Information Pages

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Reader Says Thanks to the New Sun City Anthem G.M. & Asst. Facilities Mgr. for Prompt Attention to Problem

As many of you are now aware, self-management is now "the law of the land" and after a positive experience, one of our valued readers asked us to convey their thoughts.

Is this a "new beginning"?

It certainly is a refreshing change from the FSR days !

Reader Gives Kudos
Sun City Anthem General Manager & Assistant Facilities Manager
Prompt Action to Problem

ThankYou.jpg (1600×1146)

Robert N.

In the past I’ve been accused by some of concentrating on only the negative antics inside Sun City Anthem.

Thus it is a refreshing interlude that I can actually report on what might be a positive turn-around inside our community.

On Friday, May 13, 2016 I sent an email to Sandy Seddon, our new SCA General Manager, outlining a problem we have with our rear fence.

My house is located on the Western edge of SCA and enjoys a view of the Spring Mountains and the Strip; as such the rear yard is significantly elevated above the street below, and, at the time of the home’s construction in circa 2001, a metal fence was installed on top of the rear retaining wall.

Over time the wall has settled somewhat, and the settlement has snapped apart the sections of fence.

On Tuesday May 17 an SCA employee visited my home and took pictures to document the settlement problem.

On May 20 Ms. Seddon sent me an email stating that she has instructed her Staff to resolve the problem; sure enough that same day Otto PillatzkeAssistant Facilities Maintenance Director, contacted me and said an SCA employee would be visiting my home.

The employee was at my home later the same day and re-bolted the fence together. He agreed that he only did a “temporary” repair as the retaining wall could suffer further settlement.

We agreed that the only permanent solution would be to rebuild that section of the retaining wall - a very expensive proposition.

Could this be a new chapter in SCA response to Residents’ concerns?

One can only hope !

Will the new Board of Directors try to micro-manage Ms. Seddon’s responsibilities and muck-up the entire operation ?

I certainly hope that won't be the case.

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  1. From Norma Opinions

    Yes, it was very nice that the New manager had this residence fence bolted back together, but since when do we call HOA to fix such problems?

    There are many of us that this has happened to over the years, we get our own bolt and fix it, or call a contractor to do such.

    I see this action as a possible issue going forward.

    If all the owners here in Sun City that have an iron fence and the bolts come loose and the fence separates contacts Management, are they going to fix them all?
  2. Norma,

    I would contact Sandy Seddon and ask her for assistance.

    It certainly wouldn't hurt to ask this of her as first resort if you are having a similar problem.
  1. .....I could have also bolted the fence together. BUT the underlying cause of the fence failure is the settlement of the retaining wall and I wanted to document the wall's failure IN CASE that documentation becomes necessary in the future.
  2. From Carl Weinstein...SCA Board Opinions

    There are two types of locations for walls here at SCA.

    If you have a wall between you and your neighbor that you and he installed, maintenance of that wall is YOUR responsibility.

    If you have a wall between your property and an open area and it is a retaining wall, that wall is the responsibility of SCA.

    It sounds like Robert N's wall falls into the category of SCA responsibility.
  3. Carl, thanks for the clarification to our readers.

    Norma and Robert...hope you'll take the opportunity to thank Carl as well.


  1. From Norma Opinions

    Yes, it was very nice that the New manager had this residence fence bolted back together, but since when do we call HOA to fix such problems?

    There are many of us that this has happened to over the years, we get our own bolt and fix it, or call a contractor to do such.

    I see this action as a possible issue going forward.

    If all the owners here in Sun City that have an iron fence and the bolts come loose and the fence separates contacts Management, are they going to fix them all?

  2. Norma,

    I would contact Sandy Seddon and ask her for assistance.

    It certainly would hurt to ask this of her as first resort if you are having a similar problem.

  3. .....of course I could have also bolted the fence together. BUT the underlying cause of the fence failure is the settlement of the retaining wall and I wanted to document the wall's failure IN CASE that documentation becomes necessary in the future

  4. From Carl Weinstein...SCA Board Opinions

    There are two types of locations for walls here at SCA.

    If you have a wall between you and your neighbor that you and he installed, maintenance of that wall is YOUR responsibility.

    If you have a wall between your property and an open area and it is a retaining wall, that wall is the responsibility of SCA.

    It sounds like Robert N's wall falls into the category of SCA responsibility.

  5. Carl, thanks for the clarification to our readers.

    Norma and Robert...hope you'll take the opportunity to thank Carl as well.
