Information Pages

Sunday, March 5, 2017

If They Don't Care, Why Should Anyone Else ? An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Sun City Anthem
Faces Dark Cloud
2017 Board of Directors Election

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We knew this was coming...

...the day when 7,144 unit owners housing 11,000 Sun City Anthem residents...

...would become so disheartened with community governance, that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to recruit open minded competent, and communicative individuals to run for the Board of Directors.

As of this date, only 5 candidates remain to fill 4 open of which we have learned, has filed civil legal action against Sun City Anthem.

What is more disheartening is that Anthem Opinions made a concerted NON-BIASED offer to each candidate to offer their views to the community in order that individuals who own units may make an informed decision as to who would represent them.

Of the 5 remaining candidates, only ONE...yes...only ONE...has bothered to respond to our plea to answer resident questions in a forum that reaches approximately 2,000 visitors EACH DAY.

Just what does that say about leadership and those who wish to lead?

In our opinion, it simply says this...


Pretty sad, huh ?

Of course their "answer" ...if they bother to answer....will be....

...go to the sponsored community forums or read their campaign pamphlets.     

And our response?

Let's just say....

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Let's start with the campaign pamphlets !

Are they vetted for accuracy ?

NO-Sign-11-13.jpg (500×424)

These pieces of "literature" are personally provided propaganda that are...

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They are unchecked, unedited, and in many cases, misleading.

Know what is required to be a candidate in a Sun City Anthem election?


That's it folks ! 

That particular individual could be a convicted felon, a child molester, an individual who has declared bankruptcy, a person with extensive mental illness, one who has had a history of dishonesty....or...ANY COMBINATION THEREOF...

...and you'd never know it, because they certainly won't voluntarily disclose it.

That type COULD be in possession of controlling $9 million a year in association revenue !

Think we haven't elected some real "winners" in the past?

Think again...

One writes a blog...that claims to have chosen every winning board member.

He was elected the Vice President of Sun City Anthem despite losing a law license, defrauding a client, and even forging a judge's signature !

We've also had two who have been stars on Channel 13's "HOA Hall of Shame".

We've had one who spent association money on a PRIVATE POLITICAL ACTIVITY.

We've had some who knowingly chose a woman and her husband, a man who had previously been convicted of robbing 8 Las Vegas banks and spending time in a Colorado federal prision, to run a previous restaurant operation.

We had two who, after being informed of a first call financial judgment against an individual that had defrauded a widow yet to be paid a year after the decision,  approve that individual to operate a previous restaurant at Anthem Center.

We had one demanding (and succeeding) in wasting thousands of Association dollars to remove the words "Security Patrol" from the sides of patrol cars, in order to substitute the words "Community Patrol" despite our Summerlin Sun City counterpart to this very day, maintaining the words "Security Patrol" on their vehicles.

We had one who had to call the Henderson police in order to avoid a riot when he, and his fellow board members, chose to "depose" a former Sun City Anthem Vice President...despite that Veep having had more election votes than any other candidate...and to this day, STILL HOLDS THE RECORD FOR TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES CAST FOR A CANDIDATE.

We had three of them whose charity was recently told to "hit the road" from Sun City Anthem premises.

...and of course we can't forget the most recent...the LIE of the current President of Sun City Anthem  (a current candidate running in the 2017 election) stating a specific number of "yes" votes had to be obtained in order to go forward with major construction litigation...only to conveniently ignore that PROMISE when it served a selfish interest to do so !

That's right...folks...know your candidate through a flyer they write !

History certainly has proven that to be an effective manner in which to determine competency and INTEGRITY,  hasn't it?

Of course there is also the community sponsored "debates"...

...or should I say "debate" !

There was only one scheduled this year, and if you didn't attend it, well, "too bad, so sad". It was held on Sunday, February 26th at 3:00 pm at Freedom Hall...

..."conveniently" announced only 4 days prior to the event...

...and, according to most reports, was less than informative.

