Information Pages

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sun City Anthem Database Owner Backs "Citizen's" Letter's Concern for Retribution....Cites David's Anthem Journal as Proof that Retribution Concern is Real

Sun City Anthem Resident
Mary Lee Duley
Reacts to
David's Anthem Journal Article
reaction.jpg (400×400)
Many of those in Sun City Anthem are aware of the substantial data base established by resident, Mary Lee Duley.

Recently, she can under strong criticism in an article published by David's Anthem Journal, to which she has made a request of various blog owners to post a series of emails.

Below is the detailed correspondence.
Dear SCA Web Site Owners:

I am forwarding the below email “string" to the three of you, as owners of web sites available to all SCA residents.   As you can see,  I have obtained CONSENT from the “concerned citizens” to forward THEIR email.   

This is MY consent to FORWARD or POST this email string, exactly as it appears, without any changes or additions.  

David Berman’s immediate finger pointing at ME is the REASON why residents are FEARFUL of retribution.

This saddens me more than I could ever express.  

I will NOT be intimated by anyone and, in this case, never read postings on Anthem Journal, and the owner's opinions and postings are deplorable when the finger pointing begins, regardless of who they are.

My data base participants made me aware of his criticism using me, this time around. 

This type of “gutter politics"  does not help Sun City Anthem but hinders it’s progress in moving forward. 

I do not consider this “journalism” but postings in poor taste.

Residents need to FOCUS on the upcoming election, meet ALL of the candidates, attend meetings, research their qualifications and the experience they have that will  benefit this community, contact the SOURCE (namely the candidates themselves) IF they have any questions, and most importantly VOTE.


Mary Lee Duley


From Concerned Citizens of Sun City Anthem to Mary Lee Duley

Thank you Mary Lee.

We have paid close attention to the various community blogs and sadly, one of them which mentions you by name, should be ashamed of himself for casting a shadow on your integrity. We know how well you are respected for the information you provide the many people of Sun City Anthem.

You can now understand why we must remain anonymous. The retribution from various sources who must at all costs, maintain the status quo of corruption and waste, would attack us, as they have you, and we will not subject ourselves to such abuse after making every attempt to be honest with a community we love enough to do such extensive research.

For your information, we have thus far sent this email to approximately 1,500 different email addresses.  

The number of complaints: 2. 

The number of individuals asking who we are: 12.  

That totals to less than 1% objecting to the email.

To all of them responding to our email  questioning who we are or the 2 who have been quite insulting, we send the following email response, refusing to degrade them in any way.

It reads:

We can understand your concern.  

This information can be obtained through a Document Request form obtained and submitted to the  FSR Management office. We urge you to obtain this information before you cast a ballot for any candidate.

You must be very specific in your requests, and it will take 21 days to receive a response.  There is a cost to obtain it.

This information was obtained through an extensive analysis of the minutes of Board meetings and voting records.

It is 100% accurate based on those findings.

Due to a concern for retribution, we must remain anonymous, but what we will tell you is that we are a group of individuals who have resided in Sun City Anthem ranging from 3 to 15 years and have watched funds squandered needlessly.

This was merely a token of good faith on the part of Sun City Anthem residents who want honest and fair treatment from their board of directors.

We do not ask for money, and nothing is asked to download in order to create some form of SPAM.

All we asked is that IF you felt this was of benefit in choosing a candidate, to merely forward it to your neighbors in order that they also may be aware of the many issues that face us.

We took a great deal of time to research and provided information to people who choose to be aware of their association financial matters. The delete button solves the issue if that person does not wish to receive it.

Who sends the information is irrelevant, what it conveys IS relevant.

We can assure you that the email you received will not be sold or used for any future purpose.

This was a single email to Sun City Anthem residents and will not be repeated.

Have a pleasant day.

