Information Pages

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Outsiders "Take" on Sun City Anthem Board Election....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

How Residents & Non-Residents Viewed Latest 
Sun City Anthem 
Board Election

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There is no doubt that some "crowed like a rooster"...

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...while others "cried in their beer".

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... but when all is said and done, it was perhaps the most eye opening experience many of us ever had.

We had to come to the conclusion that...

 in Sun City Anthem

...and that's the way it is folks !  

We wanted to be objective, and so...we discussed this with others who were not part of Sun City Anthem to get their views.

When those in other communities looked at the "antics" of Sun City Anthem's past restaurant calamities, the Liberty Center closure, "Bella..gate", and the wasted large expenditures at the M Resort during the  General Manager interviews and subsequent private hooplas...

...every "outsider" said the same thing...

"Are you kidding loonies actually elected those people who did that stuff ?"

Yes, we did.

And when they were told that some guy who lost a law license for committing dishonest acts, actually refers to himself as a credible "reporter", and claimed kudos for a 100% success rate in electing them...

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...following the laughter and the shaking of their heads....

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...they then said one of two things:

"Thank God I don't live there"

and / or ...

"Now we understand why senior citizens are victims of fraud...most  don't give a s _ _t   ...   until it's too late".

Yes, we are....and No, many don't !

What is to be learned from all of this? 

Perhaps rather than believing "insiders" as to what's actually going on, mention some of these facts to those you might know who don't live within the confines of Sun City Anthem.

You might actually find there are a heck of a lot of smart people out there if you do...obviously a lot more than voted in our recent Board election here !

As for us...we're just going to accept reality...

...and....rather than cry in it....we'll enjoy drinking...the beer !

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Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. From Bud Opinions

    ". . . .we will win, when enough people care".

    So I give you two points:

    Come to grips with identifying a course of action that will enlist enough people to vote for change, what has been relied on in the past to get out the "right" vote obviously is insufficient .

    Determine within the rules and legalities how to ensure the election results are correct and not compromised, otherwise point one is futile

    It seems the most important task is to reach those who did not and/or do not vote or take an interest; then reach out to the low information voters that enable the Anthem idiots.

1 comment:

  1. From Bud Opinions

    ". . . .we will win, when enough people care".

    So I give you two points:

    Come to grips with identifying a course of action that will enlist enough people to vote for change, what has been relied on in the past to get out the "right" vote obviously is insufficient .

    Determine within the rules and legalities how to ensure the election results are correct and not compromised, otherwise point one is futile

    It seems the most important task is to reach those who did not and/or do not vote or take an interest; then reach out to the low information voters that enable the anthem idiots.
