Information Pages

Sunday, August 28, 2016

That Fence Getting a Bit Ugly...Get it Painted

Need Your Fence Painted ?

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Is the wrought fence of yours looking a bit shabby, rusty, and/or weather beaten?  Nevada sunshine certainly takes its toll over the years.

...and...if you live in the right village, there's a deal available that you might wish to consider.

Sun City Anthem contracted a company named "Charger Construction, LLC" to do fence painting in certain areas.

They agreed to honor the same pricing they are charging Sun City Anthem for any resident in the Big Sky, Desert Sky, Arroyo Vista,  and Shadow Canyon villages.

sun-city-anthem-homes-for-sale.jpg (290×205)

If you are interested, either go to the Administration Office in Anthem Center or call (702) 614-5816 to sign up for a FREE quote from this company.

The Deadline to do this is September 15th

That company will provide you a quote.

Payment is then made directly to the contractor.

For more details, contact a lady named Anneliese Gamboa  at (702) 614-5815.

We've also checked them out as well. 

"Charter Construction LLC" is located at 525 W. Sunset Road in Henderson.  Their phone number is (702) 807-4137.

They are properly LICENSED and INSURED to a maximum liability limit of $950,000 according to the Clark County Contractors Association.

Anthem Opinions Administration
  1. And the BIG question is, why only those villages? Are there plans for the rest of us? The front office did not seem to know when a neighbor checked.
  2. Lawrence, I believe they are going to do it piecemeal. Over time, all of the villages will get the same opportunity.


  1. And the BIG question is, why only those villages? Are there plans for the rest of us? The front office did not seem to know when a neighbor checked.

  2. Lawrence, I believe they are going to do it piecemeal. Over time, all of the villages will get the same opportunity.