On the positive side, The Current Events Club normally sponsors an open forum that is much more informative.

The problem ? 

Usually not more than 100+ people take the time to attend such sessions, and due to time constraints, very little can be learned about the candidates.

So what other available options exist?

There is the old "meet & greet" whereby the host carefully chooses their handpicked favorites ... and handpicked friends ... to attend, usually  with between 20-30 persons per session.

Candidates can walk down the street...but recent break-ins have people so concerned, they won't even open a door...

...and a candidate can't even leave a pamphlet on a door !

So what's left and in our opinion the only FAIR MANNER in which to allow people to MEET those who will represent them?

That's where we made an honest effort to come in.

Mass mediaFair and unbiased mass media !

We promised not to be biased and not to endorse.  No other publication  made any such pledge.

That was our "deal" to EACH OF THEM...

All we asked was merely,


We even followed our article with private Anthem Opinions emails to EACH candidate in case they did not read our article....

...and with the one exception, current director, Carl Weinstein...

(although former candidate Jack Reho did send us a cordial response that he was withdrawing from the contest)

That is the sadness of the situation, Sun City Anthem.

That is the sadness unconcerned owners have allowed to exist by lack of demanding transparency, merely asking their friends who they should vote for, and refusing to take time to examine the individuals who will essentially control your financial retirement future.

WE...have tried to make your choices easier by asking them to be responsive.

THEY....have IGNORED not merely us, but more importantly...YOU...

...because in this election year, should any other candidate choose to drop out of the race...

...there will be NO ELECTION....

...the remaining 4 will automatically become members of the Sun City Anthem Board, and assume control without even having to answer a single inquiry on anyone's part...

...a dark cloud that will remain in our community for years to come.

Though we promised not to endorse any particular candidate, common sense would seem to should think carefully...


Furthermore, as a result of the obvious uncaring attitude of 4 of the 5 candidates and lack of vetting credibility...our position is simply...

"We've heard there is an election, but have decided not to participate"

Anthem Opinions Administration
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Got a comment?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Jim Mayfield...Sun City Anthem Board Opinions


    Some clarification. You do not even have to be a member in good standing to be a Board candidate.

    Even those delinquent in assessments and fines ARE STILL ELIGIBLE to run for the Sun City Anthem Board.
  2. Jim,

    Thanks for the clarification. Literally no requirements other than being a unit owner !

    Amazing, and sad, and now it's even more evident as to the problems we have encountered year after year.
    1. From Valerie Opinions

      I was really distressed after reading today's blog about the people who are running for the Board.

      It's difficult to understand why the people running for the Board are unwilling to enlighten the residents about their background, etc.

      Not only do we have residents that are no longer interested in our governance, the new people running don't sound any better than what we have had if they aren't willing to provide the information that is asked of them.
    2. Valerie, everyone in our community should be these actions.

      In our minds, they should be referred to as "deplorables".
      1. From Robert Opinions

        What else can we expect?

        Last year a few good candidates were running......none were elected (although after observing the ballot count, I still question the results).

        You MAY attribute this to residents' apathy....I believe the overall attitude is 'why bother - nothing ever changes.

        I was also surprised that there was hardly any uproar when our HOA dues were increase that can be attributed to past incompetence.

        Guess it proves the old adage: "Sow and Ye Shall Reap"
      2. From Marty Opinions


        Did you ever get that "gut feeling," or feel the "hair raising on your neck?"

        Are those signs you or me should be paying attention too?

        Well that's what I felt at the open house when I went that Sunday to listen to them.

        On the surface I was looking for more than what they were offering, and as to replies to questions from the audience of homeowners, but never got the answers I was hoping for.

        So (once again) I'm agreeing with you (weird, isn't it).

        Well so much for hoping for really capable people with real life experiences that match the needs of a rather large community.

        As I said, only one met that standard for a new face.

