Information Pages

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Reader Digusted with "Anthem Today" & "Today's Anthem View" Over Candidate's Character Assassination

A Reader Shares His Thoughts on a Recent Anthem Today article and Reprinting its Contents on Ron Johnson's Today's Anthem View

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Anthem Opinions received an email from a reader who wished to comment on a degrading and offensive article written by Marcia Kosterkasanctioned by Rana Goodman of the Anthem Today forum, and subsequently (for some unknown reason), reprinted on Ron Johnson's Today's Anthem View....

...after seeking and being given permission to reprint the many articles written by Forrest Fetherolf as "Mr. Fix-It".

We at Anthem Opinions, immediately WITHDREW our generous offer to Mr. Johnson as a result of his reprinting such degrading comments about an individual, yet wishing to publish that same individual's valuable home improvement tips.

A subsequent post expressed by Mr. Johnson stated that Anthem Today's Marcia Kosterka,  publishing a comment claiming a Board candidate "hates women", somehow has merit and deserves repeating.

In our estimation, this was a deplorable comment by an individual who has no formal education other than a high school diploma, no experience in diagnosing any psychological disorders to make such a claim, and certainly has no place on ANY PUBLICATION, much less considering it newsworthy.

States Mr. Johnson:

"It is my belief that the views expressed by one of the administrators of Anthem Today, however intemperate and offensive, are significant community news stories."

Anthem Opinions has no desire to be included in any such publication that would write or include within its contents such a defaming article that would place us in the same category...

...that this "significant news story" is one that belongs in a supermarket check-out line amongst other tabloids.

As for Anthem Today's, Marcia Kosterka and Rana Goodman, they might wish to explain how this character assassination of a individual does not violate its own forum guidelines which read as follows:


When posting please “talk” to others as you would like to be spoken to yourself. Personal attacks, foul language etc. will be removed. Bottom line, we are all here to enjoy information, news, fun topics and anything else we all have to share. If anyone wants to be hostile, this is not the place for it.
We received the following correspondence from one of our valued readers that was so well written, we decided that it deserved to be printed as a separate article.
Writes Lawrence Peterson, a relatively new but well informed resident of Sun City Anthem, responding to Mr. Johnson's reprinting the Anthem Today article and his belief it was newsworthy:
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I was shocked to see, just today, the latest blog letter from Ron Johnson’s The SCA View-Journal, Inc.  Normally I have always respected Mr. Johnson’s literate articles and informed opinions, even when I may disagree. 

Today’s articles changed that. I am involved in the campaign to elect Forrest Fetheroff, one of the most qualified candidates on the ballot, and felt compelled to write on a blog, which is something I rarely do.

Mr. Johnson chose to post, from Anthem Today’s blog,  the most vile, mean and insidious piece of journalism I have read in decades.  Her comments about Forrest Fetherolf, the man who is constantly helping people for free as Mr. Fix-It, were completely uncalled for; and certainly taken out of context. 

The only reasonable explanation for her writing is to allow Ms. Kosterka’s vicious nature to overtake any intelligent conversation during this election. The hatred this woman holds in her mind belongs to the extremist regimes of the world, not in an election in Sun City Anthem. 

I will not repost her comments here.  If you didn’t read it, consider yourself lucky.  There are no arguable points in her tirade, merely character assassination and trash journalism at its worst:  an attack on the character, motive, and principles of Mr. Fetherolf, rather than attacking arguable issues related to Sun City directly. 

I know Forrest and he is one of the finest people in our community. To describe him I employ words such as; honest, discerning and trustworthy.

Were it not bad enough, that this was posted (the original received dozens of complaints) but Mr. Johnson has had the incredibly bad taste to re-post it. He includes every last mean word of the writer and by doing so claims she has some authority, although her fallacious arguments make it clear she has none.  

The thousands of people in Anthem who know Forrest would agree he is none of the horrendous things this Kosterka wrote.

And to top it all off, Mr. Johnson’s next section of his blog promotes the free Home Improvement articles by this self same Forrest Fetherolf, who in this and other endeavors does hold good authority.

Sorry Ron, I’ll have to unfriend you.
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We at Anthem Opinions would like your opinion on this form of journalism...or if you consider this journalism.

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Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. From Robert Opinions

    I a fully aware that when you throw your hat into the ring and run for pubic office, you surrender some privacy, and open yourself up to public scrutiny and public comment (both good and bad).

    But Kosterka, Goodman, and Johnson should realize that there is a thin line between expressing an opinion and defamation of character.....there's too many lawyers in Las Vegas looking for their next fee.
  2. From Laura Opinions

    They're all "haters".


  1. From Robert Opinions

    I a fully aware that when you throw your hat into the ring and run for pubic office, you surrender some privacy, and open yourself up to public scrutiny and public comment (both good and bad).

    But Kosterka, Goodman, and Johnson should realize that there is a thin line between expressing an opinion and defamation of character.....there's too many lawyers in Las Vegas looking for their next fee.

  2. From Laura Opinions

    They're all "haters".
