Information Pages

Sunday, November 6, 2016

From the Mailbag....Resident Asks Board for Answers to Dues Increase

We often get emails from our readers, but occasionally, we get a few that are SO GOOD, we use them as a complete article for our readers.

We felt this one was THAT GOOD !

This was an email sent to each member of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors.

...and we'll publish any and all responses.

mail_bag.jpg (150×150)
Barbara Sidary
Sun City Anthem

I have some questions and don't know who to ask to get an honest answer.  I hope one of you will be kind enough to reply.

I have been to a board meeting but was very disappointed. 

You can talk before and after, but I noticed the board didn't really listen (as some were whispering to each other) and didn't give any answers to my questions. 

I know you allow people to talk during the meetings now, but not sure if they get answers. 

I asked a question during the meeting I went to, about a report that was given, and I was ignored. 

So what is the point of coming?

Anyway, received the packet with the budget and financial status of Sun City.  It amazes me that, not very long ago, we had such a large surplus in our treasury that we were contemplating building a miniature golf course. 

Now we have no money and have to raise dues. 

What happened to the large surplus we had? 

Is this attributed to the Liberty Center fiasco?

Where did all that extra money go to? 

We have a right to know.

Also, I understand that Sandy is being given a $20,000 bonus. 

I am sure she is working hard, but she hasn't even been here a year and I don't understand why she is already deserving of a bonus. 

I have never seen what the other individuals we hired are being paid, such as our CFO. 

Our employee expense is the largest amount on our budget. 

Talk about a lack of transparency on our board and how we are being run. 

Unless you are a CPA, you would never understand the gigantic financial packet you sent out.  All I know is that my dues are being raised this year and, maybe next, and there still might be an assessment for Liberty. 

Can't believe we didn't have enough insurance to cover any problem and have a center that has been closed for a year. 

Very sad and I am very disappointed in the way our community is being run.

I live on a budget, as do many seniors in our community and extra money to pay for WHATEVER, needs to be clarified. 

I moved here in June 2009 and we actually had so much money then, that we had a last quarter dues that was forgiven because of our surplus. 

The dues was $250 at that time and then was raised to $275. 
Now we are being raised to over $300. 

I would really like a clarification on where our money is and look forward to hearing from any of you with a response. 

Thanks for your consideration. 

I know that many others in our community feel the same way.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Got a comment to Barbara's email to the board?
Send it to us at:

Note to Barbara Sidary...Our CFO is being paid annual salary of $200,000.

  1. From Keith Opinions


    1. Keith, there is the Nevada Real Estate Division. Here is the address of the Ombudsman in order to file ANY complaint.

      It certainly would be nice to see a responsible Board Member address Barbara Sidary's questions, wouldn't it, in order to avoid making a formal complaint ?

      Then again, that would require OPEN COMMUNICATION between a CARING BOARD and the residents they have PLEDGED to properly represent.

      We have requested Ms. Sidary to forward any response she receives from any director regarding her valid questions.
      1. From Vincent Opinions

        I am forced to agree with Barbara on every aspect of her e-mail.

        The board seems to have placed themselves above regular residents when if fact they are there to serve the residents.

        Do they really have our best interests in mind?

        I don't feel like it. We should never be meant to feel unimportant or insignificant. After all, they do work for us, don't they?

        All of Barbara's questions should be adequately addressed by the Board.

        We all deserve at least that!

      2. From Robert Opinions

        MY TWO CENTS

        The residents of SCA had the opportunity to effect a real change in the SCA Board during the last election.

        Sadly, they were (once again) duped by the same BS that spews forth during every election cycle, and elected the same level of incompetent arrogance that has contaminated previous Boards of Directors.

        Cooking the books and overall obfuscation can only work for so long – now it’s time to pay the piper.

        1. From Opinions

          That was an excellent email that covered the issues we all are concerned about. Something is certainly not right in Sun City Anthem!

          A bonus of $20,000? - that is ludicrous. Use that money to offset the increases we are being forced to pay!!!!!

          The yearly salary is outrageous in the first place - This is not a global corporation being run.

          We don't want to hear that we have to pay more.

