Information Pages

Monday, June 6, 2016

Rumor Mill Has it...They're Looking ! An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Want a Restaurant?
Not Again !

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Oh my....there's some preliminary talk about yet ANOTHER restaurant !

Does that surprise any of you?

After all, the unknowing and uncaring "citizens" who populate Sun City Anthem....

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 ...saw fit to elect a bunch of bureaucrats who believe in the motto...


Those "leaders" dropped thousands on loans that were never repaid and continuously reduced rent more often than Association Secretary, Bella Meese, ate cheese cake while sitting on a bus going to a Hillary rally !

How  do you top that act?  You elect more of them to do the least that's what the unit owners of Sun City Anthem do again and again! them play musical chairs amongst themselves in a 2016 version of...

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In addition to Bella Meese sliding over to being Association Secretary, we also have a new president, Rex Weddle, and the same old "efficient" Treasurer, Tom Nissen, who spent YOUR MONEY like drunken sailors on a joint that no one would have invested a dime on....

...AND....SANCTIONED by the votes of newbies Bob Burch, and Aletta Waterhouse to place them in the offices they now hold.

Makes you wonder if we'd have been better off electing this guy...the results would have been the same !

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So..what do you think will be the future of all of this when it comes to another eating fiasco, based on this "solid" experienced bunch?

Kind of reminds me of batting a pitcher in the clean-up spot of a baseball batting order !

My heart goes out to GM, Sandy Seddon.  This is one smart lady who will TRY her best, but let's call a "spade a spade"....

Is there anyone out there who would say NO to these "intellectuals" and jeopardize a $250,000 job + bonus + benefits ?

What makes all that believable is that all of the above named individuals came from SYSTEMS where advancement was the result of "going with the flow"..."never saying anything controversial" and certainly "not rocking any boat", thus becoming honored graduates of a book written by Raymond Hull and Dr. Laurence J. Peter...

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For those unaware of this doctrine...

The Peter Principle is.. observation that in an organizational hierarchy, every employee will rise or get promoted to his or her level of incompetence.

The Peter Principle is based on the notion that employees will get promoted as long as they are competent, but at some point will fail to get promoted beyond a certain job because it has become too challenging for them.

Employees rise to their level of incompetence and stay there.

Over time, every position in the hierarchy will be filled by someone who is not competent enough to carry out his or her new duties.

Oh well, save your money guess on a new restaurant venture being a success, based on this "expertise", will be the equivalent of believing in....

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Anthem Opinions Administration

Got a comment?  Want another restaurant? Want to pay for one?

Send it to us at:

  1. From Jeff Opinions

    Can you tell me why the obsession of the board to have a restaurant at the center?

    There are more than enough restaurants within a short drive of SCA to eat at, and I'm sure that anyone of them would be happy to cater lunch or dinner at the center.

    The previous boards certainly don't need new places to go to spend the association's money. 
  2. Jeff,

    Thanks for the comment.

    There is some belief that because the space was originally designated to be used as a restaurant, that our association documents require it to remain as such.

    As to what kind of restaurant, that is left unanswered.

    I find it rather hypocritical that boards can follow only those rules they choose to follow and ignore others.

    Some people believe that a restaurant enhances property values.

    I do NOT share that belief.

    As a matter of fact, when 5 out of 5 have already "bit the dust" that would have the opposite effect and REDUCE THEM.

    Will that stop this new bunch?

    ABSOLUTELY NOT. They know THEY CONTROL....that your purpose and mine is merely to PAY FOR WHATEVER THEY DECIDE.

    Can a traditional restaurant succeed?

    Probably not, for a number of reasons.

    First, as you pointed out, there are TOO MANY ALTERATIVES that a short drive can solve.

    Some look at this restaurant idea as a "right of passage" for being a resident; that they NEED the convenience of a close bistro due to an inability to travel outside Sun City Anthem.

    To that argument, I simply say....BALONEY !


