Information Pages

Monday, May 2, 2016

Sun City Anthem Board Election...Under a Cloud

Sun City Anthem Election Decided
Association Rejects "Reform" Candidates

Screen+Shot+2013-01-24+at+10.08.51+PM.png (451×256)

The votes are in and the election has been decided....

...for now !

Here are the election totals for the various candidates:

Thomas Nissen                          1,672
Bob Burch                                  1,643
Aletta Waterhouse                     1,578


Stephen Anderson                     1,560
Barry Goldstein                          1,445
Forrest Fetherolf                        1,261 

Why do we say "for now?"

...because these results were more than surprising !

So surprising...that three of the candidates have made formal requests to have a recount of ballots by HAND COUNT with a full examination of the voting machines by an independent group of individuals.

Why this action ?  

Evidently the machine that counted the ballots malfunctioned and a second machine had to be utilized to complete the count.  

As a result, the machines used have been requested for formal examination as to their counting accuracy.

In addition a further question has arisen as to the transporting of the ballots from the association offices to the association attorney's office and eventually returned to the counting room.  

There was apparently no count taken when sent to the attorney, and/or  if they were returned in full.

Though difficult to understand, voters evidently favored the decisions of the past that included another restaurant failure, a Liberty Center closing, a " Bella..gate" bus scandal, as well as vast expenses for expensive dinners exhibited over the past....issues we have brought to your attention through documented evidence.

Evidently this is the first time in the history of Sun City Anthem such a request has been filed.

Until that recount inquiry is complete (or approved), the election totals will stand and new officers will be elected on Thursday, May 5th.

We believe the reported results of this election will present the greatest challenge in the history of Sun City Anthem to those who have been apparently elected...the credibility of the entire elective process is at stake.

The cloud that currently hovers over the results of the 2016 Board election will cast a long shadow as the months proceed, leaving an even fewer number of individuals willing to run for an office some will now believe has been decided...before the ballots have been counted.

We hope this cloud will be erased, and the only way that may be accomplished is to allow the voting machines to be fully verified and the ballots individually counted by an independent group of individuals including a viewing of the logs of when ballots were received and counted  as per the election manual guidelines.

Those candidates who have filed the appeal for recount have said it is for those who fervently supported their efforts over the election period...and...most importantly to preserve the integrity of the elective process as to even the slightest possibility of error or impropriety that might have existed.

Do you have a comment?  

Send it to us at:
Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Barbara Opinions

    That makes no sense to pay that kind of money using monies that come from our assessments.

    If the board has so much money to spend we should get a rebate on our quarterly assessments.
  2. From Jeff Opinions

    To bad Robert N's letter wasn't posted earlier. The current Board of Directors needs to be impeached and a new election needs to take place.

    And where was the new General Manager? 
  3. Barbara & Jeff,

    Looks like such actions are the "will of the people" after these election results.

    Hard to believe isn't it?
  1. From Lawrence Opinions

    The real losers in the election are the residents of Sun City Anthem. 
  2. From Tito Opinions


    As I wrote you before, the result of the election for the Board has been accurately predicted as in previous elections by our famous blogger and fortune teller. He has never made a mistake in endorsing and predicting the winners year after year.

    Finally and thank God, someone got the kahunas to question the accuracy of the counting of ballots.

    I'd like to volunteer to be a member of the independent body to verify the machine accuracy.

    How do you do it?
  3. Lawrence & Tito,

    Since this has never before taken place, the "how" is yet to be determined. 

    My phone was "flooded" with calls from residents regarding the election results, almost all SADLY yelling "fix". 

    To even make such a comment can't help but draw a conclusion that so many people will no longer trust much of anything decided in the future. 

    I hope others will step forward like you, Tito, and request that the recount be made as well...and volunteer to be an active participant as you have done.

    What I would like to see is the ballots counted in a public place by a randomly selected group of residents, none of which are on ANY committee. 

    At the very least, none of those on the the Election Committee should be included, especially the Chair, whose behavior over the campaign showed a great deal of partiality...and of course happens to be a very close friend your words "our famous blogger and fortune teller".

    In addition, the machines should immediately be sent to an expert for examination of accuracy and if any tampering was done, an expert chosen by the General Manager, not the Board or Community Association Manager, Lori Martin.

    Her prior action toward Robert N's past request for information, was initially met with having to complete an affidavit that turned out to be what many determined to be an ILLEGAL request.
    Ms. Martin must also be closely examined for further clarification regarding the Robert N matter.