          The majority of people living here have limited money.

          Where are you going with this?

          Forcing people to have to move when they are in their 70's and 80's?

          Most of us pay for facilities we never use in the first place.

          Please don't make it impossible to live in Sun City Anthem.

          We received the budget papers in the mail - NOW SEND OUT THE ANSWERS TO EACH AND EVERY CONCERN WE HAVE which Barbara listed in her email.

          No double talk, no lies like a politician, just the truth.

          Hope you get a lot of replies.

          Send each and every one of them to The Board.

          We need and deserve answers.

          Thank you.

          1. From Mary Lee Opinions

            Barbara's letter was very specific and she has the same questions many have asked over the years.

            The Board Members, at the very least, should give every resident at the podium the respect they deserve by listening.

            Sadly,some things never change and board meeting attendance continues to remain low.

            When residents are asked why they don't attend, most have same response as Barbara "why bother".

            Her questions, as a concerned owner/resident are valid and it is hopeful she will receive an email response answering her questions as we all desire answers. 

          2. From Marty & Donna Opinions


            Bless this very intelligent lady. She has the ability to distill and communicate the issues that refuse to be addressed by the board.

            Liars never figure, and figures never lie.

            One issue I saw that was so blatantly out of control was all the restaurant costs, including materials such as "cheese makers", software, and EVERYTHING that it takes to operate the restaurant.

            AS SHE SAYS, we are entitled (yes, entitled) to get some answers.

            We never get answers.

            The only answer I have heard was "the percentage."

            We lost a whole summer of use at Liberty center. It took less time to build the center to LEED standards than to complete this re-do job.

            If you need more people, then get more trades to finish the job; do it, but these board members just do not know what they don't know.

            All their lives they have never taken the time to be the "guy" who had to reach in their own pockets to make that commitment on their own.

            All of this is so sad that the community at large has chosen them…

            Would that make them mad at me (?)

            So what, I don't care.

            1. From Victor Opinions


              We're in contract for a place in Sun City Anthem and have been reading, with concern, about the mismanagement of funds. I'm tempted to withdraw.

              The listings all say the dues are just over $100/month.

              What dues is the letter writer talking about that were $250/month?

              Which amount is accurate?

              I would really appreciate knowing this soon. Thank you!

              Also, curious - what credentials does the CFO have that they make $200,000?

              I know CPA's that don't make near that much.

              Is this a hired individual or just someone from the Anthem community?

              Thank you for your help.

            2. Hello Victor, and hope you'll be a member of our beautiful community soon.

              Sun City Anthem is a wonderful community in so many aspects, but in the opinions of MANY, the governance leaves a lot to be desired.

              Very few have any relevant experience at managing an $8 million business, and the manner in which funds have been spent over the years, has been nothing short of "pitiful" when it comes to waste.

              My advise...unless you are a diehard BUREAUCRAT, it is best to avoid the political aspects of an HOA.

              Someone once told me that there are three types of individuals who reside in an age 55+ HOA:

              The first group is the one who want to enjoy the remaining time they have on earth. They just want to enjoy life and not worry about what goes on around them.

              We have LOTS OF THEM as evidenced by about 40% of them never even taking the time to vote in a Board election.

              The second group is one who still have a "bit left in the tank", have valuable past relevant experience, and have no ulterior motive other than trying to make life a bit better for those around them. They volunteer for a number of things, but soon find out that doing so requires you to "think like the system" other words, become a BUREAUCRAT.

              Those independent souls who have a proven track record often leave and shake their heads saying to themselves, "Why Did I Ever Do This?"

              And then the third group...the ones who have accomplished very little in their professional lives, yet feel they should now be leaders.

              As to why that is the case, call it an absurd need for power and glory they were never able to achieve in the "real world" when they were younger.

              It's as if they have to prove something to themselves and enjoy the power they had previously never achieved....MOST OF THE TIME COMING UP WITH SOME OF THE DUMBEST DECISIONS IMAGINABLE.

              That third group is normally elected to the Board of Directors.

              But...despite all of that, it's still a great place to retire.

              As far as dues, in 2017, the dues will increase from $1,100.00 per year to $1,210.00.

