Information Pages

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Resident Looks Closely at Sun City Anthem's 9/27/16 Restaurant Work Shop

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Our "notorious" Robert N. attended the Restaurant Meeting at Anthem Center on September 27th... 

...and as always...

...we appreciate his "brutal honesty" in deciding to tell us what he witnessed !

A Formal Restaurant Swan Song?
by Robert N.

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I was at an interesting and well-attended meeting on Tuesday where Residents could expound their thoughts about the continuing saga of the SCA Restaurant.

The usual suspects were present: the full HOA Board was in attendance.

Sandy Seddon was also at the Head Table and, I must report, did an excellent job in the coordination of Residents who wanted to make a statement.

Now, I readily admit, I did NOT take any nefarious recordings of the proceedings, nor did I take copious notes at the meeting; however I can readily make some astute and honest observations based on my memory.

Only about +/- 2 dozen Residents approached the microphone to voice their opinion(s) about the future of a restaurant at Sun City Anthem.

-virtually NO ONE wants yet another “formal” restaurant at Sun City Anthem; over the years there have been five (5) failed restaurants.

(A definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and hoping the outcome will be different !)

-virtually NO ONE wants to have a dues increase to subsidize a restaurant venture; one gentleman offered a cost analysis and stated that it would cost SCA (e.g. you and me-the Residents) $15,000 to $20,000 per MONTH to subsidize a formal restaurant.

-one individual, who spoke to the Nevada Real Estate Board, was concerned that opening any restaurant to the public would violate our Public Offering Statement that identifies our restaurant as an “amenity” (e.g. something for the enjoyment of RESIDENTS and GUESTS only).

-a MAJORITY of the attendees looked forward to having an “informal eatery” available for their use and enjoyment. This “informal eatery” DOES NOT need a culinary Chef – all it needs is a cook who knows how to make a good sandwich, a good burger, or a good salad.

-a MAJORITY of the attendees also pined for some type of ‘entertainment’ on a Friday or Saturday night that would serve as a ‘draw’ for the ‘informal eatery’.

-it was split whether there should or should not be some type of gambling at the ‘informal eatery’ (e.g. video poker); some speakers stated that this ‘informal eatery’ would only be successful IF there was some type of gambling – other speakers were of the opinion that if the prospective Lessee was an experienced Restaurateur, gambling would not be necessary.

-if an ‘informal eatery’ is in place, it MUST offer take-out service – this would make a lot of sense; on those nights you don’t feel like cooking and don’t feel like ‘going out to dinner’,  you would have an option to get some (simple) food locally (without driving down Eastern Ave.)

-I also note that some individuals made the FALSE and MISLEADING statement that the presence of a restaurant will help to maintain our property values.  EVERYONE gets a copy of the “Spirit magazine”; enclosed in that mailing is an insert from Proudfit Realty that reported in July, 2014 the Median Sales Price of a home in SCA was $176 per square foot; in July, 2016 the average Median Sales Price of a home in SCA was $178 per square foot – our Median Sales Price INCREASED after the restaurant closed.

I found it very interesting that, present at this meeting, there was one or more individuals who were staunch supporters to continue the Formal Restaurant Debacle; one of the individuals had also taken the time to prepare a ‘White Wash Paper’ supporting a formal restaurant. Although they had the ample opportunity to forward their view publicly at the meeting – they were silent.

I would certainly hope that our current HOA Board  takes ALL the comments expounded at this meeting under proper consideration – clearly, the Residents HAVE SPOKEN !
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Did you attend the restaurant meeting?

Did you have any additional observations you would like to share with our readers?

Send your comments to:
  1. From David Opinions

    Good morning and thank you for your website.

    I attended the meeting on Tuesday and came away with a funny smell of another restaurant failure.

    Most of the speakers addressed what type of restaurant we should have and not whether or not we should have or can even afford one. Several residents who spoke are somewhat new to SCA and have no idea what has happened in the past. I heard suggestions of surveys, sending out RFQs to restaurants and other previously failed attempts to reopen a restaurant.

