Information Pages

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Cafe V Saga (Part Two)

Severing Ties with Cafe V:
Just More Rhetoric to Camouflage
(Part Two of Two)

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In examining the arrangement of the Cafe V departure, yesterday we looked closely at four reasons WHY we ended up with what the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors attempted to portray as  the "Deal of the Century".

Today, we're going to look at the last piece of that puzzle; as well as tell you about a discussion which took place with one the Sun City Anthem Board Directors whom you elected and trusted to guard our community's financial well-being...despite his lack of business acumen.

The final reason as to why the last year of "restaurant agony" took place  was because a guy complained we were unfairly charging him for his utilities....

...the owner of Cafe V.

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What did the dynamic duo of Bella Meese,  and subsequent current Association Secretary, and the past president, Jean Capillupo do when confronted with this plea?

They took it upon themselves to grant Anthem Restaurant Partners a credit of 


(Gee...does anyone see some kind of pattern???)
(Buses anyone?)

Oh boy...when the rest of the board heard about that one, they quickly RESCINDED that deal.

Then... it subsequently was determined by professionals that ...

The electric meter was properly working at all times...

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...that there was NO NEED for any such credit !


Anthem Restaurant Partners did it to us again ! 

How ????

Unfortunately for Sun City Anthem residents...


And guess what Anthem Partners did as a result?


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Let's push the clock ahead to just a few months ago...when our "valued restaurant tenant" again "went to the well" for...

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He tried to cut days of operation, he didn't pay the utilities, but...he did pay his meager rent of $1,000 per month, and a partial payment on one of the loans.

Now what ??? 

How do you evict someone who is paying an amount that A BOARD AGREED TO...THAT WAS COSTING RESIDENTS MONEY EACH MONTH?

Ah hah !  

Let's go to the association attorney and see what he has to say ! all attorneys who know full well that...


...he informs the "geniuses" that Anthem Restaurant Partners may have a case...

..that it could cost as much as $200,000 to defend such an action !

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They fell for it !

I had a rather "heated discussion" about that with Director Don Scramski a couple of weeks ago...and...I have to say...his complete lack of dealing with attorneys was so evident, it almost made me cry !

I felt I would have been in better hands with....

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I asked him, "Don, if I lent you $1,000 and I didn't pay you back, then came back to you a month later and asked you for another $1,000, what would you say to me?"

To which I received this reply..."I wouldn't give it to you."

And to that...I told him, "You wouldn't give it to me, but you have no difficulty giving money that belongs to others to an entity who has stiffed you in the past?"

Mr. Schramski didn't seem to have an answer to that at all.

Then the $200,000 attorney legal fee threat came to light...and that was the best of all !

He maintained that the association attorney was DEAD ON in his advice...that he was assured by that man...that we must cut some sort of deal...

...or face...

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 Nightmare litigation !

Reflecting to myself....

"If the brain don't think, something must stink"....

...I responded....

"Don, have you ever been involved in major lawsuit?"

"No." he answered. 

"And just how do you think a guy is going to come up with thousands of dollars to sue you, in the type of case that no attorney would take on a contingency, and insist on an hourly bill, when he can't even pay his rent and outstanding loans?

To which he replied, "Well, we did finally evict the guy", as if he had accomplished some feat of expertise !

And my reply to that? 

"After two years, you finally called his bluff, and he ran like a bear who had to relieve himself in the woods ... didn't he ?"

"Had you listened to those in the community...or ever sought advice from qualified individuals, that could have saved us two years of wasted funds."

After assuring me he did....fellow board members...Mr. Schramki merely walked away.

Finally, we are at the point where this board is now on another quest to "sell" the community on their "shrewdnegotiating through a dissertation that praises their valiant efforts in solving this crisis.

In reality, the word was obviously misspelled...

...the correct word that should have been used in lieu of...

... should have been...

Here's what we got after years of DIPPING INTO YOUR WALLET for a place no one patronized !

1. We got to keep a computer system that will probably be obsolete within a year or two.

2. We kept a security deposit.

3. We "ate" the balance of two outstanding loans.

4. We granted them the usage of the ballroom for two catered events at a fee of $2500 per event...but NO ONE COULD VERIFY IF THEY WERE INSURED TO CONDUCT THEM.


5. We got kitchen equipment that has a book value at a fraction of its original purchase price; which, and on the secondary market, will bear closer to 10 cents on the dollar...rather than the 30 cents they "boasted"...

chumlee-pawn-stars-ftr-1.jpg (600×338) Anthem Partners was in hock for up their ears...which the creditor, agreed to release the lien subject to...


(trusting that Anthem Restaurant Partners will cough up the balance on the loan) amount that was...


I'm not saying that wasn't the best we could do UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES...

But let's call it like IT REALLY IS !

An arrogant duo and a number of their inexperienced "political" lap dogs sanctioned all that took place ever since day one.

That description may at first glance be somewhat brutal....but when CORRUPTION, INEXPERIENCE, AND LACK OF COMMON SENSE is supported with MORE CORRUPTION, INEXPERIENCE, AND LACK OF COMMON SENSE...