              There is nothing definite about a 2018 dues increase, but according the CFO, his belief is that they should increase again due to inadequate reserve funding.

              In other words, expect it to increase at least another $110 per year in 2018.

              The CFO's credentials ?

              No one knows except the General Manager and a Board who rubber stamped the decision to hire him.

              My suggestion is to call the General Manager, and ask her for that information.

              And whatever you do, don't go to Board meetings without carrying a bottle of Rolaids !

            3. From Carl Opinions

              Barbara, I can answer SOME of your questions.

              First, I understand your frustration in attempting to read the entire budget. It's long and detailed, and honestly, not exactly the most fascinating literature in the world;, but it does give details as to what will be spent in the following year.

              The General Manager, Sandy Seddon, HAS been here working for over 1 year. She started in November of 2015.

              She worked hard converting us to self-management NINE MONTHS SOONER than the board had planned, saving us approximately $35,000 a month for a nine month period.

              I believe that qualified her for the $20,000 bonus.

              Last year's "surplus" of over $600,000 was transferred to our Reserves last month and was not spent.

              The reason there was money left over in past years was that our former management company failed to complete scheduled repair/maintenance projects during the year and also ignored other problems which now require immediate attention to maintain the quality standards each resident is entitled to receive.

              I believe the General Manager and her staff have done an outstanding job of bringing our facilities much closer to "new" condition.

              As you said, 2009 was our last dues increase, and I believe you have to admit, maintenance costs certainly have increased in the last SEVEN years.

              For your further information, the SCA operating budget will come in UNDER budget for 2016.

              The 2017 dues increase will be used to strengthen our reserves to a safer level.

              The problems at Liberty Center have had only a partial effect on our reserves.

              Please note that the Board DID NOT approve additional increases for the next few years. Our CFO only projected what the reserves might be if there were additional increases in future years.

              And NO, I do not anticipate voting for any SPECIAL ASSESSMENT(S).

              As a side note to all of this. I bought my home in 2002 and like many other SCA residents, am on a "fixed income".

              In fact, I could not afford to buy my home today.

              So I am VERY mindful of voting only for things I believe are necessary to keep this HOA in great condition.

              I consider myself to be "resident friendly" and vote what I think is best for those whom I consider not merely homeowners, but my neighbors.

              I hope this assists you in answering your questions.

              Know I try very hard to answer each and every email sent to me by members of our association because I have always believed in treating others as I would treat myself.

              Carl Weinstein, Board Director

              P.S. My comments above are solely MY opinions and not necessarily those of all the Board Members.

      3. From Victor Opinions

        Your assessment is refreshing, thank you!
      4. From Edward Opinions

        I agree! We need honest answers and respect from the Board!

        Very disappointing.

        1. From Mike Opinions

          My initial thought on the response to the higher H.O.A. dues was: WELCOME TO APATHY CENTRAL.....

          Our last board election solidified to me that too many residents don’t care WHAT the board does.

          I had a similar experience to my question in front of the board which was a non-answer to my question.

          Very true that there was a huge surplus this year and our only celebration was a notice for a higher H.O.A. assessment.

          I really believe that it may be time for Darcy Spears from Channel 13.

          So many senior folks up here on fixed incomes demand a better accounting of our dollars....
          1. From Darlene Opinions

            Thank You Barbara your letter spoke for many of us.


  1. From Keith Opinions



  2. Keith, there is the Nevada Real Estate Division. Here is the address of the Ombudsman in order to file ANY complaint.

    It certainly would be nice to see a responsible Board Member address Barbara Sidary's questions, wouldn't it, in order to avoid making a formal complaint.

    Then again, that would require OPEN COMMUNICATION between a CARING BOARD and the residents they have PLEDGED to properly represent.

    We have reuested Ms. Sidary to forward any response she receives from any director regarding her valid questions.

  3. From Vincent Opinions

    I am forced to agree with Barbara on every aspect of her e-mail.

    The board seems to have placed themselves above regular residents when if fact they are there to serve the residents.

    Do they really have our best interests in mind?

    I don't feel like it. We should never be meant to feel unimportant or insignificant. After all, they do work for us, don't they?

