Information Pages

Monday, February 15, 2016

Mr. Fix-It's First Position Paper...Why Me ?

Sun City Anthem Board Candidate


Forrest Fetherolf

Who is Forrest Fetherolf?
Position Paper One

The one thing Sun City Anthem residents should demand above all else from those they elect in the upcoming Board election are people of character, integrity, dedication and dignity — people who can be relied upon to defend their interests and values, and never be persuaded, influenced, or manipulated by forces and/or people who do not have the best interests of all Sun City Anthem residents at heart. 

I am no politician, and I have no desire to partake in "deals" that we have witnessed year after year; "deals" that have created excessive waste in  hard earned dollars association members have contributed each and every year in their dues assessments.

If what you're looking for in a Board Director is a politician, I am not your candidate. 

That means that honesty and keeping people aware of the community's well-being and concerns, will always be more important to me than popularity.

Sun City Anthem is more than an accounting sheet. I know that spending more than what you receive, can never have a positive result. 

It is a family; a home which we all share; but it is also a home that is aging, requiring knowledge of matters pertaining to maintaining the structures we all bought into when we arrived from other parts of the country.

It is a community that promised us a happy and contented retirement in the remaining years of our lives, a community whose current leaders have somehow forgotten that it is a home to both people of high and low incomes or personal net worth.

Wealth has no correlation to integrity, and that must never be forgotten.
We have heard the words "fiduciary responsibility" often over the past year.
To me, that means "treating others as you would yourself" and "thinking twice before you spend money irresponsibly", and watching carefully that we get a proper "bang for your buck" at all times.

I also know that I don't have all the answers, but what I do promise, is to do my best in obtaining them.
I may make mistakes.  I know I am not perfect;  I am a human being, and if and/or when they occur I will admit them, apologize for them, and commit to never making them again. I wholeheartedly believe that admitting a mistake is NOT a sign of weakness; it is a sign of honesty and a good leader.

Yes, I get a kick out of people stopping me and saying "Hi Mr. Fix-It". It means "I am one of you".

It's a rewarding feeling when strangers ask me for advice and assistance in their never ending battles with home repairs and improvements.

Over the years, I have built many projects for residents of Sun City Anthem as a member of the Woodchips Club, and I believe that the quality of those projects have allowed many to refer me to their neighbors over the years.
Those projects, combined with my past construction and development experience,  represent the high quality control standards I would demand of any existing and future construction projects under review and consideration in Sun City Anthem.

I promise to strive in maintaining those standards in every aspect of leadership and governance.

The bright future or dark fate as a community revolves around its leadership. 

I ask that you allow me to earn your confidence in changing the past, and making Sun City Anthem a more efficient and happier place.

If you would like to ask me any questions, I look forward to hearing from you.

My email address:

My home phone:

(702) 823-5580
We'd like to hear your comments on Mr. Fetherolf's First Position Paper.
Send them to:
  1. From Gordon Opinions

    Good Morning,

    After 14 years of voting in SCA elections (with no positive results), I promised myself that I would no longer subject myself to this fruitless charade.

    Then along comes Forrest!!!

    In an attempt to wean myself, I will cast one vote this year and it will be for Forrest.
  2. We at Anthem Opinions have made it fairly clear that "the time has come" for reform in Sun City Anthem's governance.

    Forrest has asked ask you....if you would be kind to allow his placing a campaign sign in your front yard to promote his candidacy.

    If you are willing to "help" Forrest, contact him directly at:

  1. I met Forrest while my wife and I were shopping for a retirement home in the area. From the moment we met, it was clear that Forrest loved living in SCA. He was an ambassador for SCA community and because of him we made our final decision to move into SCA. While speaking to Forrest we learned that he was a retired Police Officer and a Home builder in California. I also was a retired Police Officer and a Contractor back East in New York as well. We both shared many mutual interests and we had the opportunity to work together in and outside of our community. While working with Forrest on a few different projects, mainly volunteer positions, it was obvious that he was a man whose integrity and honestly could not be compromised. His experience in all types of home repairs, construction and electrical knowledge was incredible. Forrest is the man for the job as a Board Director in SCA. We need someone on that Board who is familiar with the ins and out of the very expensive and often confusing Construction and Building Codes. Help me get Forrest elected and let's take our community in the right direction. If we were hiring Forrest we could not afford to pay him what he is worth, but with your vote we can have him at no cost to SCA. Its time for a change, so let get it done. Thank You


  1. From Gordon Opinions

    Good Morning,

    After 14 years of voting in SCA elections (with no positive results), I promised myself that I would no longer subject myself to this fruitless charade.

    Then along comes Forrest!!!

    In an attempt to wean myself, I will cast one vote this year and it will be for Forrest.

  2. We at Anthem Opinions have made it fairly clear that "the time has come" for reform in Sun City Anthem's governance.

    Forrest has asked ask you....if you would kind to allow his placing a campaign sign in your front yard to promote his candidacy.

    If you are willing to "help" Forrest, contact him directly at:

  3. I met Forrest while my wife and I were shopping for a retirement home in the area. From the moment we met It was clear that Forrest loved living in SCA. He was an ambassador for SCA community and because of him we made our final decision to move into SCA. While speaking to Forrest we learned that he was a retired Police Officer and a Home builder in California. I also was a retired Police Officer and a Contractor back East in New York as well. We both shared many mutual interest and we had the opportunity to work together in and outside of our community. While working with Forrest on a few different project mainly volunteer position it was obvious that he was a man whos integrity and honestly cloud not be compromised. His experience in all types of home repairs, construction and electrical knowledge was incredible. Forrest is the man for the job as a Board of Director in SCA. We need someone on that Board who is familiar with the ins and out of the very expensive and often confusing Construction and Building Codes. Help me get Forrest elected and lets take our community in the right direction. If we were hiring Forrest we could not afford to pay him what he is worth, but with your vote we can have him at no cost to SCA. Its time for a change so let get it done. Thank You