...describing them in that manner is KIND.

And, as I also told Mr. Schramki, when he left our conversation...

 "We live in different worlds. Mine is results oriented...yours is a game of horseshoes where "almost" counts...and the bottom line is guys (deleted expletive)!"

Yes indeed, Sun City Anthem "took it in the shorts" on this deal.... matter what anytime tries to tell you !

Want a know the most ridiculous epilogue of this story?

We have the current Board Treasurer, Tom Nissen, running for reelection on a platform of "financial success".

We dug up a comment he made when he ran for office in 2014...

"I pledge to protect our members' dollars as if they were my own".
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And...he's running alongside a "machine"  hand picked guy named Bob Burch....

...who believes this Board has done a fine job handling the finances !

We suggest you keep these individuals in mind when you cast your upcoming Board ballot in what might be the most important Board election in the 17 year history of Sun City Anthem.

One campaign slogan I'm sure both will not be using....

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Now....there is yet another do it again !

Bella Meese, Jean Capilluppo, and their mouthpiece, the other blogger, want ANOTHER RESTAURANT ASAP !

Luckily, the rest of the board made this decision !

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We have a lot more things to worry about besides a restaurant !

But one thing for sure...

All of these individuals and their "ingenious" ability to spend money like water are CERTAINLY NOT THE ONES who should have anything to do with it in the future.

Got a comment ? 

Send it to us at:
Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. From Linda Kay Opinions

    Why don't they give the people what they want.

    We are Senior Citizens who have been around a long time and spend our money wisely.

    We are 2 for 1 people for the most part.

    We get free buffets, coupons, discounts and a lot of incentives to use nearby restaurants and casino buffets.

    Yes, we have a beautiful view one we enjoy every day that we are at Anthem Center.

    Why is Buckman's such a success?

    Why do we need a fancy restaurant when we have proven in the last 15 years that it cannot be successful!

    It would be nice to have a place where you could get a Sandwhich or appetizer when we are using the Center.

    The clubs go to places nearby that are reasonable.

    Quality servers will never come way up here when there are so many fine dining establishments that are available closer to them. Walk into the Village Pub, Giadas, Tuscany grill, Chili's and I could go on and on with different establishments and you will find them filled with our residents.

    We have told the board over and over what we want.

    Is anybody listening?

    Give the people what they want !!!!!
  2. From Opinions

    I don't understand why we can't ban all present Board Members from ever running for election again. This would certainly help with the next election and prevent these so called masterminds from continuing to ruin our beautiful community.

    Thanks for all you do.

And to think I had to read this a few times to really believe there are people who function and walk the streets with absurd thoughts on how to run anything. I guess they are also known as "PARIAH'S."

Worse than having these "Idiots, fools, half-wit; imbecile's; dolt's, dunce's, numskull's as a board," is the social geniuses who elect them.

OMG, I am so disgusted with them. They have no common sense, no business sense, and certainly don't give a damn about anyone's money, or a clue on how to manage anything, as they have proven so.

Once again...Stop the madness. How many times do we have to do this restaurant thing? If all we do is throw good money after bad, and as an example keep getting hit over our heads with a 2X4...dontcha' just get tired of the pain?


  1. From Linda Kay Opinions

    Why don't they give the people what they want.

    We are Senior Citizens who have been around a long time and spend our money wisely.

    We are 2 for 1 people for the most part.

    We get free buffets, coupons, discounts and a lot of incentives to use nearby restaurants and casino buffets.

    Yes, we have a beautiful view one we enjoy every day that we are at Anthem Center.

    Why is Buckman's such a success?

    Why do we need a fancy restaurant when we have proven in the last 15 years that it cannot be successful!

    It would be nice to have a place where you could get a Sandwhich or appetizer when we are using the Center.

    The clubs go to places nearby that are reasonable.

    Quality servers will never come way up here when there are so many fine dining establishments that are available closer to them. Walk into the Village Pub, Giadas, Tuscany grill, Chili's and I could go on and on with different establishments and you will find them filled with our residents.

    We have told the board over and over what we want.

    Is anybody listening?

    Give the people what they want !!!!!

  2. From Opinions

    I don't understand why we can't ban all present Board Members from ever running for election again. This would certainly help with the next election and prevent these so called masterminds from continuing to ruin our beautiful community.

    Thanks for all you do.

  3. And to think I had to read this a few times to really believe there are people who function and walk the streets with absurd thoughts on how to run anything. I guess they are also known as "PARIAH'S."

    Worse than having these "Idiots, fools, half-wit; imbecile's; dolt's, dunce's, numskull's as a board," is the social geniuses who elect them.

    OMG, I am so disgusted with them. They have no common sense, no business sense, and certainly don't give a damn about anyone's money, or a clue on how to manage anything, as they have proven so.

    Once again...Stop the madness. How many times do we have to do this restaurant thing? If all we do is throw good money after bad, and as an example keep getting hit over our heads with a 2X4...dontcha' just get tired of the pain?