    All of Barbara's questions should be adequately addressed by the Board.

    We all deserve at least that!

  4. From Robert Opinions


    The residents of SCA had the opportunity to effect a real change in the SCA Board during the last election.

    Sadly, they were (once again) duped by the same BS that spews forth during every election cycle, and elected the same level of incompetent arrogance that has contaminated previous Boards of Directors.

    Cooking the books and overall obfuscation can only work for so long – now it’s time to pay the piper.


  5. From Opinions

    That was an excellent email that covered the issues we all are concerned about. Something is certainly not right in Sun City Anthem!

    A bonus of $20,000? - that is ludicrous. Use that money to offset the increases we are being forced to pay!!!!!

    The yearly salary is outrageous in the first place - This is not a global corporation being run.

    We don't want to hear that we have to pay more.

    The majority of people living here have limited money.

    Where are you going with this?

    Forcing people to have to move when they are in their 70's and 80's?

    Most of us pay for facilities we never use in the first place.

    Please don't make it impossible to live in Sun City Anthem.

    We received the budget papers in the mail - NOW SEND OUT THE ANSWERS TO EACH AND EVERY CONCERN WE HAVE which Barbara listed in her email.

    No double talk, no lies like a politician, just the truth.

    Hope you get a lot of replies.

    Send each and every one of them to The Board.

    We need and deserve answers.

    Thank you.

  6. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Barbara's letter was very specific and she has the same questions many have asked over the years.

    The Board Members, at the very least, should give every resident at the podium the respect they deserve by listening.

    Sadly,some things never change and board meeting attendance continues to remain low.

    When residents are asked why they don't attend, most have same response as Barbara "why bother".

    Her questions, as a concerned owner/resident are valid and it is hopeful she will receive an email response answering her questions as we all desire answers.


  7. From Marty & Donna Opinions


    Bless this very intelligent lady. She has the ability to distill and communicate the issues that refuse to be addressed by the board.

    Liars never figure, and figures never lie.

    One issue I saw that was so blatantly out of control was all the restaurant costs, including materials such as "cheese makers", software, and EVERYTHING that it takes to operate the restaurant.

    AS SHE SAYS, we are entitled (yes, entitled) to get some answers.

    We never get answers.

    The only answer I have heard was "the percentage."

    We lost a whole summer of use at Liberty center. It took less time to build the center to LEED standards than to complete this re-do job.

    If you need more people, then get more trades to finish the job; do it, but these board members just do not know what they don't know.

    All their lives they have never taken the time to be the "guy" who had to reach in their own pockets to make that commitment on their own.

    All of this is so sad that the community at large has chosen them…

    Would that make them mad at me (?)

    So what, I don't care.

  8. From Victor Tolin


    We're in contract for a place in Sun City Anthem and have been reading, with concern, about the mismanagement of funds. I'm tempted to withdraw.

    The listings all say the dues are just over $100/month.

    What dues is the letter writer talking about that were $250/month?

    Which amount is accurate?

    I would really appreciate knowing this soon. Thank you!

    Also, curious - what credentials does the CFO have that they make $200,000?

    I know CPA's that don't make near that much.

    Is this a hired individual or just someone from the Anthem community?

    Thank you for your help.

  9. Hello Victor, and hope you'll be a member of our beautiful community soon.

    Sun City Anthem is a wonderful community in so many aspects, but in the opinions of MANY, the governance leaves a lot to be desired.

    Very few have any relevant experience at managing an $8 million business, and the manner in which funds have been spent over the years, has been nothing short of "pitiful" when it comes to waste.

    My advise...unless you are a diehard BUREAUCRAT, it is best to avoid the political aspects of an HOA.

    Someone once told me that there are three types of individuals who reside in an age 55+ HOA:

    The first group is the one who want to enjoy the remaining time they have on earth. They just want to enjoy life and not worry about what goes on around them.

    We have LOTS OF THEM as evidenced by about 40% of them never even taking the time to vote in a Board election.

    The second group is one who still have a "bit left in the tank", have valuable past relevant experience, and have no ulterior motive other than trying to make life a bit better for those around them. They volunteer for a number of things, but soon find out that doing so requires you to "think like the system" other words, become a BUREAUCRAT.

