Information Pages

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Board Candidate Barry Goldstein: Position Paper 3

Board Candidate
Barry Goldstein

Position Paper 3
The Board of Directors & Association Members
My 3rd position paper is about communication between the Board of Directors and Association members.

I believe we must completely change the way our Board of Directors meetings are held.

First, if the agenda for a board meeting is broadcast to members 2 weeks in advance for review, we can do away with the agenda review meeting.

Second, association members should not have to choose between going to club activities or a board meeting. Association members that work should also be able to attend meetings without taking off from their job.

This means that all Board of Directors meetings should be held at NIGHT!

I am sure we can determine what night of the week has the fewest club activities.

At the Board of Directors meeting, Association members should be allotted time to ask questions and receive answers regarding association issues.

If a member is given 2 minutes to speak, I believe board members be given the same time limit.
A board member can get an additional 2 minutes if another director yields their time to the director.

It is my opinion that this would result in a positive change to the relationship between the Board Of Directors and members.

The attitude of not answering member questions at board meetings must end.

The board owes its Fiduciary Duty to the Association Members, not to other board directors.
If you have any thoughts or questions regarding my position on this issue please contact me at

Barry Goldstein

Got a question of Mr. Goldstein that would be of interest to Sun City Anthem residents as the election season progesses?
Send it to us at:
  1. From David Opinions

    We have noticed campaign signs in the community. Do you have link directing us on how to get some of these?

    Most notably: Barry Goldstein, Forrest Fetherolf and Steve Anderson. 
  2. Dave,

    Believe it or not, all three candidates have no signs left. All were quickly snatched up within the first 2 weeks of their announced candidacy.

    The support for these three men have been beyond expectations.


  1. From David Opinions

    We have noticed campaign signs in the community. Do you have link directing us on how to get some of these?

    Most notably: Barry Goldstein, Forrest Fetherolf and Steve Anderson.

  2. Dave,

    Believe it or not, all three candidates have no signs left. All were quickly snatched up within the first 2 weeks of their announced candidacy.

    The support for these three men have been beyond expectations.
