Information Pages

Monday, April 11, 2016

Thomas Nissen...A Board Member / Candidate in Need of Retirement

Why It is Impossible to Recommend
 Sun City Anthem Board Candidate
Current Treasurer
Thomas Nissen

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Some people just don't get it....and Sun City Anthem Treasurer Tom  Nissen is one of them.

After all that has taken place in the past year, he actually believes this Board in which he has saluted the likes of Bella Meese and Jean Capiluppo, and Rex Weddle in their "contaminated" governing ability....deserves another two years to "lead" you !

These four controlling board members have shown a complete lack of respect for resident financial affairs, and the results have been simply DEVASTATING to Sun City Anthem.

Nissen... has clearly shown himself to be...PART of the PROBLEM...

...and certainly not its solution !

Over the past month and half, he has been having a rough time "selling" himself to residents in his REELECTION BID.

At the final Election Committee "Meet & Greet", only a scarce number of residents approached him....his voting record spoke for itself.

Of course only the one blogger who has recommended ALL of those who have brought such waste to Sun City Anthem, was the only one to endorse him. 

Perhaps that too speaks volumes ! 

Nissen knows residents can no longer be "hoodwinked" and  easily swayed, when right before their eyes...

...lies yet another failed restaurant and a shuttered Liberty Center......

...due to the DECISIONS he made and SUPPORTED.

But...Nissen's defeat would not merely mean the defeat of a candidate....

... it would mean the beginning of the dismantling the MACHINE.

... a cleansing of INCOMPETENCE that has unfairly controlled our lives for years. 

Why, because of his dismal record of sanctioning all forms of spending waste can no longer be hidden.

How wonderful he has served this its Treasurer !

Would any of you want this man to handle your money knowing his record consists of the following actions in just the past year alone?

He voted to GIVE $70,000 of your money to FSR employees KNOWING THEY WOULD SOON BE TERMINATED.

He ALWAYS VOTED...100% OF THE infuse Cafe V with YOUR a Board Treasurer, DID NOT EVEN INSIST ON VETTING TWO LOANS...NOT JUST ONE... TO A RESTAURANT....that eventually DEFAULTED on its payments.

His signature is on receipts of expensive dinners, a private party, and wasteful spending on M Resort meeting rooms costing residents thousands of dollars, discovered through a resident pursuing association waste.

See this article for full details




The total amount of Thomas Nissen's original forecast for our association's transition to self-management was $500,000..which included a 20% cushion.  

According the 12/31/15 financial statement, $268,000 was spent in 2015, and the 2016 budget states a total of an additional $657,000

Adding the two together comes to $927,000...

...that's 90%...

...above the original Nissen estimate...while in the role of the Sun City Anthem Treasurer !

He voted FOR A BUDGET...rejected by a Finance Committee !

When one looks at the achievements of Tom Nissen and considers voting for his return to the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors, your decision should be an easy one to make.

Just ask yourself these simple questions...


Do you want to maintain a "political machine" and its conceited...back-door...decision form of governance?

If that be the case, Tom's your man !

He's a proud graduate of the Meese/Capiluppo/Weddle school of "Let them Eat Cake" University with a major in UNCONTROLLED  WASTEFUL SPENDING

Our suggestion when it comes to Tom Nissen is a simple one !

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Accordingly, we look at Thomas Nissen as not merely a candidate we cannot endorse for reelection to the Sun City Anthem Board, but one who has contributed to the worst financial track record in the history of Sun City Anthem.

Got some thoughts about his record and desire to seek reelection?

Send them to us at:

Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. From Robert Opinions

    Unfortunately there will still be residents to vote for him and the current cabal.

    Explaining his faults and failures to them is like trying to convince a fish that fire actually exists.

1 comment:

  1. From Robert Opinions

    Unfortunately there will still be residents to vote for him and the current cabal.

    Explaining his faults and failures to them is like trying to convince a fish that fire actually exists.
