Information Pages

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A New Resident Looks at the Sun City Anthem Election Process

Of all the achievements Anthem Opinions has accomplished over the past 3.5 years, perhaps the one we are most proud, is the participation of residents in expressing their opinions.
This is YOUR publication, not merely OURS.
 Unlike other publications where commentary is normally a few words, somehow we have managed to encourage some in our community to come forth, and write some of the most thought provoking pieces....
 ....commentary that is filled with INTELLIGENT rhetoric that SHOULD reflect the fine community in which we reside.
 And with that in mind, we are proud to introduce you to another individual, Lawrence Peterson.

A New Resident's Reaction


The Sun City Anthem Board
Election Process

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My name is Lawrence Peterson and my spouse and I have lived in Sun City Anthem just over a year. We love our home and neighbors and were so impressed by the community that we felt our participation in the election would be a way to contribute to the community. I am a successful publishing executive and my spouse was the CFO for decades of an international insurance corporation.
We found Forrest Fetherholf, a fellow Woodchips member, to be a viable, honest and knowledgeable candidate for the Board of Directors and assisted him with editorial advice, and design and production of some election ephemera. We focused on Forrest, but assisted with two other campaigns, providing as best we could for an election that would benefit all the residents of SCA. This was a wonderful experience; to become part of the community and to participate in what we hoped would be a fair and civil election. 
We were blissfully unaware of the vitriolic nature of some of the participants.
Well, as you all know, the ones we chose to support were not the winners.  Perhaps we tried too hard?  Were our candidates not the most beautiful? Should I have used a different type face on the promotional material? 
Nevertheless I wish to express here, without being long winded, my gratitude to Forrest Fettherholf for his courage in running for the Board against incredible odds. The efforts he made to elevate the conversation to one of issues, not cliques or mudslinging, was exemplary. 

The large contribution of a conservative grass roots network introduced us to some amazing people in this community. But, it was Forrest’s tireless personal time and effort and rigorous honesty, in the face of unsubstantiated negative comments made by a few persons, that impressed us most greatly.
 If you weren't aware of the consequences the organization of SCA will be faced with, you should have attended the Board meeting Thursday, May 5, 2016, wherein the new Board elected the Officers for the Board.  
It was obvious to these two participants that the votes for Board Officers were decided behind closed doors well before the meeting. Regardless of the position and value of a proposed candidate for President, Vice President, etc. the majority of the Board showed no interest in listening — their minds clearly already decided.  
The warnings that the transition would fail if the Board did not learn to “govern” rather than “manage” went unheeded by the majority of the Board.
Tim Stebbins, our stalwart defender of procedure, once again pointed out and defended proper procedure. The microphones actually worked. 

Jim Mayfield looked stunning in a proper dark suit and tie and showed exemplary courage in speaking out on the issues, both past and future. 

Carl Weinstein was surprisingly outspoken. 

Bob Burch, weirdly enough, was in Hawaii for his first meeting.
 Only about 30 residents attended. As a resident I urge you to attend to what the Board is doing and to actually go to the meetings and speak up. They are spending your money.
 We were very discouraged by the results of the electoral process here in Sun City Anthem. With the election of a Board controlled by the same people who have overseen the closing of Liberty Center, the restaurant, and the pool, the hiding of relevant documents from voting Board members, and so forth and so on; we are even more discouraged. 
The people get the government they deserve. But, we will try again to bring to Sun City Anthem a Board of Directors with the ethics, trustworthiness and business acumen deserving the respect of the Sun City Anthem citizens.

Very best regards,

Lawrence Peterson


Got a comment? 
Are you a new or relatively new resident who would like like to share your views?  
We're also interested in hearing from those of you who have resided in Sun City Anthem for a number of years.

Send them to:

  1. From Robert Opinions

    Mr. Peterson has learned (as did I) that the old saying "Ignorance is Bliss" is, in fact, correct.

    It is through this ignorance (and a large dose of Apathy) that the current SCA Cabal will continue unimpeded throughout their next two years of tyranny, and keep all residents in their current status of Serfs.

    My only question is: when we meet a Board member, are we supposed to bow, curtsy, or genuflect?
    1. From Carl Weinstein (Sun City Anthem Board Director) Opinions

      Mr. Peterson: I appreciate your comments regarding SCA elections.

      I wish more Board members would be more outspoken.

      I can promise you that I will work with this Board as a team player as long as the Board adheres to NRS116 and our own CC&R's and policy manuals.

      At the meeting I stated that the prior Board was the worst one I had ever seen. It is unfortunate that almost all of the same players are in officer positions for the coming year.

      You should know, however, that in the 14 years I have lived here a lot of water has flown under the bridge and that some of the candidates supported by Mr. Arendt have a history that for some reason might make them not electable for some reason (whether that perception is right or wrong does not matter to those residents with those opinions).
      1. From Bud Opinions

        I thought I read that there was going to be a Recount of the ballots?

        Something sure smells in Anthem and no telling how many elections have been rotting.

        Failure to challenge, only breeds contempt for the masses, and emboldens the wrong doers.

        There is one undeniable fact. . .there is no reason to believe anything is going to change until enough residents want it to.

        Until then there is every reason to believe the situation is only going to get worse.


  1. From Robert Opinions

    Mr. Peterson has learned (as did I) that the old saying "Ignorance is Bliss" is, in fact, correct.

    It is through this ignorance (and a large dose of Apathy) that the current SCA Cabal will continue unimpeded throughout their next two years of tyranny, and keep all residents in their current status of Serfs.

    My only question is: when we meet a Board member, are we supposed to bow, curtsy, or genuflect?

  2. From Carl Weinstein (Sun City Anthem Board Director) Opinions

    Mr. Peterson: I appreciate your comments regarding SCA elections.

    I wish more Board members would be more outspoken.

    I can promise you that I will work with this Board as a team player as long as the Board adheres to NRS116 and our own CC&R's and policy manuals.

    At the meeting I stated that the prior Board was the worst one I had ever seen. It is unfortunate that almost all of the same players are in officer positions for the coming year.

    You should know, however, that in the 14 years I have lived here a lot of water has flown under the bridge and that some of the candidates supported by Mr. Arendt have a history that for some reason might make them not electable for some reason (whether that perception is right or wrong does not matter to those residents with those opinions).

  3. From Bud Opinions

    I thought I read that there was going to be a Recount of the ballots?

    Something sure smells in Anthem and no telling how many elections have been rotting.

    Failure to challenge, only breeds contempt for the masses, and emboldens the wrong doers.

    There is one undeniable fact. . .there is no reason to believe anything is going to change until enough residents want it to.

    Until then there is every reason to believe the situation is only going to get worse.