    Those independent souls who have a proven track record often leave and shake their heads saying to themselves, "Why Did I Ever Do This?"

    And then the third group...the ones who have accomplished very little in their professional lives, yet feel they should now be leaders.

    As to why that is the case, call it an absurd need for power and glory they were never able to achieve in the "real world" when they were younger.

    It's as if they have to prove something to themselves and enjoy the power they had previously never achieved....MOST OF THE TIME COMING UP WITH SOME OF THE DUMBEST DECISIONS IMAGINABLE.

    That third group is normally elected to the Board of Directors.

    But...despite all of that, it's still a great place to retire.

    As far as dues, in 2017, the dues will increase from $1,100.00 per year to $1,210.00.

    There is nothing definite about a 2018 dues increase, but according the CFO, his belief is that they should increase again due to inadequate reserve funding.

    In other words, expect it to increase at least another $110 per year in 2018.

    The CFO's credentials ?

    No one knows except the General Manager and a Board who rubber stamped the decision to hire him.

    My suggestion is to call the General Manager, and ask her for that information.

    And whatever you do, don't go to Board meetings without carrying a bottle of Rolaids !

  10. From Carl Opinions

    Barbara, I can answer SOME of your questions.

    First, I understand your frustration in attempting to read the entire budget. It's long and detailed, and honestly, not exactly the most fascinating literature in the world;, but it does give details as to what will be spent in the following year.

    The General Manager, Sandy Seddon, HAS been here working for over 1 year. She started in November of 2015.

    She worked hard converting us to self-management NINE MONTHS SOONER than the board had planned, saving us approximately $35,000 a month for a nine month period.

    I believe that qualified her for the $20,000 bonus.

    Last year's "surplus" of over $600,000 was transferred to our Reserves last month and was not spent.

    The reason there was money left over in past years was that our former management company failed to complete scheduled repair/maintenance projects during the year and also ignored other problems which now require immediate attention to maintain the quality standards each resident is entitled to receive.

    I believe the General Manager and her staff have done an outstanding job of bringing our facilities much closer to "new" condition.

    As you said, 2009 was our last dues increase, and I believe you have to admit, maintenance costs certainly have increased in the last SEVEN years.

    For your further information, the SCA operating budget will come in UNDER budget for 2016.

    The 2017 dues increase will be used to strengthen our reserves to a safer level.

    The problems at Liberty Center have had only a partial effect on our reserves.

    Please note that the Board DID NOT approve additional increases for the next few years. Our CFO only projected what the reserves might be if there were additional increases in future years.

    And NO, I do not anticipate voting for any SPECIAL ASSESSMENT(S).

    As a side note to all of this. I bought my home in 2002 and like many other SCA residents, am on a "fixed income".

    In fact, I could not afford to buy my home today.

    So I am VERY mindful of voting only for things I believe are necessary to keep this HOA in great condition.

    I consider myself to be "resident friendly" and vote what I think is best for those whom I consider not merely homeowners, but my neighbors.

    I hope this assists you in answering your questions.

    Know I try very hard to answer each and every email sent to me by members of our association because I have always believed in treating others as I would treat myself.

    Carl Weinstein, Board Director

    P.S. My comments above are solely MY opinions and not necessarily those of all the Board Members.

  11. From Victor Opinions

    Your assessment is refreshing, thank you!

  12. From Edward Opinions

    I agree! We need honest answers and respect from the Board!

    Very disappointing.

  13. From Mike Opinions

    My initial thought on the response to the higher H.O.A. dues was: WELCOME TO APATHY CENTRAL.....

    Our last board election solidified to me that too many residents don’t care WHAT the board does.

    I had a similar experience to my question in front of the board which was a non-answer to my question.

    Very true that there was a huge surplus this year and our only celebration was a notice for a higher H.O.A. assessment.

    I really believe that it may be time for Darcy Spears from Channel 13.

    So many senior folks up here on fixed incomes demand a better accounting of our dollars....

  14. From Darlene Opinions

    Thank You Barbara your letter spoke for many of us.
