Information Pages

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

You're Hired !

Anthem Opinions Salutes

Our Nation's
 45th President

Donald-Trump-Serious-Reuters.jpg (618×340)
Donald J. Trump


48th Vice-President

580x410 (580×410)
Vice-President Elect
Michael R. Pence

May God Be With Them As They Lead
This Great Land

  1. A great day for the United States and for the working class of the entire planet. Now if we could just have a similar outcome to our next local Homeowners Board elections, and kick out the establishment that has been running Sun City Anthem into the ground and causing our dues to increase dramatically.
    1. From Marty & Donna Opinions


      You are the only website (local to Anthem) that has sent out a "Congratulations" to the new president.

      What is going on that they can't take a minute to wish him well and for the country to put all of the former insanity of the process behind them ?

    2. Thanks Marty & Donna.

      We try very hard to be nonpartisan in our government elective choices, but no matter who won; in the case of the presidency, that particular individual will have the job of "watching the store" for the next four years.... awesome responsibility for any person.

      Lets' hope (and pray) that the "store" will be a productive and safer place for all of us to enjoy.

      Our remaining senior years, as well as, those precious ones that our youth have in front of them, will hopefully be filled with peace and prosperity, no matter what political affiliation.

      I would hope that all who watched the election process last night were more than impressed by the conciliatory speeches of President-Elect Trump, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama.

      I know that seems to be the "norm" after any election, but if the Cubs can win a World Series and an individual who has never held any political office can succeed at being elected to the highest post in the land , I suppose anything is possible in our great country.

      That's the greatness of our land.

      We are...all Americans. Let's never forget that.

      Now it's time to show the world what being an American actually means.

      1. From Tim Opinions

        Hillary Clinton promised she would carry on with the anti-American socialistic programs and policies of Barack Obama.

        The American people said NO, we do not want that.

        Barack Obama threatened that if Donald Trump was elected, Trump would "undo" all the anti-American socialistic laws, programs, and policies he put in place.

        The American people said YES that is just what we want.
        1. From Barbara Wollard of Barrington, Opinions

          Hooray, hooray, hooray!

          What terrific news!

          He did what everyone said he could not do - HE WON.

          How awesome.


  1. A great day for the United States and for the working class of the entire planet. Now if we could just have a similar outcome to our next local Homeowners Board elections, and kick out the establishment that has been running Sun City Anthem into the ground and causing our dues to increase dramatically.

  2. From Marty & Donna Opinions


    You are the only website (local to Anthem) that has sent out a "Congratulations" to the new president.

    What is going on that they can't take a minute to wish him well and for the country to put all of the former insanity of the process behind them ?

  3. Thanks Marty & Donna.

    We try very hard to be nonpartisan in our government elective choices, but no matter who won; in the case of the presidency, that particular individual will have the job of "watching the store" for the next four years.... awesome responsibility for any person.

    Lets' hope (and pray) that the "store" will be a productive and safer place for all of us to enjoy.

    Our remaining senior years, as well as, those precious ones that our youth have in front of them, will hopefully be filled with peace and prosperity, no matter what political affiliation.

    I would hope that all who watched the election process last night were more than impressed by the conciliatory speeches of President-Elect Trump, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama.

    I know that seems to be the "norm" after any election, but if the Cubs can win a World Series and an individual who has never held any political office can succeed at being elected to the highest post in the land , I suppose anything is possible in our great country.

    That's the greatness of our land.

    We are...all Americans. Let's never forget that.

    Now it's time to show the world what being an American actually means.


  4. From Tim Opinions

    Hillary Clinton promised she would carry on with the anti-American socialistic programs and policies of Barack Obama.

    The American people said NO, we do not want that.

    Barack Obama threatened that if Donald Trump was elected, Trump would "undo" all the anti-American socialistic laws, programs, and policies he put in place.

    The American people said YES that is just what we want.

  5. From Barbara Wollard of Barrington, Opinions

    Hooray, hooray, hooray!

    What terrific news!

    He did what everyone said he could not do - HE WON.

    How awesome.
