Information Pages

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sun City Anthem Departing Board Member Advises Residents...Look to Relevant Experience During Upcoming Board Election

Exiting Board Member
Sees Critical Need for
"The Right Stuff"
Sun City Anthem Board Seats

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After serving two terms on the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors, Jim Mayfield has determined that the "baton be passed" to others...


..he warns...

Make sure the right people are chosen, because those previously elected, are far from what should be expected in a qualified representative.

From Director Mayfield, here are his comments as he prepares to leave the Sun City Anthem Board.

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Plea for Qualified Board Candidates

The last six years, it has been my privilege to serve my neighbors in SCA as your representative on the SCA Finance Committee and on the SCA Board of Directors. 

As I announced two years ago when I sought a second term of the Board, I will not seek a third term on the Board. 

But, during the last six years I have learned much about the importance of being involved in the governance of SCA and issues affecting our community. 

I want to share with you my thoughts regarding the reason that the next Board will be instrumental in making decisions that will have long-term, significant impacts on our quality of life, the cost of living at SCA, and the value of our homes.


The Restaurant

The Board seated in May will be responsible for determining the future of SCA’s restaurant.  

Since achieving owner control of SCA, multiple approaches have been implement and failed to create a restaurant operation that serves the need of SCA residents at a cost that does not require subsidizing a restaurant.
My assessment is that the failures are attributable to two factors. 

1.  The desires of the community have not been heeded in the development of a concept for the restaurant. 

2.  The economics of the restaurant have been repeatedly analyzed and proven that a restaurant cannot be operated without a substantial subsidy

Another attempt to disregard the desires of the market or the financial realities of operating one at SCA will lead to another costly failure. 

Various personal agendas and schemes that attempt to overlook the realities of a restaurant operation must be disregarded.  

The members of the Board must have the resolve and business acumen to work through the restaurant issues.

Governance Under Self-Management

The transition of management operations is being successfully navigated.  

But the Board has failed to address the issues of needed changes to governance. 

Board governance functions include:

1. Appointing, defining expectations, supporting, and assessing the performance of the General Manager.

2. Establishing policy and strategic plans.

3. Oversight of financial and physical resources.

4. Fiduciary accountability for the organization.

5. Communication with unit owners.

No process has been established for oversight of the General Manager. 

The Policy Manual and other Board controlled governing documents have not been systematically reviewed and changed to address the realities of self-management. 

The promised financial benefits promised from self-management have not been achieved. 

Compliance with state law is often ignored.

Communications with residents lacks transparency, completeness, and easily understood content.

Board officers, particularly the president, often make decisions in secret meetings and without the participation of all Board members or input from committees. 

The General Manager is frequently asked to perform governance functions that are the responsibility of the Board.

The Liberty Center Construction Defect Law Suit

The next Board will oversee the legal and financial aspects of the Liberty Center CD litigation. 

Frankly, the cost of correcting the construction defects at Liberty Center spiraled in 2016. 

The legal technicalities require Board members with management experience of legal affairs. 

If the litigation and probable settlement are not handled properly,

Homeowners at SCA will be embroiled in multiple law suits, including the right of the Board to pursue the Constrution Default lawsuit. 

If the issue is not handled properly, SCA homeowners could end up with the tab, which I believe will likely exceed $1 million.

Strategic Planning

No process has been developed for long-term, strategic planning.

The lack of a long-term plan results in year-to-year operational financial planning. 

The absence of strategic planning also results in failure to establish legally compliant reserves that balance the needs to provide adequate reserves without creating excessive reserves that burden existing owners with cost that should be provided by future owners.


As of today, my assessment is that an inadequate group of qualified candidates have offered their service to SCA

Waiting for someone else to step forward will result in negative consequences for everyone. 

I am concerned that without better candidates, inferior Board members will be elected and that the transition to self-management will not meet the expectations of SCA homeowners, the long-term cost of SCA assessments will increase unnecessarily, and homeowners will be uninformed on issues on which they deserve information. 

Over the next few weeks, I will post traits critical to serving on the SCA Board and questions you should ask of the candidates. 

For now, I ask the many members of our community with excellent backgrounds and previous service on Boards to please apply for a seat on the SCA Board.

Jim Mayfield
Sun City Anthem Board
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We at Anthem Opinions wish to point out that this is the FIRST time any Board member has shared thoughts as to the future of Sun City Anthem while preparing for retirement from the governance of our community.

We have long advocated the importance of choosing COMPETENT and QUALIFIED individuals to care for the financial well-being of Sun City Anthem, but unfortunately there have been elements in the association who have ignored those needs...leading us to the position we now face as a community.

Do we see changes taking place in our community governance? 

Sadly, we DO NOT.


Because of those individuals who have met secretly, chosen candidates of their own incompetent mind set, and in cooperation with other independent community communications, have, through their own INCOMPETENCE and LACK OF RELEVANT EXPERIENCE, lead the residents of Sun City Anthem down a path that has resulted in the problems we currently face...

...and rather than acknowledge those failures, constantly look for avenues to "sugarcoat"THE TRUTH by committing act after act, so notably explained in the discourse provided to us by departing Director, Jim Mayfield.

He will be sorely missed and forever be known as the "voice of reform"...

...a voice rejected so often due to the insecurity of those whose relevant knowledge of financial matters, have proven far INFERIOR to his.

We sincerely thank and salute you Mr. Mayfield....on a "job well done" !

You sir, did have...

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  1. From Jerry Opinions

    I have lived in the Anthem community for 16 years. I have always thought of the restaurant as an amenity and as such, realize it probably needs funding.

    However,I truly believe a "Denny's" type restaurant is what is needed.
  1. From Mike Opinions

    Sad to say Dick, I'm in a SELL NOW mode...
  1. From Robert Opinions

    I'd like to thank Mr. Mayfield for his efforts over the years.

    Unfortunately, if history is any indication, he likely MAY be replaced with yet another incompetent.

    As stated by the comedian Ron White: "You can't fix Stupid"


  1. From Jerry Opinions

    I have lived in the Anthem community for 16 years. I have always thought of the restaurant as an amenity and as such, realize it probably needs funding.

    However,I truly believe a "Denny's" type restaurant is what is needed.

  2. From Mike Opinions

    Sad to say Dick, I'm in a SELL NOW mode...

  3. From Robert Opinions

    I'd like to thank Mr. Mayfield for his efforts over the years.

    Unfortunately, if history is any indication, he likely MAY be replaced with yet another incompetent.

    As stated by the comedian Ron White: "You can't fix Stupid"