    We do not believe she herself, made that demand without being TOLD TO DO SO by someone in a higher authority, someone we are entitled to know.

    That ILLEGAL act should have been cause for her immediate dismissal; however, she was an FSR employee at that time.

    On the other hand, our current General Manager, was also aware of that action....YET HIRED HER to remain in the Community Association Manager position.

    Was it Mrs. Seddon's order? If so, that too, the ordering of an ILLEGAL ACT, is also cause for immediate dismissal.

    Or...was it ordered by a Board member as a result of advice from our Association Attorney? That too, should be examined. 

    If a Board member ordered an ILLEGAL ACT, that should be cause for IMPEACHMENT....

    ...if ordered by an association attorney, that should be cause for DISBARMENT.

    Tito & Lawrence, what is even worse than the results of the election if this is recount is not conducted, is the affect it will be on those who apparently won....they will be looked on as "the accidental board".

    My guess is that very few people will now attend any meetings and the incentive to volunteer to serve them, will diminish as a result.

    As Lawrence Peterson so aptly stated, this "victory" could very will result in the greatest "loss" in the 17 year existence of SCA....namely a loss of respect by its residents of not just its Board of Directors and perhaps the Association Management, but even worse, being looked at by many in the entire Las Vegas valley as "the place where corruption is a way of life".

    1.         Dick ArendtMay 3, 2016 at 7:08 AM
    2. As this drama continues to heighten, Anthem Opinions was just made aware of a large number of personal telephone calls from current Board Members, Bella Meese and Rex Weddle, along with retiring member Jean Cappillupo to a substantial number of residents telling them who to vote for during the Board election.

      Anthem Opinions previously made you aware of a mass email from Rex Weddle to residents making a similar statement.

      All this...from Board members who were supposed to be IMPARTIAL as to the election campaign.

      Just another piece in the puzzle to add to the "respect" each has demonstrated for the election process.
  4. From Bill Opinions

    Give me a break. Sore losers are just going to cost our association more money. What a waste. I read your blog, but get over it Dick, your hand picked candidates LOST.
  5. Bill, losing wasn't the issue, it was the manner in which they lost. There is so much more to this than three individuals losing an election. There appears to have been numerous violations of Election protocol. Tolerating those violations may have brought an incorrect result.

    Many individuals spent hours assisting various candidates, The candidates also spent days of their personal time that could have been spent on personal pleasure rather than trying to make our association a better place,

    All they are searching for is verification that the system is honorable, something admirable in our minds.

    Is there a price to determine integrity?

    Somehow justifying spending money on a restaurant where thousands were lost in improper planning, defaulted loans, and continued subsidies, yet denying them an opportunity to obtain verification, does not seem unreasonable.

    Perhaps others might like to tell us if they feel as you do or whether they should "have their day in court".

    Thanks for your comment.

  6. From Randy Opinions


    How did this board get away with not having an independent company controlling this whole process?

    Sun City Anthem has become just one more place where the people in power can't be trusted. (Actually that happened quite a while ago.)
  7. From Matt Opinions

    Bella and the current board are disgusting.
    1. From Barry Goldstein (SCA Board Candidate) Opinions

      Dick, the reason I requested a recount was due to irregularities observed during the ballot counting meeting.

      Members that were not present at the ballot counting meeting would not have observed these irregularities.

      In addition to the recount I have sent a request to the board president and general manager for additional items that would help validate the entire ballot collection and counting process.


  1. From Barbara Opinions

    That makes no sense to pay that kind of money using monies that come from our assessments.

    If the board has so much money to spend we should get a rebate on our quarterly assessments.

  2. To Jeff Opinions

    To bad Robert N's letter wasn't posted earlier. The current Board of Directors needs to be impeached and a new election needs to take place.

    And where was the new General Manager?

  3. Barbara & Jeff,

    Looks like such actions are the "will of the people" after these election results.

    Hard to believe isn't it?

  4. From Lawrence Opinions

    The real losers in the election are the residents of Sun City Anthem.

  5. From Tito Opinions


    As I wrote you before, the result of the election for the Board has been accurately predicted as in previous elections by our famous blogger and fortune teller. He has never made a mistake in endorsing and predicting the winners year after year.

    Finally and thank God, someone got the kahunas to question the accuracy of the counting of ballots.

    I'd like to volunteer to be a member of the independent body to verify the machine accuracy.