Concerned Citizens of Sun City Anthem 


From Mary Lee Duley to "Concerned Citizens of Sun City Anthem"
(March 18, 2016)
Dear Concerned Residents:

 I am forwarding this to keep your group in the loop. I cannot add you to my personal data base without names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and names of villages.  If members of your group want to contact me directly to be added to my personal data base, I’m happy do to that. Perhaps some are already participants.  ALL of my transmissions are sent using Bcc and the information remains in my laptop and is not shared with anyone.  Thanks, Mary Lee

From: Mary Lee Duley Subject: Forrest Fetheroff, Candidate for Sun City Anthem Board of Directors....Position Paper 3 Date: March 18, 2016 at 11:06:37 AM CDT

Dear Sun City Anthem Neighbors:

As promised, ALL candidates “position papers” will be forwarded to my personal data base, as they are received.  Below find the one for Forrest Fetherolf.  The one for Barry Goldstein was forwarded over a week ago and the one for Stephen Anderson will be forwarded today. I have not received any other position papers but have offered to forward ALL upon receipt but these must come directly from the candidate. When they are received from any or all candidates, you will receive them.

Please research ALL candidates that are running for the Sun City Board of Director’s position, their qualifications, what they can bring to the table, what they hope to accomplish,etc.  After reviewing their candidate flyers and their position papers,  IF you have any questions, please contact the candidates directly.  I have always elaborated about going to the SOURCE rather than  asking others their interpretations of what they hear as that’s how Rumors and Distortions begin.  
All candidates are providing their email addresses and phone numbers  and are happy to respond so concerns do not go unanswered.  Again, contact them DIRECTLY, do not rely on secondhand information or rumors.  Most importantly, research ALL, THEN VOTE!

My data base is a personal data base and has no affiliation with Sun City Anthem or ANY SCA web site or privately owned web site providing information to SCA residents.  My personal data base began in 2006 for Desert Sky VIllage. It NOW includes residents from every village in Sun City Anthem..  Participants REQUEST to be added and if they desire to be removed, their personal  information is deleted immediately.  Personal information is NOT shared as privacy is important to all of us. 

  IF you, as a data base participant,  have any questions about me or my opinions, I suggest  you contact me directly.  I do NOT respond to negative comments or rumors, and feel finger pointing using any one specific residents name is juvenile and shameful in this “active ADULT” community. 

 Sadly, residents hesitate to attend meetings and ask questions at the  at the Board Meeting Podium or express concerns out of FEAR of RETRIBUTION by having their names and reputations smeared needlessly on personal web site blogs.    I will NOT be intimidated  by anyone, much less  blog owner and I  have no use for senseless drama  and distortions.

 Those on my personal data base will continue to receive information as it is received. Please sign up with for E-Blasts to be sent to you directly.  The Spirit Magazine has email addresses for all SCA Board of Directors and SCA Committee Chairpersons. Contact the SOURCE when  you have issues please.    I reserve the right to remove participants, as do local web site owners.  

Again, please scroll down for Forrest Fetherolf’s Position Paper 3, it will be followed in a separate email with the Position Paper 3 from Stephen Anderson.  Please feel free to forward this email to your family, friends, and neighbors in Sun City Anthem.  Research, contact the SOURCE, and VOTE! 

Thank you.