        How many times have we seen the community electing the incompetent, because they met the standards of some minimum requirements prescribed by the volunteer committee, and worse of all the homeowners electing the wrong people to do the necessary jobs they claim they can do?
      3. From Bill Opinions

        Did you ever think one reason we are not getting people that want to run for the board and serve the community is the muckraking articles you seem to write on a daily basis attacking almost every board member?

        Maybe you should try running for the board and really see how much support you get.

        I think it is not serving the community well that you always make it seem that the people so giving of their time, and courage knowing what will be written about them by you, are either crooks or imbeciles.

        I don't know why all you ever write is hit pieces on everything and everyone in our community. Not 1 of your hand-picked candidates for a Board election has ever won, if my memory serves me, so why is that do you suppose?

        What have you offered to do for our community or community clubs that involves giving of your time and efforts.

        I haven't noticed your name in any capacity in my 6 years living here, other than a self-styled investigative reporter.

        Am I incorrect?

        You do reach a lot of residences, I bet you could have a really beneficial impact for our community if you weren't always so negative.
      4. Bill, obviously you haven't been here long enough to see what many of us have seen...and I believe the long list of those who have held Board positions have a pretty bad track record.

        Do you think I make these things up?

        Do you really find these actions that I bring up an acceptable manner in which to govern a community?

        Muckraking ?

        If searching for alleged corruption and discovering its existence, is your definition of muckraking, then I am 100% guilty as charged.

        I prefer to call it 100% truth.

        If you find the actions I have summarized acceptable, that is your choice.

        Those of us who CARE, do not.

        As far as picking winners, that is for another blogger who has had a history that one should be ashamed of considering his past, as well as, the actions of those he has recommended.

        Many have cost Sun City Anthem thousands of dollars in needless waste as a result of the incompetence he has recommended, and the resulting actions of those who were subsequently elected.

        What do I do for Sun City Anthem? Always negative ? I think not, sir !

        I try to encourage people to get outside the walls of the community to enjoy themselves providing entertainment news to people who enjoy life.

        I provide helpful homeowner tips, Mr. Fix-It articles, Community Safety news and articles, gardening tips, and yes, editorials that are not only authored by myself, but by other residents and board members as well.

        This amounts to about 5 hours of time each day.

        I do not accept advertising revenue, nor do I seek power.

        Do you really believe that serving on some sort of committee is the only form of community service ?

        I have been an Entertainment Editor and Radio Talk Show host of The Vegas Voice, written 3 shows to honor World War II veterans, and have VOLUNTEERED MY ENTERTAINMENT EXPERIENCE AND CONNECTIONS to Sun City Anthem for an annual salary of $1 of which that dollar would be placed in a Salvation Army kettle at Christmas time.

        Instead, the General Manager has chosen to employ an individual on a full-time basis to do what I would have done FOR FREE.

        ...and unlike so many others you seem to compare me to, I prefer to do all of this anonymously without recognition.

        All I want is a fair shake for all who live in Sun City Anthem. That is all I have ever tried to achieve.

        I have been here for over 11 years and have taken the time to examine reality, rather than pretend it does not exist.

        You cannot solve a problem until you accept the fact that one exists, and it appears your problem is refusing to acknowledge the problems exist. Instead you choose to criticize the individual who brings them out in the open.

        If one chooses to stick his head in the sand like an ostrich and ignore the problems associated with the financial future of a community, then I send those individuals my sincere condolence.

        Without Anthem Opinions, this community would be like you...refusing to accept reality.

        And that, is my estimation, as well as, many others, is sad.

        Have a pleasant day.
  3. From Victor Opinions

    Our sister community to the west had 9 candidates for 5 board positions.

    They had 40% of the residents send in their votes.
  4. Really tells you something, doesn't it Victor?

    My guess is that with the interest shown thus far, Sun City Anthem's total will not even be close to that figure.

    In the 11 years I have resided in Sun City Anthem, I have never seen such apathy or lack of interest in a Board election.

