Information Pages

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Board Candidate Steve Anderson....Position Paper One

As part of our educating the Sun City electorate, we asked various candidates if they would like to submit Position Papers in order that you may properly educate yourself in your decision to choose the members of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

Meet Community Patrol Chief and Board Candidate, Steve Anderson, in his first topic of discussion.

Transition to Self-Management: Governance and Management
Position Paper 1

Stephen C. Anderson
Candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors



(702) 514-0059

Sun City Anthem is a wonderful community in which to live and participate in a diverse number of activities. The community has consistently been recognized as one of the premier retirement communities in the country.

The following four areas of concern are critical to the future of Sun City Anthem in maintaining our wonderful lifestyle here.

While I have outlined my position on each of these areas separately, it needs to be recognized that they are all intertwined with each other.
Any one area cannot be accomplished without the others.

Transition to Self-Management: Governance and Management

My career as a professional social work clinician, project manager, consultant, educator,and administrator has served to provide me with the knowledge and skill set to be an effective Sun City Anthem Board member.

In addition I have a strong record of service to my profession and the community as a board member and officer for a number of nonprofit

These experiences have well taught me the difference between
governance and management.

The successful transition of our association to self-management will be one of the most critical tasks of the board over the next several years.

The success of "getting it right" will depend on the ability of the board to make the modifications in its structure and method of conducting business.

This is going to necessitate changes to the functions of both the
board and some of its committees.

The current board has provided a good set of definitions of governance and management in its “Governance Under Self-Management” presentation to the community.

Key to the definition of governance are the following

a.  Setting policy.

b.  Assessment of organizational performance that includes a yearly performance evaluation of the General Manager.

c.  Strategic planning

d.  Resource allocation

e.  Fiduciary accountability

These tasks serve to guide the board in understanding its role and in how it reshapes some of the committees.

While there would be little change if any to the functioning of Covenants and ARC, there will need to be changes to the Lifestyles, Finance, and Property and Grounds Committees.

For example Lifestyles could well become the committee engaged in the assessment and evaluation process of management in building and providing a positive living experience in SCA.

Another function could be involved with strategic planning as to meeting what best meets the lifestyles of the community in the future.

The Finance Committee might well change to focusing on an audit function and insuring fiduciary accountability.

Property and Grounds might well focus on strategic planning role in facilities usage and how do make space allocation decisions as we plan for the future.

These are just examples of what might be developed.

While these are just some preliminary thoughts of how these committees might be restructured, the end decision on restructuring must be made upon the full input of the members of these committees and with full input from members of the community.

While this transition will not take place over night, we are behind in the discussions necessary for the movement of the Board and its committees to a model of governance rather than management.

Hopefully this process will commence sooner rather than later.


Got a question for Steve Anderson ?  

All candidates whom we have allowed to present themselves to you have promised each and every question will receive an answer.

Send your question or comment to:

Anthem Opinions Administration

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