Mary Lee Duley
Desert Sky Village North

Thoughts on a Restaurant
Forrest Fetherolf
Position Paper 3

At this stage of our transition to self-management, a restaurant must be considered a future consideration, not one that requires immediate attention. We must "crawl" before we "run" in the next year for the sake of our financial well being.
Sun City Residents have been exposed to and suffered through five restaurant failures over our seventeen years.
Nearly a million dollars has been spent on remodeling the space allotted to the restaurant, repairing and replacing aging and abused kitchen equipment, and subsidizing the restaurant time and time again, to allow the restaurant to keep the doors open.
Resident members are fed up with the past results, and so am I.
In December 2015, the Board leadership finally threw in the towel and negotiated a settlement whereby the restaurant would cease operation. 
The actual cost of the restaurant settlement and losses SCA incurred as a result of writing off the failed loans and unpaid utilities, remain a mystery. 
Those estimated costs are between $53,000 to $90,000 based on a financial report given during the last monthly board meeting.
Those substantial losses to our community are not acceptable, and will not be tolerated if I am elected to the Board.
Good sound financial planning must be a part of any future option, and that plan must include both qualified advice from professionals in the restaurant industry, sound statistical evidence, and most importantly, a vote of the members to make a final decision.
We can no longer rely on an informal survey that has no statistical evidence to support a successful operation. 
We live in 2016 and we must accept that today's world has tools to determine success that far exceeded any we had.
One option to determine success would be to hire a professional organization to do statistical studies examining various options we have available.  If the studies are found to have merit, they would be explored by the General Manager. "Winging it" has produced failure in the past, and will so in the future.  A properly designed plan today, should give us the guidance for a road toward tomorrow.  
If that is found to have merit by the General Manager, the next step would be to explore the options suggested.
Examining the various options would be the responsibility of the General Manager, and then her recommendations should then be placed before the Board for guidance in the options recommended.
Finally, I believe any option or options considered must be placed before the members for a final vote.  Those options and ballot should include commentary, pro and con, each recommendation including realistic cost estimates to the members in order to for them to make an intelligent decision at the time they vote.
Let me fully emphasize my belief that no board should be allowed to go forward with any venture until it is put before the members for their approval.
As you can see, it is time we accepted the motto:
Failure is not an Option
We must do the proper homework to make that a reality.
  1. Typical David Berman.

    When you can't dispute the ugly accurate facts brought out in the "Concerned Citizens" letter, let's kill the messenger.

    Why did he not print the letter?

    Simple answer....

    In every case, those board members who created the problems that were discussed and UNDISPUTED...

    ...were SUPPORTED by him for election.

    Our congratulations to him for a "distinguished record" of being...

    A WINNER at picking LOSERS.

    When you cast a ballot this year, remember the name BERMAN for these 4 "B's":

    1. Bella...gate

    ($2800 of buses for a political rally)

    2. Building

    (Roz Berman's not having the Liberty Center inspected prior to acceptance and it being closed for months)

    3. Bistro

    (Cafe V subsidies and not vetting loans that defaulted)

    4. Baloney

    (for "conveniently" avoiding any meaningful discussion of the first 3 "B's)
    1. From Another Concerned Opinions

      All of the individuals running for the Board that have been promoted by and lauded by Berman are the ones that have gotten us into the problems we now face, and because
      of his influence he is the major problem.

      Why do people follow his advice like lemmings?

      It will be interesting to see who he promotes this time, and residents should consider his track record before they cast their vote.

      Another Concerned Citizen

      If you publish this comment please don't use my name as I have already been a target of his venom.


  1. Typical David Berman.

    When you can't dispute the ugly accurate facts brought out in the "Concerned Citizens" letter, let's kill the messenger.

    Why did he not print the letter?

    Simple answer....

    In every case, those board members who created the problems that were discussed and UNDISPUTED...

    ...were SUPPORTED by him for election.

    Our congratulations to him for a "distinguished record" of being...

    A WINNER at picking LOSERS.

    When you cast a ballot this year, remember the name BERMAN for these 4 "B's":

    1. Bella...gate

    ($2800 of buses for a political rally)

    2. Building

    (Roz Berman's not having the Liberty Center inspected prior to acceptance and it being closed for months)

    3. Bistro

    (Cafe V subsidies and not vetting loans that defaulted)

    4. Baloney

    (for "conveniently" avoiding any meaningful discussion of the first 3 "B's)

  2. From Another Concerned Opinions

    All of the individuals running for the Board that have been promoted by and lauded by Berman are the ones that have gotten us into the problems we now face, and because
    of his influence he is the major problem.

    Why do people follow his advice like lemmings?

    It will be interesting to see who he promotes this time, and residents should consider his track record before they cast their vote.

    Another Concerned Citizen

    If you publish this comment please don't use my name as I have already been a target of his venom.