    Why? Perhaps because only one candidate, Carl Weinstein, was willing to answer resident questions.

    Perhaps that proves my point...why should anyone care, if only one of them does ?
    1. Part One of Two

      The time has come to call David Berman for what he is, and always has been......

      a MENACE to the well-being of Sun City Anthem.

      This is his latest disgusting commentary which, as always, is tainted, and filled with ridicule and LIES.

      "Because it is election time again, that means once more that Mr. Arendt's "silly season" is underway.

      His analytics, as always, portray his blog as wildly successful compared to this one because he records thousands more page views than does mine.

      Though it has been explained to him over and over that my more than 1,750 subscribers receive blog posts by email rather than having to visit the blog directly, his "alternative facts" are what matter to him.

      What he CAN'T explain is how come those thousands of readers have always deserted him each year when it comes time to vote for his preferred Board candidates.

      Shouldn't be much of a problem this year, as there are only five candidates for the four Board seats in contention. This saves him the recurrent embarrassment of picking all losers.

      What is doesn't explain, however, is how come those who would attack the unpaid volunteers who step forward to serve never run for the Board themselves. The answer, of course, is that they have little or nothing to offer. People who live in glass houses are always more content to throw stones."
    2. Part Two of Two

      Now let's take a closer look at his continued attempt to increase his importance by ridiculing others.

      When...just when...has Anthem Opinions EVER attacked ANY volunteer?

      The answer is simply...

      NEVER, unless he is speaking about those who have been elected to a Sun City Anthem Board and have violated their fiduciary responsibilities.

      But Mr. Berman, who lives in a delusional world filled with medication to control his admitted medically diganosed depression, and believing himself of some importance, simply ridicules individuals at will....because they see him for what he really is, namely an individual who has accomplished NOTHING of any importance in his life...

      ..other than being able to predict the winner of Sun City Anthem Board elections.

      Though he claims 1,750 subscriers to his publication, that may indeed be the case, but knowing Mr. Berman...there is always "more to the story" he would rather not have you know.

      How many actually check his blog as a follow up to any of his ridiculous artlcles?

      Unlike Anthem Opinions, he FORCE FEEDS his subscribers by sending them emails.
      Anthem Opinions sends out eblasts with headings, thus allowing individuals a CHOICE as to whether or not they read the articles.

      Those CHOICES amounted to 10,003 visits in the past 7 days, as compared to his paulry 1,764.

      As far as readers "deserting" us when it comes time to vote...

      Let us firmly state...

      Though his choices have been the elected ones, he can not deny that THEY HAVE CREATED the many financial problems that exist NOW and in the past.
      He is even unwilling to publish the voting records of those he has recommended for one reason...
      ...he needs them to exist. He is their MOUTHPIECE He is the perfect example of BOSS POLITICS...CRONYISM.

      The individuals cited in the Anthem Opinions article are THOSE who have been past Board members whose underhanded tactics and crony politics have created restaurant losses, a Liberty Center lawsuit, and an IRS fine.
      When have you ever witnessed any article which brought out substantial losses to Sun City Anthem on his blog ?

      Had our candidates been chosen, NONE of those problems would have existed.

      As a result, if success is measured in elective ability, that prize goes to Mr. Berman...

      ...but as to warning the community of the hazards of those he recommended...hazards that HAVE COME TRUE...

      ...that is where Anthem Opinions shines in every way.

      The great Henry Clay said in 1839, "I'd rather be right than be president'".

      So too, that is how Anthem Opinions looks at our community.

      We too, look at the success of being RIGHT, rather than the shallowness of electing individuals that are without proper credentials...credentials Mr. Berman can never understand...

      ...because he has never achieved them himself.

      That is what he brings to the Sun City Anthem table other than reprinting community publications...

      ..a distorted publication that gravitates to those who are, in many cases, every bit as crude and rude as he himself has demonstrated again and again...

