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Friday, January 20, 2017

New President's Speech....Your Thoughts ?

Full Text of President Trump's Inauguration Speech

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  1. From Robert Opinions

    This ranks up there with some of the world's greatest, but keep in mind the speech was the same message to the people that got him elected in the first place.

    He laid down the gauntlet and put people on notice.

    The few media types that found it necessary to rip it apart and disparage the speech, still don't get it:

    When you're in a hole, stop digging.

  2. From Buddy Opinions

    This inauguration address says it all.

    Whether you voted for Donald Trump for president or you did not, that is history.

    I hope that he means what he says and if so, our country will be on the mend.

    We need to cheer on America and quit playing politics……

    Go America!

  3. I find it rather sad that Anthem Opinions is the only community publication to wish the best to our new President.

    We are all of a particular political belief, but no matter what that may be, our country's future is at stake, and our President's success is OUR success.

    Those who wish him failure are indeed wishing their country will fail.

    Let's allow him the courtesy of "giving him the opportunity" each and every President deserves.

  4. I spent the entire day riveted to the TV, and my friends will tell you I hate TV. The beauty of the event, the coming together of the American people to install the duly elected President, regardless of Political affiliation, had me close to tears at times. I bounced around various news outlets and finally remembered C-SPAN, which was giving pretty much the same feed as the others, but minus all the commentary. Don’t get me wrong. I do appreciate certain commentators such as Tucker Carlson. But, I also like to watch and draw my own conclusions.

    The graciousness Donald Trump showed throughout, to the Obama’s, the Biden’s and even the Clinton’s, was exemplary. As the process continued and I heard President Trump’s words on Independence and Power to the People I was again reminded of President John Kennedy’s great uplifting of the country. I pray Mr. Trump will be able to accomplish the goal he has set out for middle America, which has been decimated for years by previous administrations.

    The parade was a joy. The absence of the dissenting Democrats was barely a footnote. And the Liberty Ball!! What a stunning and diverse celebration. I found myself up and dancing around our Family room. I am just so happy and encouraged that America might be able to regain its greatness and proper place in the world; as a shining example rather than a capitalist invader caring nothing about the American people.

    Thank you Dick Ardent for publishing the articles and the full text of the Inauguration speech. I look forward to bright times for our country. To focus on the real problems we face; jobs, infrastructure, health and safety, and not the petty squabbles taking up most of the National Media’s interest.
