FSR, and Lori Martin's immediately contacting us to avoid further delays in form completion.

Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Anthem Opinions "Nevada Know How" columnist Tim Stebbins

    I think it is important for all to understand the objective is to get all homeowners to fill out the form. It is not an objective to fine people.

    When homeowners refuse or forget or think it is too much trouble to complete the form the board has limited options to encourage them to cooperate. A fine is one - a pretty drastic one.

    If any of our readers have practical suggestions on what process the board should use, the board might be very interested.

  2. From Josette Opinions

    I moved here because it was 55 and over.

    So , if you don't want to follow the rules, then MOVE.

    I have no patience with someone who doesn't fill out the form and mail it in ON TIME

    It costs money to keep mailing the forms out to people and have to BEG them to get with it.

    You knew the rules before you bought and moved in.

    If you don't qualify to live here.....then you shouldn't be here.

  3. From Walter Opinions

    With the internet widely available to the public for more than 25 years,
    is there any reason that we have to use that pesky paper form and deliver
    or snail-mail it to whoever requires it?

    Most of our community may not be able to deliver it in person to the HOA office;, and, I believe, that most of the residents (who subsidize the few who use facilities), never have any wish or reason to even set their foot in there.

    We should be able (if it is required by law to do it) to complete similar forms on-line?

    Thank you.


  1. From Anthem Opinions "Nevada Know How" columnist Tim Stebbins

    I think it is important for all to understand the objective is to get all homeowners to fill out the form. It is not an objective to fine people.

    When homeowners refuse or forget or think it is too much trouble to complete the form the board has limited options to encourage them to cooperate. A fine is one - a pretty drastic one.

    If any of our readers have practical suggestions on what process the board should use, the board might be very interested.


  2. From Josette Opinions

    I moved here because it was 55 and over.

    So , if you don't want to follow the rules, then MOVE.

    I have no patience with someone who doesn't fill out the form and mail it in ON TIME

    It costs money to keep mailing the forms out to people and have to BEG them to get with it.

    You knew the rules before you bought and moved in.

    If you don't qualify to live here.....then you shouldn't be here.


  3. From Walter Opinions

    With the internet widely available to the public for more than 25 years,
    is there any reason that we have to use that pesky paper form and deliver
    or snail-mail it to whoever requires it?

    Most of our community may not be able to deliver it in person to the HOA office;, and, I believe, that most of the residents (who subsidize the few who use facilities), never have any wish or reason to even set their foot in there.

    We should be able (if it is required by law to do it) to complete similar forms on-line?

    Thank you.

  4. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Excellent First Position Paper!!!!