    How do you do it?

  6. Lawrence & Tito,

    Since this has never before taken place, the "how" is yet to be determined.

    My phone was "flooded" with calls from residents regarding the election results, almost all SADLY yelling "fix".

    To even make such a comment can't help but draw a conclusion that so many people will no longer trust much of anything decided in the future.

    I hope others will step forward like you, Tito, and request that the recount be made as well...and volunteer to be an active participant as you have done.

    What I would like to see is the ballots counted in a public place by a randomly selected group of residents, none of which are on ANY committee.

    At the very least, none of those on the the Election Committee should be included, especially the Chair, whose behavior over the campaign showed a great deal of partiality...and of course happens to be a very close friend your words "our famous blogger and fortune teller".

    In addition, the machines should immediately be sent to an expert for examination of accuracy and if any tampering was done, an expert chosen by the General Manager, not the Board or Community Association Manager, Lori Martin.

    Her prior action toward Robert N's past request for information, was initially met with having to complete an affidavit that turned out to be what many determined to be an ILLEGAL request.

    Ms. Martin must also be closely examined for further clarification regarding the Robert N matter.

    We do not believe she herself, made that demand without being TOLD TO DO SO by someone in a higher authority, someone we are entitled to know.

    That ILLEGAL act should have been cause for her immediate dismissal; however, she was an FSR employee at that time.

    On the other hand, our current General Manager, was also aware of that action....YET HIRED HER to remain in the Community Association Manager position.

    Was it Mrs. Seddon's order? If so, that too, the ordering of an ILLEGAL ACT, is also cause for immediate dismissal.

    Or...was it ordered by a Board member as a result of advice from our Association Attorney? That too, should be examined.

    If a Board member ordered an ILLEGAL ACT, that should be cause for IMPEACHMENT....

    ...if ordered by an association attorney, that should be cause for DISBARRMENT.

    Tito & Lawrence, what is even worse than the results of the election, is the affect it will be on those who apparently won....they will be looked on as "the accidental board".

    My guess is that very few people will now attend any meetings and the incentive to volunteer to serve them, will diminish as a result.

    This "victory" could very will result in the greatest "loss" in the 17 year existence of SCA....namely a loss of respect by its residents of not just its Board of Directors and perhaps the Association Management, buteven worse, being looked at by many in the entire Las Vegas valley as "the place where corruption is a way of life".

  7. As this drama continues to heighten, Anthem Opinions was just made aware of a large number of personal telephone calls from current Board Members, Bella Meese and Rex Weddle, along with retiring member Jean Cappillupo to a substantial number of residents telling them who to vote for during the Board election.

    Anthem Opinions previously made you aware of a mass email from Rex Weddle to residents making a similar statement.

    All this...from Board members who were supposed to be IMPARTIAL as to the election campaign.

    Just another piece in the puzzle to add to the "respect" each has demonstrated for the election process.

  8. From Bill Opinions

    Give me a break. Sore losers are just going to cost our association more money. What a waste. I read your blog, but get over it Dick, your hand picked candidates LOST.

  9. Bill, losing wasn't the issue, it was the manner in which they lost. There is so much more to this than three individuals losing an election. There appears to have been numerous violations of Election protocol. Tolerating those violations may have brought an incorrect result.

    Many individuals spent hours assisting various candidates, The candidates also spent days of their personal time that could have been spent on personal pleasure rather than trying to make our association a better place,

    All they are searching for is verification that the system is honorable, something admirable in our minds.

    Is there a price to determine integrity?

    Somehow justifying spending money on a restaurant where thousands were lost in improper planning, defaulted loans, and continued subsidies, yet denying them an opportunity to obtain verification, does not seem unreasonable.

    Perhaps others might like to tell us if they feel as you do or whether they should "have their day in court".

    Thanks for your comment.


  10. From Randy Opinions


    How did this board get away with not having an independent company controlling this whole process?

    Sun City Anthem has become just one more place where the people in power can't be trusted. (Actually that happened quite a while ago.)

  11. From Matt Opinions

    Bella and the current board are disgusting.

  12. From Barry Goldstein (SCA Board Candidate) Opinions

    Dick, the reason I requested a recount was due to irregularities observed during the ballot counting meeting.

    Members that were not present at the ballot counting meeting would not have observed these irregularities.

    In addition to the recount I have sent a request to the board president and general manager for additional items that would help validate the entire ballot collection and counting process.