    If one requires special needs, THEY SHOULD OBTAIN THEM IN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, not expect those of us are without such problems to FINANCE THEIR NEEDS AND DESIRES.

    Second, the competitive climate would make ANY RESTAURANT fail.

    We live in a "buy one, get one free" environment, and any new place would not be able to offer such a bargain without facing financial hardship...and...eventual collapse.

    Another negative is similar to buying real estate. Any realtor will tell you that the three requirements to buying successful property is LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.

    Though a beautiful space, traffic flow is so limited that it would be impossible to sustain any long-term venture.

    What about Buckmans? They do it !

    They do it because of GOLFERS and a READY MADE MARKET.

    The only way a restaurant of any value could possibly succeed is one of two ways in my estimation.

    1. An afternoon "over the counter" sandwich alternative for those in the center, combined with a HAPPY HOUR 4pm to 7:00pm offering finger foods ONLY, having entertainment a couple of days each week with a 2 drink reasonably priced minimum....with video poker.

    Build a stage and dance floor in that space creating an atmosphere...

    "Where Everybody Knows Your Name"


    and...the later would be ABHORRANT.

    Do I expect any of this?

    NO...because arrogance and those on the board haven't a clue as to what constitutes a good time, being an anti-social group whose life considers a grand old time that includes petty association politics, controlling the lives of others, and gossiping about OTHER PEOPLE who are not of the "status" they believe themselves to be !

  3. From Robert Opinions

    How about letting the RESIDENTS decide what WE want - but of course the current cabal is much better at deciding what's good and not good for 10,000+ people.

    I too ​pity Ms. Seddon for dealing with the Board, but never underestimate the ability of ingrates for screwing something up​ so badly that, even at 250K + Bennies, she decides 'enough is enough'.

    The Board should have a majority of members that successfully ran a small business, not a bunch of cretins that never needed to make a payroll or deal with the day-to-day employer/employee BS.

    But yes, you are correct, these people were voted in by a bunch of residents that will scream the loudest when (NOT if) the HOA dues go up.....I remember what my mother used to tell me: "You made your bed, now you sleep in it" (of course, it's unknown how many of the supporters for the current BOD will understand that metaphor)
    1. From Neal Opinions

      I subscribe to your blog to try to get another view off what is going on here. There are many issues to be discussed about a restaurant in the Anthem center, pros and cons, including the type, price points etc. I like to evaluate things by the facts But by starting the discussion, in which you give no facts, and basically you only on insult the board members who, whether you like it or not,were elected by a fairly strong percentage of the members voting. ( voter apathy can be attributed to most not being uspet with the way SCA is functioning). Your wonder boy Forrest came in dead last!!!!! So instead of screaming in multicolors, why don't you try a rational discssion of any proprosal once it is put forward. Maybe most members don't mind supporting a eatery that serves the needs of the residents. As one man at the mens breakfast group at the Village Pub remarked and I can't exactly quote that --My condo fees in chicago are $1100 a month so the problems with the restaurant is "pole vaulting over mouse turds" Maybe you should just focus your angst in a more positive direction, or last discuss things in a more rational and cogent manner.
    2. Mr. Matzkin,

      Thank you for the comment, but we have a world of disagreement.

      You might want to go through the Anthem Opinions archives and search the facts about the 5 restaurant catastrophes we have covered again and again for people BASED ON BOARD well as the DOCUMENTED wasteful spending on those you appear to have supported to run Sun City Anthem.

      It appears yours are based on "bull sessions" at breakfast meetings.

      You see complaining about giving loans of $40,000 at below prime without proper vetting, an acceptable practice?

      You see reducing restaurant rent three times to a point that creates LOSS to residents without their approval, acceptable?

      My "wonder boy" Forrest Fetherolf, is a man who has integrity. He was a highly successful self made contractor whose experience would in all likelihood dwarf yours in repair and construction matters, and has been available to most residents whenever they are in need of something that has gone wrong with their of charge in most cases.

