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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Forrest Fetherolf...Position Paper 3

Thoughts on a Restaurant
Forrest Fetherolf

Position Paper 3

At this stage of our transition to self-management, a restaurant must be considered a future consideration, not one that requires immediate attention. We must "crawl" before we "run" in the next year for the sake of our financial well being.

Sun City Residents have been exposed to and suffered through five restaurant failures over our seventeen years.

Nearly a million dollars has been spent on remodeling the space allotted to the restaurant, repairing and replacing aging and abused kitchen equipment, and subsidizing the restaurant time and time again, to allow the restaurant to keep the doors open.

Resident members are fed up with the past results, and so am I.

In December 2015, the Board leadership finally threw in the towel and negotiated a settlement whereby the restaurant would cease operation.

The actual cost of the restaurant settlement and losses SCA incurred as a result of writing off the failed loans and unpaid utilities, remain a mystery.

Those estimated costs are between $53,000 to $90,000 based on a financial report given during the last monthly board meeting.

Those substantial losses to our community are not acceptable, and will not be tolerated if I am elected to the Board.

Good sound financial planning must be a part of any future option, and that plan must include both qualified advice from professionals in the restaurant industry, sound statistical evidence, and most importantly, a vote of the members to make a final decision.

We can no longer rely on an informal survey that has no statistical evidence to support a successful operation.

We live in 2016 and we must accept that today's world has tools to determine success that far exceeded any we had.

One option to determine success would be to hire a professional organization to do statistical studies examining various options we have available.  If the studies are found to have merit, they would be explored by the General Manager. "Winging it" has produced failure in the past, and will so in the future.  A properly designed plan today, should give us the guidance for a road toward tomorrow. 

If that is found to have merit by the General Manager, the next step would be to explore the options suggested.

Examining the various options would be the responsibility of the General Manager, and then her recommendations should then be placed before the Board for guidance in the options recommended.

Finally, I believe any option or options considered must be placed before the members for a final vote.  Those options and ballot should include commentary, pro and con, each recommendation including realistic cost estimates to the members in order to for them to make an intelligent decision at the time they vote.

Let me fully emphasize my belief that no board should be allowed to go forward with any venture until it is put before the members for their approval.
As you can see, it is time we accepted the motto:
Failure is not an Option

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We must do the proper homework to make that a reality.

Got a comment or question of Forrest Fetherolf?

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  1. From Bud Opinions

    As I am reading another Journal of opinions, it seems a restaurant solution is at hand.

    By golly Self-Management is the solution, or if you think the SCA Board has squandered money on the past five restaurants, just wait and see where a not yet projected dues increase would be going.

    But fear not, according to the written word, it is an opinion, that self-management of our restaurant is the way to go. This, after acknowledging the Board members who have been most intimately involved with the restaurant.

    So if you cut through the pontification, what we have here are Board members who may manage the restaurant, with presumably the same accountability, as Vic's.

    Just when you thought you might be able to enjoy the Summer, a new nightmare is on the horizon.
  2. From Elvira Opinions

    Consideration should be given to have the space/restaurant under the management of Buckman's - they do a wonderful job both in food selection and great customer service.

    Thank you.


  1. From Bud Opinions

    As I am reading another Journal of opinions, it seems a restaurant solution is at hand.

    By golly Self-Management is the solution, or if you think the SCA Board has squandered money on the past five restaurants, just wait and see where a not yet projected dues increase would be going.

    But fear not, according to the written word, it is an opinion, that self-management of our restaurant is the way to go. This, after acknowledging the Board members who have been most intimately involved with the restaurant.

    So if you cut through the pontification, what we have here are Board members who may manage the restaurant, with presumably the same accountability, as Vic's.

    Just when you thought you might be able to enjoy the Summer, a new nightmare is on the horizon.

  2. From Elvira Opinions

    Consideration should be given to have the space/restaurant under the management of Buckman's - they do a wonderful job both in food selection and great customer service.

    Thank you.