      ...and is an insult to the word "journalism".
    3. I sometimes enjoy some of the criticism received from the Berman minions, the latest from a man named John Burke, yet another "expert" but without life experience in anything but a classroom where life is often described "as it should be", rather than "how it actually is".

      Mr. Burke's latest was out of the Berman school of "let's dig deep enough, and we'll find some mud to sling".

      Well, this "fascinating" individual, Burke, a "Board meeting groupie", whose life consists of attending meeting after meeting and "observing", has now criticized what he referred to as some sort of error in my stating the Board forum was given a 4 day advance notice.

      You see, IT an eblast, but Burke needed something to "analyze"...that's his "expert style", so he decided to research the February issue of The Spirit where it was announced.

      Can you imagine the type of fascinating individual this guy must be to actually take what little time one has left on planet earth, to search an expired magazine, in order to criticize an individual?

      Please God, allow me to die before I ever turn in to such a creature who chooses to spend his life in that manner !

      Well now, to you Mr. Burke, while you sit at meetings and/or read such fascinating material in a community publication where most articles have to be submitted 2-3 months prior to the printing, I instead look at life in what most FUN people do, namely enjoying the entertainment venues afforded by the Las Vegas valley...

      ...and...I try to share them with individuals who HAVE A LIFE and look for ways to ENJOY IT !

      Mr. Burke, I've lived my fun lifestyle since I retired at the ripe old age of 54, 16 years ago, when I  sold my business; and unlike you and so many who sit in those meetings constantly looking to advise individuals on how to live their lives...

      ...usually looking at "experts" like you, who have opinions without the relevant experience on which to establish credibility...

      ...I've been there, done that, and guess how?

      With ingenuity, independent thought, and unlike so many of your types...

      ...with MY MONEY, even without a monthly social security check until a month ago.

      Of course a solid track record like that in the minds of your "groupie" friends has no "relevance". You instead consider those who have "done it themselves" as inferior to your thought process, and ignore us instead, don't you?

      ...and one would have to have had their heads buried in a sand pile not to see how "well" those inexperienced decisions have served Sun City Anthem.

      That's why our Anthem Opinions objective is for the "independent minded".

      Unlike you, Mr. Burke, I did not retire to come to a new city to "veg" at community meetings as you seem to do.

      Had that been the case, I would have died of boredom listening to individuals such as yourself.

      Ever wonder why many of us don't attend your bull session meetings that endear so few? They attend one and afterwards prefer placing their index finger down their throats listening to the stupidity of decisions made by people who have rarely, if ever, made any such important decisions in their lives...that affect the lives of others.

      That is not my idea of a "fulfilling" retirement experience, Mr. Burke.

      Mr. Burke, just when was the last time you actually left this community and had a cold beer with someone outside the Sun City Anthem cubicle in which you choose to hibernate ?

      Enjoy your meetings, Mr. Burke....and please, keep up your criticisms. At least David Berman might buy you that cold beer.

      After all, in between meetings, he's usually sitting at at a Green Valley video poker machine having a discussion with a number of those machines that enjoy taking the money his wife earned while he was failing at everything else in his life.


  1. From Jim Opinions


    Some clarification. You do not even have to be a member in good standing to be a Board candidate.

    Even those delinquent in assessments and fines ARE STILL ELIGIBLE to run for the Sun City Anthem Board.

  2. Jim,

    Thanks for the clarification. Literally no requirements other than being a unit owner.

    Amazing, and sad, and now it's even more evident at to the problems we have encountered year after year.

  3. From Valerie Opinions

    I was really distressed after reading today's blog about the people who are running for the Board.

    It's difficult to understand why the people running for the Board are unwilling to enlighten the residents about their background, etc.

    Not only do we have residents that are no longer interested in our governance, the new people running don't sound any better than what we have had if they aren't willing to provide the information that is asked of them.

  4. Valerie, everyone in our community should be these actions.

    In our minds, they should be referred to as "deplorables".