      He was a Los Angeles police officer who spent 8 months in a body cast after being injured in the line of duty, and a 2 time cancer survivor.

      He founded the Entertainment Club, and mentored Veterans for 7 years in addition to being an officer in the Woodchips Club that builds things for residents at cost.

      He was also the Treasurer of the I.C.C.C. Club.

      He owns eight homes in Sun City Anthem in addition to other properties in the Las Vegas community...,

      and...he was the individual who TRIED DESPERATELY to make sure the Liberty Center was properly built, (through his experience), but whose advice fell on deaf ears to the then Association President and others who have run things for years...individuals who were career BUREAUCRATS that have no experience in such matters other than existing in a world where income was based on "time in grade" rather than accomplishment..

      How do those achievements stack up against those that were elected?

      Better yet how do those accomplishments stack up to yours and your breakfast buddies ?

      Yes, after all he went through and has done for people, he IS A WONDER BOY.

      Incidentally, Chicago condos have nothing to do with Sun City Anthem association fees, and when I hear comments like your "breakfast mate's", I respond in three ways.

      First, it could have been LESS had efficiency and competence been employed.

      Secondly, there are residents in Sun City Anthem who go to the Food Bank in downtown Henderson in order to save a few bucks, and you would be astounded to know how many people live here that survive on Social Security alone.  Meals on Wheels is also a frequent SCA visitor.

      Third, if you can travel to a restaurant elsewhere without difficulty, why do you see the need to spend association funds on one in an industry where 80% of them fail within 2-3 years?

      I can assure you that neither Forrest nor I fall within the "we can't afford it" category, but we LOOK OUT FOR THOSE WHO DO, and if that is a basis for criticism such as yours, so be it. You can criticize us all day til the cows come home.

      We look in the mirror each day and like what we see because neither of us do things with any ulterior personal motive other than the well-being of others.

      Both Forrest and I came from poor homes, never forgot where we came from, and became successful self-employed individuals whose success was based on RESULT...what some call "The American Dream"...

      ...all the while never losing compassion for others less fortunate.

      Just what do you or your friends do to better this community other than praise those who have destroyed it ?

      Perhaps you can step up the plate and solve the issues rather than complain about those who try to solve them intelligently by way of using RELEVANT EXPERIENCE  and a "Love they Neighbor As Thyself" attitude in such matters.

      One last comment...

      Please note that of the 1,400 individuals that read that article, you were the only one to disagree with it.
      1. From Board Director Carl Opinions

        In my opinion the problem is not whether we should have a restaurant. The issue is what kind of restaurant we should have!

        Past Boards have surveyed residents officially and unofficially but they never made a decision that even came close to the residents' wishes.

        We need a place where a poker player, billiard player or Mah Jong player can go to for a quick half sandwich and cup of soup while they are in the gallery. Or even a chicago -style hot dog. The restaurant should also offer some mid-priced dinners. Having video poker at the bar would also help. To dispell current rumors, our GM and the Board is NOT currently discussing what to do about a restaurant.

        I anticipate that that will not occur until sometime AFTER the Summer months.
      2. Carl, thanks for the clarification.

        I might add that you comment started by saying "in my opinion", not "this is what we're going to do."

        What a pleasant change in attitude from a member of the Sun City Anthem Board.

        Carl, how do you feel about the association subsidizing any future restaurant?

        Would you support putting the question to the unit owners instead of a Board making a unilateral decision?

        I'm sure our readers would like to know your opinion.

        Thank you.
        1. From Board Director Carl Opinions

          Dick, this is in answer to your question. There is something I forgot in my comments above.

          Another BIG mistake earlier Boards made was to consider the restaurant as a PROFIT-MAKING entity. It is not! It is an amenity like any other amenity we have here at Anthem.

          And NO this is NOT a country club; therefore, residents should not be forced into making additional financial contributions to SCA in order to have a restaurant.

