Information Pages

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Desert Sky 800 Member Data Base Endorses Three Sun City Anthem Candidates

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Sun City Anthem Resident Database Spokesperson
Forrest Fetherolf
Barry Goldstein
Steve Anderson
2016 Sun City Anthem Board
Mary Lee Duley, a predominant resident of the Desert Sky Village has had a substantial database for years that now exceeds 800 readers.
She has asked that we print the detailed email she sent to her substantial readership.
We pleasure, here is Mrs. Duley's comments on the 2016 election.

Dear Sun City Anthem Neighbors:

There has been overwhelming number of emails, from participants of my personal data  base, expressing serious concern about the upcoming election of new board members.  This email is long as I’ve tried to cover as many comments as possible.  

Past potential  construction defects leading to the closure of Liberty Center until May of 2016 is a HUGE concern to SCA residents, along with continuous spending, consideration of the existing board board making decisions that should WAIT until Self Management goes into effect April 1st and AFTER the upcoming election.
To those who responded to me, after seeing all of the candidates for New Board Members, Forrest Fetheroff is the most qualified when it comes to recognizing defects, estimates for repairs, contacts, etc. Thanks to his efforts and research, monies have been saved! His extensive background and community participation  will be listed on his flyer and his first position paper.   He has OUR vote.  
 I have a lot of respect for Forrest, as I do for Barry Goldstein.  Barry’s position paper, which will be forwarded, and brings out specifics that are important for the success of SCA in the future. We feel he will do an excellent representing “all residents of SCA”.
I have read and will also forward  the “position paper” of Stephen Anderson, our current Community Patrol Chief,  and feel he would do an excellent job representing “all residents of SCA”.  

Many candidates, in the past, have told  residents “what they want to hear” and…when elected,  they tend to vote with the pack, sadly, rather than independently!!!    


Open communication from the new Board of Directors, their ability to 
listen to residents and then implement their worthwhile suggestion, and ending secrecy is critical to the future success of our Sun City Anthem community, in my opinion.  

Making important decisions WITHOUT NOTIFICATION TO RESIDENTS AND INPUT is, hopefully, a thing of the past. 

 Residents have stopped coming to meetings as they feel it’s pointless as decisions are made prior to the meetings.  Change is needed and, hopefully, will happen with the upcoming election.

 With SIX candidates filing , the votes will be split, heaven only knows how many ways.  You can be assured that, as usual,of the four board members not running for office, at least three of them will go “all out” for their choices of Nissen and Burch.  

Resident concerns expressed is that they will follow the same continuous  pattern that has NOT benefited  the residents of SCA. 

Research WHAT the existing board members have accomplished and where needless monies, in the past,  have been spent!
Do we want another repeat of past mistakes? 
Their past history of outrageous spending and poor decision making SHOULD work against them, time will tell.  
I don’t know a lot about Aletta Waterhouse  but she is currently a member of the Lifestyle Committee and is active in the community, along with the other candidates.
I  will forward her position paper (and others) when they are available.    
I DO know a lot about Barry Goldstein and what he accomplished while on the SCA Finance Committee and the frustrations the committee had with the existing Board of Directors “not” listening to suggestions the committee made, as well as several other committee recommendations that were ignored by the existing Board of Directors.  Barry’s “first position paper” provides you with where he stands and what he hopes to accomplish, if elected.  

Barry Goldstein  has OUR vote.  
Stephen Anderson  is the current Chief of Community Patrol and has done an excellent job at bringing positive chance and cooperation to members of the Community Patrol, unlike the dissension that existed  previously.  Stephen Anderson’s  “position paper” is also very specific.  

Stephen Anderson also has OUR vote.  

This community, in my opinion, is in desperate need of CHANGES that will benefit the Majority of residents and a new Board of Directors that will Listen and Implement suggestions made that benefit all of us!
Self Management is fast approaching and it is hoped that the the Board of Directors will allow our new General Manager, Sandy Seddon,  to “do the job she was hired to do", and NOT  try to restrict or control her expertise.  
Time will tell, let’s hope for the best!  

We have the existing Board of Directors (below, the existing four HOLD the majority vote, at this time.  Hopefully they will not continue to vote in a pack and use their experience and independence  and LISTEN to residents, with expertise, to ‘make a difference’ as this has not been done this past year.    

Data base participants have made the following remarks about existing Board members. 

 Bella Meese   (Disappointment to the majority of residents,  according to emails from my data base participants.
 Carl Weinstein  (Tries to confront existing BOD on issues with specifics and they don’t listen)
 Jim Mayfield    (Tries to confront existing BOD on issues  with specifics and they don’t listen)
  Rex Weddle    (Concerns over rumors that he desires to be President and accomplishment fall short according to data base participants). 
Anytime there are more than 20 remarks from data base participants that are specific and the same, then I have agreed to list same.  SCA residents are NOT happy and there are too many negatives to list at this point, but “disappointment and concern” are used in most transmissions to me.

