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Monday, September 5, 2016

Blogger's White Paper...Just Another Sales Pitch to Waste Sun City Anthem Funds....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

The Value of a Restaurant 
"White Paper"

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Just what is a "white paper"? 

After examining the latest proposal authored by another blogger, we decided to decipher the value of his latest biased and cost prohibitive proposition.

Simply stated, in our opinion, it is merely some sort of quest for a community restaurant despite the consistent failures of EACH AND EVERY PREVIOUS TENANT for the past 17 years. 

This time it's the notion of a "do it yourself" operation where Sun City Anthem owns it and pays professionals to manage and operate it.

Before we get into specifics as to what we believe is foolishness as to the merits of any restaurant....much less one that is owned and managed by our association... order to give it proper do, we must first ask ourselves...

What is a white paper and what is its value?

We'll start this discussion which will be followed up with other aspects of the proposal in a Four Part series of articles entitled:

"Restaurant Mania: It's Getting as Old as Many of Us...and It's Time We Get it Right" looking at what a "white paper" actually represents.

And so...we went to an expert that few can deny...


According to that source, I quote:

"In business, a white paper is closer to a form of marketing presentation, a tool meant to persuade customers and partners and promote a product or viewpoint."

In other words, it's merely a SALES PITCH...

...coming from an individual who has no experience in such matters.

Let's take special note that in EACH AND EVERY PREVIOUS CASE, that individual hyped and recommended all of those restaurants in Sun City 100% of the cases....ALL FAILED MISERABLY.

...yet never had the common courtesy to say his judgment was flawed in recommending any of these economic catastrophes....

...and in fact, actually believes he is qualified to make a viable recommendation.

Is there any person in this community who would value the opinion of any individual who has been CONSTANTLY WRONG on this issue?

Is there any individual who would invest personal funds in a business with an 80%+ failure rate, based on financial advice from a person whose past recommendations have all resulted in ECONOMIC LOSS?

Accordingly, we are of the strong opinion that demanding those funds from a senior community where the average unit owner is living on a fixed income....

...keeping in mind that other eating options are readily available... both WRONG and IMMORTAL and FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE.

As such, we are of the belief that this "white paper" is merely...  

snake oil

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Referring back to Wikipedia...

"Since the early 1990s, the term "white paper" has been applied to documents used as marketing or sales tools in business".

"These white papers are long-form content designed to promote the products or services from a specific company".

"As a marketing tool, these papers use selected facts and logical arguments to build a case favorable to the company sponsoring the document".

...which translated to Sun City Anthem language mean....

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We'll present the logical and factual side to this latest "con" in subsequent editorials...

...but when one considers any restaurant option after five losing attempts that have cost unit owners THOUSANDS over the years, it simply amounts to making a "silk purse out of a sow's ear".

We think there's a better chance of winning a race with this horse...

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....then ever achieving any ongoing operation.

And no matter what anyone says, SUCCESS or FAILURE affects your dues.

Until then, we certainly hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend.

Tune in tomorrow for Part One of the discussion.

Anthem Opinions Administration

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