          I believe the restaurant should be a private enterprise that sinks or swims on its own merits; however, but also pays for any expenses incurred to SCA because of its operation.

          There are those residents who believe SCA should own and operate the restaurant.

          Our GM has experience doing that in her previous position and I look forward to her counsel when the time comes to evaluate the restaurant situation.

          I am not a supporter of having the membership surveyed regarding Board decisions, because whatever we would decide to do would make part of those surveyed unhappy.

          We were elected by the membership, and right or wrong, it is our decision to make!

          Many people think that a survey is like taking a formal vote. It is NOT!

          It is only and information gathering device!

          By doing what we think is best will get everyone upset (just jesting), so all the residents are treated equally!

          The Board has agreed to hear from Sandy BEFORE anything happens.

          She ran THREE levels of restaurants where she came from before joining SCA.
          1. From Robert Opinions

            Yes, Carl Weinstein is correct - we do NOT need another 'formal' restaurant.....we need an informal place where you can go in for a 'quick bite' and maybe play some video poker.

            Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting the outcome to be different.

            Of course, we MAY get stuck with yet another "Pseudo-Vic's" due to:

            1. Apathy of the Residents, and
            2. Arrogance of the Board of Directors supported by their "official" lap-dog Blogger who pops up like an annoying, painful hemorrhoid at every opportunity.


  1. From Jeff Opinions

    Can you tell me why the obsession of the board to have a restaurant at the center?

    There are more than enough restaurants within a short drive of SCA to eat at, and I'm sure that anyone of them would be happy to cater lunch or dinner at the center.

    The previous boards certainly don't need new places to go to spend the association's money.

  2. Jeff,

    Thanks for the comment.

    There is some belief that because the space was originally designated to be used as a restaurant, that our association documents require it to remain as such.

    As to what kind of restaurant, that is left unanswered.

    I find it rather hypocritical that boards can follow only those rules they choose to follow and ignore others.

    Some people believe that a restaurant enhances property values.

    I do NOT share that belief.

    As a matter of fact, when 5 out of 5 have already "bit the dust" that would have the opposite effect and REDUCE THEM.

    Will that stop this new bunch?

    ABSOLUTELY NOT. They know THEY CONTROL....that your purpose and mine is merely to PAY FOR WHATEVER THEY DECIDE.

    Can a traditional restaurant succeed?

    Probably not, for a number of reasons.

    First, as you pointed out, there are TOO MANY ALTERATIVES that a short drive can solve.

    Some look at this restaurant idea as a "right of passage" for being a resident; that they NEED the convenience of a close bistro due to an inability to travel outside Sun City Anthem.

    To that argument, I simply say....BALONEY !


    If one requires special needs, THEY SHOULD OBTAIN THEM IN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, not expect those of us are without such problems to FINANCE THEIR NEEDS AND DESIRES.

    Second, the competitive climate would make ANY RESTAURANT fail.

    We live in a "buy one, get one free" environment, and any new place would not be able to offer such a bargain without facing financial hardship...and...eventual collapse.

    Another negative is similar to buying real estate. Any realtor will tell you that the three requirements to buying successful property is LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.

    Though a beautiful space, traffic flow is so limited that it would be impossible to sustain any long-term venture.

    What about Buckmans? They do it !

    They do it because of GOLFERS and a READY MADE MARKET.

    The only way a restaurant of any value could possibly succeed is one of two ways in my estimation.

    1. An afternoon "over the counter" sandwich alternative for those in the center, combined with a HAPPY HOUR 4pm to 7:00pm offering finger foods ONLY, having entertainment a couple of days each week with a 2 drink reasonably priced minimum....with video poker.

    Build a stage and dance floor in that space creating an atmosphere...

    "Where Everybody Knows Your Name"


    and...the later would be ABHORRANT.

    Do I expect any of this?

    NO...because arrogance and those on the board haven't a clue as to what constitutes a good time, being an anti-social group whose life considers a grand old time that includes petty association politics, controlling the lives of others, and gossiping about OTHER PEOPLE who are not of the "status" they believe themselves to be !


