Information Pages

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Are the Unsolicited Calls Becoming Unbearable ?

Are You Sick & Tired
Unwanted Telephone Solicitations ?

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It's bad enough that we are BARRAGED by such garbage on our home land lines from the moment you awaken until the time you go to sleep,  but now on CELL phones?

Cell phones, unlike most land lines with unlimited calling, can in many cases, have minute charges...

...and that means when...


Caller ID does little to avoid an expense to you when THEY CALL...and making matters even worse, these creeps often have the audacity of leaving a VOICE MAIL...

....which further increases you cost in some cases.

So....let's let these jerks have fighting back.

You may be on the Federal Do Not Call Registry, but if you aren't, you should subscribe IMMEDIATELY.
 Do-Not-Call.jpg (640×480)
All you need to is click on this website and fill-in the blanks....and make sure you do this for EVERY PHONE LINE YOU HAVE...whether it be a LAND or CELL number.

There's even a link to check if your phones lines are already registered and one to make a formal complaint.

Will this make any difference ?

Who knows...but when the feds get emails again and again regarding the same telephone number, they will become aware of it...and...hopefully watch it closely.

The fine for making an illegal call?


Anthem Opinions Administration

 Got any other suggestions?  Send them to us at...

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