Jean Capiluppo (current secretary and previous president), Tom Nissen (current treasurer) , and Don Schramski have served their existing terms. 

 History speaks for itself, as far as what they have or have not accomplished, during their tenure. 

Tom Nissen (current Treasurer) has filed to run again for a Board of Director position.  

Past decisions he has made are a serious concern to residents that have elaborated to Blog Owners in SCA.   Do your own extensive research and then make a decision as to WHO to vote for…but VOTE!!! 

The POSITION that each candidate makes on EACH issue relating to Sun City Anthem will be EXTREMELY IMPORTANT when making a decision on WHO to vote for. 

I will be forwarding the Position Paper for Barry Goldstein and for Stephen Anderson and will provide the Other candidates position papers, When they are provided. Review each carefully and then go directly to the Source by contacting EACH  directly, if you have questions.    

Sadly, Liberty Center is closed until MAY of 2016.  As far as we know, at this point, The closure has already had a negative impact on those residents in Shadow Canyon, Desert Sky, and Black Mountain attempting to market their homes for sale.
 The restaurant is finally  CLOSED and concerns are given to the existing Board of Directors  “jumping the gun” and attempting to enter into another “disastrous restaurant contract”.  

A restaurant (profit making business) will NEVER be able to succeed if NOT subsidized by the residents and residents have indicated they do NOT want to subsidize one.  

For what it’s worth the following is shared.   

When a restaurant on Eastern, Summerlin, Las Vegas, Henderson, or anywhere else in Nevada wants to OPEN, they negotiate to LEASE A SPACE.  The word “space” is important as it should be NOTHING but the SPACE.  ALL interior design changes, furniture, kitchen design,  equipment, etc  should be the responsibility and cost to the TENANT, and NOT the Landlord!  

Since Trumpets failed, the restaurant space in Anthem Center has continued to be leased  on a “turn key basis”!  What that means to residents that have not been involved in Commercial Real Estate is that EVERYTHING had been furnished to the tenant, which means that when anything breaks or wears out, the Sun City Anthem Association had to PAY for replacements.  

The INVENTORY list that was attached to the contract, executed by the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors (none of which have ever had a real estate license, whether it be to use for general brokerage and/or commercial real estate) was a RARITY IN THE INDUSTRY. 

Trumpets through Cafe V contracts  INCLUDED a huge “inventory list”, which became an integral part of the contract.  I, personally, objected to ANY inventory and suggested to every Board of Director, over the years, that they rent a SPACE for a specific amount of money per month and that a Nevada Licensed Commercial Real Estate Broker SPECIALIZING in Food and Beverage and a Nevada Licensed Attorney SPECIALIZING in Food and Beverage be hired to find a Qualified Tenant and to Protect the Residents of Sun City Anthem in the contractual obligations. 

This has NEVER happened  in Las Vegas or Henderson or Summerlin, and SADLY, the  Board of Directors has put the Association and it’s residents in the same losing position”  on a continuous basis.  Has the Board of Directors  learned anything from past mistakes and WHEN will they listen to residents with business and real estate backgrounds that could have prevented these “repeat performances”?

Again, take time to research, write or talk to candidates, and VOTEl  Thanks for your time and consideration.  This email was a bit long but I DO love the community and DO get a tremendous amount of feedback from my personal data base participants. 

As usual, WHEN they have questions or issues, they are encouraged to “contact the source”, usually the Board of Directors and, unfortunately,  several never even acknowledge the emails much less respond to same.  It’s no wonder the residents of Sun City Anthem are so frustrated and have “given up” attending meetings as they feel it’s pointless and a waste of time as “decisions have already been made”, without their input. 

It’s important to remain optimistic that there will be changes in the future that will benefit ALL of the residents of Sun Citiy Anthem with this next election.   

IF you have any questions about the new candidates, contact them directly.

Their position papers will be forwarded, along with their ‘FLYERS’ providing background information that will be included in the “mailout” to residents with the ballots to VOTE.  

IF you have any questions about existing issues in Sun City Anthem Anthem, contact your Board of Directors directly. 

Their email addresses are listed in the Spirit Magazine monthly. 

IF you desire to removed from these transmissions, just email me at and your email address will be removed immediately as the transmissions are meant to be informational and have my opinion about certain issues. 

IF your friends and neighbors desire to  be “added” to the data base, please have them contact me directly at the same email address.

 Please consider this my authorization to forward this email to your family, friends, and neighbors that reside in Sun City Anthem.  

Thank you. 

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