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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Let Us Entertain You...Remember Vic ? We Found Him !

Our Sun City Anthem

vic_s_2010.0.jpg (899×600)

Vic+Moea---Vic's+Restaurant.jpg (320×222)

Remember our Gourmet Restaurant... know...

the one that was so successful, it eventually became..

o.jpg (1000×273) know...

the one Sun City Anthem lost THOUSANDS of YOUR ASSESSMENT DOLLARS as a result of unpaid sub-prime loans in the amount of $40,000 residents financed in addition to subsidizing the rent and paying for utilities they somehow never paid ?

Well...we have some great news for those who were so "keen" on this arrangement and laughed at those of us who questioned the deal from the start !

For those out there who "miss" our TV star chef...

...and for those who QUESTIONED our CONCERNS as to the cost of this and /or any restaurant to the Sun City Anthem community...

We suggest you EAT THIS ... at his newest "gourmet" establishment !

The specialties are also available for carry-out !

Knuckle Sandwich
Skinny Dip
The Bailer
Walk "O" Shame

How Appropriate, don't ya think !

The lesson to be learned ?

Perhaps it's time to recognize just how "smart" a number of past restaurant decisions were...

...that any further restaurant(s) will undoubtedly have similar results..

...stop believing the nonsense you read elsewhere...hyping what will inevitably become just another expensive fairy tale...

... and look closely at the reality of WHO KNEW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT...rather than those WHO TALKED AND KNEW NOTHING...and...WASTED YOUR MONEY !

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  1. From Robert Opinions

    Definition of Insanity:

    Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting the outcome will be different.

1 comment:

  1. From Robert Opinions

    Definition of Insanity:

    Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting the outcome will be different.