    In addition to the lack of background information, so many attendees seem to know very little if anything about running a business especially a restaurant. Twice I heard people suggest offering the space to an established restaurant so they can use it as a write off; I have never heard of a restaurant ever looking for a new way to lose money. Margins are too thin.

    Self management was suggested as if it is as easy as hiring a couple waitresses and a cook. The restaurant business has one of the highest employment turnover rates. The speakers who proposed this have no idea about what having employees requires: Wages, Workers Comp, liability insurance, background checks and on and on and on. I must say, most of the group has tunnel vision when it comes to this restaurant situation.

    There were a couple of speakers who did talk about the financial burden of having a restaurant. One gentleman said it all: Most restaurants fail in the first year. And the most poignant statement was from the same person who stated that SCA is a HOA not a country club. Enough said.
  2. From Vincent Opinions

    I believe that having a coffee and gelato bar where the current bar is would be a big draw and would be utilized all day.

    I also support an informal eatery as an amenity.

    Agree that no chef needed, just a good cook.

    Take out is a good idea.

    We have people at the center all day long. People want to stop in for snacks after cards, classes, swimming etc.

    The cost must be competitive or residents will not utilize the restaurant.
  1. It makes me laugh when a "White Paper Con Artist" tries to paint a negative picture of Anthem Opinions in light of the detailed Four Part written presentation we published critiquing another of his ridiculous and financially destructive propositions.

    His latest tripe of course brought out the fact that the "vast" number of 200 people showed up at a meeting...comparing it to the usual paltry sum of 25 -30 that normally attend such functions.

    ...conveniently not mentioning that many of them were from the same household.

    I might point out to those who believe that is some "awesome amount", it's merely...2.8% of the total units in Sun City Anthem.

    Or...when the total population of approximately 10,000 is considered...

    ...that percentage drops to 2%.

    And yes, that means that 98% of the unit owners "didn't give a hoot" or were unable to attend for various reasons.

    Of course, what he also omitted was that NO ONE spoke positively as to the "self-management" idea which he laughingly promoted.

    Somehow it was Anthem Opinions that brought out a BARE BONES break even would require an annual expenditure of between $300,000 and $360,000...

    ...sums never brought out in the "white paper con"...

    ..which proves he is either DECEPTIVE...

    ...or just plain IGNORANT... when it comes to matters concerning dollars and cents.

    Based on his track record, we'll go with both !

    As to attendance, Anthem Opinions has a number of individuals who assist us in our reporting, greatly alleviating our time in order to allow us to somehow ENJOY OUR LIFE, and have a HEALTHY MARRIAGE.

    Frankly, Anthem Opinions made it quite plain that we consider this restaurant idea a complete LOSING PROPOSITION to our entire association.

    Our detailed analysis spoke loudly WITH INTELLIGENT DETAILS as to WHY we feel the way we do...

    ...with between 1,800 to 2,000 visits to our site after EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE.

    And...not surprisingly, a number of the supposed 35 people who did choose to speak...


    But despite everything...unlike Anthem Opinions...

    What "Mr. White Paper Con" never mentioned was that THE DECISION SHOULD BELONG TO THE PEOPLE....

    ...objects "White Paper Con BUREAUCRATS" look at as pawns to be used toward a private end.
  2. From Marty Opinions


    I'm hoping the "NO RESTAURANT" people outnumbered those who want EVERYONE to pay for their convenience even though having a "full service model" would never ever work, and Robert N's version of insanity is completely valid.
    1. From Carolyn Opinions

      I definitely am NOT in favor of any kind of restaurant. Or an increase in dues to pay for one.

      I just can’t believe the Board doesn’t get the message after 5 failed restaurants.

      I would be curious to their answer to that.


  1. From David Opinions

    Good morning and thank you for your website.

    I attended the meeting on Tuesday and came away with a funny smell of another restaurant failure.