  3. From Robert Opinions

    How about letting the RESIDENTS decide what WE want - but of course the current cabal is much better at deciding what's good and not good for 10,000+ people.

    I too ​pity Ms. Seddon for dealing with the Board, but never underestimate the ability of ingrates for screwing something up​ so badly that, even at 250K + Bennies, she decides 'enough is enough'.

    The Board should have a majority of members that successfully ran a small business, not a bunch of cretins that never needed to make a payroll or deal with the day-to-day employer/employee BS.

    But yes, you are correct, these people were voted in by a bunch of residents that will scream the loudest when (NOT if) the HOA dues go up.....I remember what my mother used to tell me: "You made your bed, now you sleep in it" (of course, it's unknown how many of the supporters for the current BOD will understand that metaphor)

  4. From Neal Opinions

    I subscribe to your blog to try to get another view off what is going on here. There are many issues to be discussed about a restaurant in the Anthem center, pros and cons, including the type, price points etc. I like to evaluate things by the facts But by starting the discussion, in which you give no facts, and basically you only on insult the board members who, whether you like it or not,were elected by a fairly strong percentage of the members voting. ( voter apathy can be attributed to most not being uspet with the way SCA is functioning). Your wonder boy Forrest came in dead last!!!!! So instead of screaming in multicolors, why don't you try a rational discssion of any proprosal once it is put forward. Maybe most members don't mind supporting a eatery that serves the needs of the residents. As one man at the mens breakfast group at the Village Pub remarked and I can't exactly quote that --My condo fees in chicago are $1100 a month so the problems with the restaurant is "pole vaulting over mouse turds" Maybe you should just focus your angst in a more positive direction, or last discuss things in a more rational and cogent manner.

  5. Mr. Matzkin,

    Thank you for the comment, but we have a world of disagreement.

    You might want to go through the Anthem Opinions archives and search the facts about the 5 restaurant catastrophes we have covered again and again for people BASED ON BOARD well as the DOCUMENTED wasteful spending on those you appear to have supported to run Sun City Anthem.

    It appears yours are based on "bull sessions" at breakfast meetings.

    You see complaining about giving loans of $40,000 at below prime without proper vetting, an acceptable practice?

    You see reducing restaurant rent three times to a point that creates LOSS to residents without their approval, acceptable?

    My "wonder boy" Forrest Fetherolf, is a man who has integrity. He was a highly successful self made contractor whose experience would in all likelihood dwarf yours in repair and construction matters, and has been available to most residents whenever they are in need of something that has gone wrong with their of charge in most cases.

    He was a Los Angeles police officer who spent 8 months in a body cast after being injured in the line of duty, and a 2 time cancer survivor.

    He founded the Entertainment Club, and mentored Veterans for 7 years in addition to being an officer in the Woodchips Club that builds things for residents at cost.

    He was also the Treasurer of the I.C.C.C. Club.

    He owns eight homes in Sun City Anthem in addition to other properties in the Las Vegas community...,

    and...he was the individual who TRIED DESPERATELY to make sure the Liberty Center was properly built, (through his experience), but whose advice fell on deaf ears to the then Association President and others who have run things for years...individuals who were career BUREAUCRATS that have no experience in such matters other than existing in a world where income was based on "time in grade" rather than accomplishment..

    How do those achievements stack up against those that were elected?

    Better yet how do those accomplishments stack up to yours and your breakfast buddies ?

    Yes, after all he went through and has done for people, he IS A WONDER BOY.

    Incidentally, Chicago condos have nothing to do with Sun City Anthem association fees, and when I hear comments like your "breakfast mate's", I respond in three ways.

    First, it could have been LESS had efficiency and competence been employed.

    Secondly, there are residents in Sun City Anthem who go to the Food Bank in downtown Henderson in order to save a few bucks, and you would be astounded to know how many people live here that survive on Social Security alone. Meals on Wheels is also a frequent SCA visitor.

