Information Pages

Monday, August 29, 2016

Going Away ? Notifying Post Office May Not Be the Best Option

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Goin’ Postal in Henderson

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Robert N.

We took a trip back East to visit family and friends. To prepare for our absence, I went to the Seven Hills Post Office and dutifully filled out that yellow “Vacation Hold Mail” card. I completed the card to request that our mail be held until I picked it up at the Post Office.

The day we returned we decided to first go to the Post Office from the Airport (since it was ‘on the way’).

After waiting in the obligatory line, we told the Clerk that we had returned and wanted to pick up our mail. She returned after a few minutes to report that there was NO mail on hold ‘in the back’. She said it “may” have been delivered”.

She jotted down a phone number on a scrap piece of paper and told us that if there was no mail in our mailbox, we should call this numberbefore 9 AM tomorrow” so that they could “look for your mail”.

So, yes, it was a stressful ride back to SCA, and we found 6 days of mail crammed into our mailbox – luckily we didn’t have to ‘call this number before 9:00 AM tomorrow’.

It is a very stressful situation when you go to the Post Office and request your “held” mail only to be told that it doesn’t exist; it’s also disturbing to find that you’ve followed ‘all the rules’ and properly filled out a form requesting that the mail be held (only to find out that Bureaucratic Incompetence failed to complete your request)...

...the most disturbing fact was the cavalier attitude of the Clerk who basically shrugged her shoulders told us to call a number tomorrow IF there was no mail in your mailbox. 

Does anyone wonder why people are disgusted with “Government Service”?????

Please note that our “Postal Woman” does a banner job and is NOT responsible for this screw-up…..we dread the Christmas season when (apparently) she takes vacation and ‘temporary’ help delivers the mail…..


I’m old enough to remember when stamps cost 3 or 5 cents. In those days your mail was delivered to your house without fail; your Postman (no Postwomen then) knew who you were; the Postmen wore Postal Uniforms; and the service was excellent.

I strongly recommend to all the readers that you do what we have done:

When you plan to be away from your home (vacation, etc...

...give your post box key to a trusted neighbor and have them pick up your mail...

Do NOT trust the Post Office.

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  1. From Buddy Opinions

    There are two ways that this can be done.

    One is through the written hold mail and the second way is through the online system.

    I have found that the old written system is just as Robert describes.

    I've also found that the online system works very well. You get a confirmation and a receipt so you know it has been done.

    I have used the online system about a dozen times in the last two years and it has worked perfectly.

    Maybe technology is the answer for the post office.

  1. From Art Opinions

    Re Robert N, get in the modern age and use the website and fill out the info on line.

    You get a numbered receipt and your mail is held and delivered on time.

    We have been doing this for five years and never a screw-up!

    When I moved from Florida, over six years ago, I did the same thing and my mail was forwarded and delivered in a timely manner.

  2. From Jeff Opinions

    When we travel we go online to the USPS web site and fill out the Mail Hold Options section.

    We have never had a problem and you will get a receipt of your request with a receipt number saying they have it and the dates of the hold and when to start redelivering the mail or to go to the post office and pick it up yourself.

    You get the two options when filling out the form. That is your best option!

    You can speak from strength when you have a form that shows your mail hold was received and recorded with a receipt.

    Thanks for the good job in bringing these items to our attention.
  1. From Ellen Opinions

    Before a trip I usually stop the mail a day (or even two days) before I leave as a "test."

    It's too bad we have to anticipate errors by a bureaucracy and micro-manage them.

  2. From Ellen Opinions

    You can go on US postal website and place a mail hold on line.

    I have done this often without a problem.
  1. From Phyllis Opinions

    Simply go online and stop your mail.

    We do it all the time, and when we get home it is delivered to us.

    No trouble, no stress.

    Try it.


  1. From Buddy Opinions

    There are two ways that this can be done.

    One is through the written hold mail and the second way is through the online system.

    I have found that the old written system is just as Robert describes.

    I've also found that the online system works very well. You get a confirmation and a receipt so you know it has been done.

    I have used the online system about a dozen times in the last two years and it has worked perfectly.

    Maybe technology is the answer for the post office.

  2. From Art Opinions

    Re Robert N, get in the modern age and use the website and fill out the info on line.

    You get a numbered receipt and your mail is held and delivered on time.

    We have been doing this for five years and never a screw-up!

    When I moved from Florida, over six years ago, I did the same thing and my mail was forwarded and delivered in a timely manner.

  3. From Jeff Opinions

    When we travel we go online to the USPS web site and fill out the Mail Hold Options section.

    We have never had a problem and you will get a receipt of your request with a receipt number saying they have it and the dates of the hold and when to start redelivering the mail or to go to the post office and pick it up yourself.

    You get the two options when filling out the form. That is your best option!

    You can speak from strength when you have a form that shows your mail hold was received and recorded with a receipt.

    Thanks for the good job in bringing these items to our attention.

  4. From Ellen Opinions

    Before a trip I usually stop the mail a day (or even two days) before I leave as a "test."

    It's too bad we have to anticipate errors by a bureaucracy and micro-manage them.

  5. From Ellen Opinions

    You can go on US postal website and place a mail hold on line.

    I have done this often without a problem.

  6. From Phyllis Opinions

    Simply go online and stop your mail.

    We do it all the time, and when we get home it is delivered to us.

    No trouble, no stress.

    Try it.