    Most of the speakers addressed what type of restaurant we should have and not whether or not we should have or can even afford one. Several residents who spoke are somewhat new to SCA and have no idea what has happened in the past. I heard suggestions of surveys, sending out RFQs to restaurants and other previously failed attempts to reopen a restaurant.

    In addition to the lack of background information, so many attendees seem to know very little if anything about running a business especially a restaurant. Twice I heard people suggest offering the space to an established restaurant so they can use it as a write off; I have never heard of a restaurant ever looking for a new way to lose money. Margins are too thin.

    Self management was suggested as if it is as easy as hiring a couple waitresses and a cook. The restaurant business has one of the highest employment turnover rates. The speakers who proposed this have no idea about what having employees requires: Wages, Workers Comp, liability insurance, background checks and on and on and on. I must say, most of the group has tunnel vision when it comes to this restaurant situation.

    There were a couple of speakers who did talk about the financial burden of having a restaurant. One gentleman said it all: Most restaurants fail in the first year. And the most poignant statement was from the same person who stated that SCA is a HOA not a country club. Enough said.

  2. From Vincent Opinions

    I believe that having a coffee and gelato bar where the current bar is would be a big draw and would be utilized all day.

    I also support an informal eatery as an amenity.

    Agree that no chef needed, just a good cook.

    Take out is a good idea.

    We have people at the center all day long. People want to stop in for snacks after cards, classes, swimming etc.

    The cost must be competitive or residents will not utilize the restaurant.

  3. It makes me laugh when a "White Paper Con Artist" tries to paint a negative picture of Anthem Opinions in light of the detailed Four Part written presentation we published critiquing another of his ridiculous and financially destructive propositions.

    His latest tripe of course brought out the fact that the "vast" number of 200 people showed up at a meeting...comparing it to the usual paltry sum of 25 -30 that normally attend such functions.

    ...conveniently not mentioning that many of them were from the same household.

    I might point out to those who believe that is some "awesome amount", it's merely...2.8% of the total units in Sun City Anthem.

    Or...when the total population of approximately 10,000 is considered...

    ...that percentage drops to 2%.

    And yes, that means that 98% of the unit owners "didn't give a hoot" or were unable to attend for various reasons.

    Of course, what he also omitted was that NO ONE spoke positively as to the "self-management" idea which he laughingly promoted.

    Somehow it was Anthem Opinions that brought out a BARE BONES break even would require an annual expenditure of between $300,000 and $360,000...

    ...sums never brought out in the "white paper con"...

    ..which proves he is either DECEPTIVE...

    ...or just plain IGNORANT... when it comes to matters concerning dollars and cents.

    Based on his track record, we'll go with both !

    As to attendance, Anthem Opinions has a number of individuals who assist us in our reporting, greatly alleviating our time in order to allow us to somehow ENJOY OUR LIFE, and have a HEALTHY MARRIAGE.

    Frankly, Anthem Opinions made it quite plain that we consider this restaurant idea a complete LOSING PROPOSITION to our entire association.

    Our detailed analysis spoke loudly WITH INTELLIGENT DETAILS as to WHY we feel the way we do...

    ...with between 1,800 to 2,000 visits to our site after EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE.

    And...not surprisingly, a number of the supposed 35 people who did choose to speak...


    But despite everything...unlike Anthem Opinions...

    What "Mr. White Paper Con" never mentioned was that THE DECISION SHOULD BELONG TO THE PEOPLE....

    ...objects "White Paper Con BUREAUCRATS" look at as pawns to be used to a private end.

  4. From Marty Opinions


    I'm hoping the "NO RESTAURANT" people outnumbered those who want EVERYONE to pay for their convenience even though having a "full service model" would never ever work, and Robert N's version of insanity is completely valid.

  5. From Carolyn Opinions

    I definitely am NOT in favor of any kind of restaurant. Or an increase in dues to pay for one.

    I just can’t believe the Board doesn’t get the message after 5 failed restaurants.

    I would be curious to their answer to that.