    Third, if you can travel to a restaurant elsewhere without difficulty, why do you see the need to spend association funds on one in an industry where 80% of them fail within 2-3 years?

    I can assure you that neither Forrest nor I fall within the "we can't afford it" category, but we LOOK OUT FOR THOSE WHO DO, and if that is a basis for criticism such as yours, so be it. You can criticize us all day til the cows come home.

    We look in the mirror each day and like what we see because neither of us do things with any ulterior personal motive other than the well-being of others.

    Both Forrest and I came from poor homes, never forgot where we came from, and became successful self-employed individuals whose success was based on RESULT...what some call "The American Dream"...

    ...all the while never losing compassion for others less fortunate.

    Just what do you our your friends do to better this community other than praise those who have destroyed it ?

    Perhaps you can step up the plate and solve the issues rather than complain about those who try to solve them intelligently by way of using RELEVANT EXPERIENCE and a "Love they Neighbor As Thyself" attitude in such matters.

    One last comment...

    Please note that of the 1,400 individuals that read that article, you were the only one to disagree with it.

  6. From Board Director Carl Opinions

    In my opinion the problem is not whether we should have a restaurant. The issue is what kind of restaurant we should have!

    Past Boards have surveyed residents officially and unofficially but they never made a decision that even came close to the residents' wishes.

    We need a place where a poker player, billiard player or Mah Jong player can go to for a quick half sandwich and cup of soup while they are in the gallery. Or even a chicago -style hot dog. The restaurant should also offer some mid-priced dinners. Having video poker at the bar would also help. To dispell current rumors, our GM and the Board is NOT currently discussing what to do about a restaurant.

    I anticipate that that will not occur until sometime AFTER the Summer months.

  7. Carl, thanks for the clarification.

    I might add that you comment started by saying "in my opinion", not "this is what we're going to do."

    What a pleasant change in attitude from a member of the Sun City Anthem Board.

    Carl, how do you feel about the association subsidizing any future restaurant?

    Would you support putting the question to the unit owners instead of a Board making a unilateral decision?

    I'm sure our readers would like to know your opinion.

    Thank you.

  8. From Board Director Carl Opinions

    Dick, this is in answer to your question. There is something I forgot in my comments above.

    Another BIG mistake earlier Boards made was to consider the restaurant as a PROFIT-MAKING entity. It is not! It is an amenity like any other amenity we have here at Anthem.

    And NO this is NOT a country club; therefore, residents should not be forced into making additional financial contributions to SCA in order to have a restaurant.

    I believe the restaurant should be a private enterprise that sinks or swims on its own merits; however, but also pays for any expenses incurred to SCA because of its operation.

    There are those residents who believe SCA should own and operate the restaurant.

    Our GM has experience doing that in her previous position and I look forward to her counsel when the time comes to evaluate the restaurant situation.

    I am not a supporter of having the membership surveyed regarding Board decisions, because whatever we would decide to do would make part of those surveyed unhappy.

    We were elected by the membership, and right or wrong, it is our decision to make!

    Many people think that a survey is like taking a formal vote. It is NOT!

    It is only and information gathering device!

    By doing what we think is best will get everyone upset (just jesting), so all the residents are treated equally!

    The Board has agreed to hear from Sandy BEFORE anything happens.

    She ran THREE levels of restaurants where she came from before joining SCA.

  9. From Robert Opinions

    Yes, Carl Weinstein is correct - we do NOT need another 'formal' restaurant.....we need an informal place where you can go in for a 'quick bite' and maybe play some video poker.

    Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting the outcome to be different.

    Of course, we MAY get stuck with yet another "Pseudo-Vic's" due to:

    1. Apathy of the Residents, and
    2. Arrogance of the Board of Directors supported by their "official" lap-dog Blogger who pops up like an annoying, painful hemorrhoid at every opportunity.