  5. From Robert Opinions

    What else can we expect?

    Last year a few good candidates were running......none were elected (although after observing the ballot count, I still question the results).

    You MAY attribute this to residents' apathy....I believe the overall attitude is 'why bother - nothing ever changes.

    I was also surprised that there was hardly any uproar when our HOA dues were increase that can be attributed to past incompetence.

    Guess it proves the old adage: "Sow and Ye Shall Reap"

  6. From Marty Opinions


    Did you ever get that "gut feeling," or feel the "hair raising on your neck?"

    Are those signs you or me should be paying attention too?

    Well that's what I felt at the open house when I went that Sunday to listen to them.

    On the surface I was looking for more than what they were offering, and as to replies to questions from the audience of homeowners, but never got the answers I was hoping for.

    So (once again) I'm agreeing with you (weird, isn't it).

    Well so much for hoping for really capable people with real life experiences that match the needs of a rather large community.

    As I said, only one met that standard for a new face.

    How many times have we seen the community electing the incompetent, because they met the standards of some minimum requirements prescribed by the volunteer committee, and worse of all the homeowners electing the wrong people to do the necessary jobs they claim they can do?

  7. From Bill Opinions

    Did you ever think one reason we are not getting people that want to run for the board and serve the community is the muckraking articles you seem to write on a daily basis attacking almost every board member?

    Maybe you should try running for the board and really see how much support you get.

    I think it is not serving the community well that you always make it seem that the people so giving of their time, and courage knowing what will be written about them by you, are either crooks or imbeciles.

    I don't know why all you ever write is hit pieces on everything and everyone in our community. Not 1 of your hand-picked candidates for a Board election has ever won, if my memory serves me, so why is that do you suppose?

    What have you offered to do for our community or community clubs that involves giving of your time and efforts.

    I haven't noticed your name in any capacity in my 6 years living here, other than a self-styled investigative reporter.

    Am I incorrect?

    You do reach a lot of residences, I bet you could have a really beneficial impact for our community if you weren't always so negative.

  8. Bill, obviously you haven't been here long enough to see what many of us have seen...and I believe the long list of those who have held Board positions have a pretty bad track record.

    Do you think I make these thing up?

    Do you really find these actions that I bring up an acceptable manner in which to govern a community?

    Muckraking ?

    If searching for alleged corruption and discovering its existence, is your definition of muckraking, then I am 100% guilty as charged.

    I prefer to call it 100% truth.

    If you find the actions I have summarized acceptable, that is your choice.

    Those of us who CARE, do not.

    As far as picking winners, that is for another blogger who has had a history that one should be ashamed of considering his past, as well as, the actions of those he has recommended.

    Many have cost Sun City Anthem thousands of dollars in needless waste as a result of the incompetence he has recommended, and the resulting actions of those who were subsequently elected.

    What do I do for Sun City Anthem? Always negative ? I think not, sir !

    I try to encourage people to get outside the walls of the community to enjoy themselves providing entertainment news to people who enjoy life.

    I provide helpful homeowner tips, Mr. Fix-It articles, Community Safety news and articles, gardening tips, and yes, editorials that are not only authored by myself, but by other residents and board members as well.

    This amounts to about 5 hours of time each day.

    I do not accept advertising revenue, nor do I seek power.

    Do you really believe that serving on some sort of committee is the only form of community service ?

    I have been an Entertainment Editor and Radio Talk Show host of The Vegas Voice, written 3 shows to honor World War II veterans, and have VOLUNTEERED MY ENTERTAINMENT EXPERIENCE AND CONNECTIONS to Sun City Anthem for an annual salary of $1 of which that dollar would be placed in a Salvation Army kettle at Christmas time.

    Instead, the General Manager has chosen to employ an individual on a full-time basis to do what I would have done FOR FREE.

    ...and unlike so many others you seem to compare me to, I prefer to do all of this anonymously without recognition.

    All I want is a fair shake for all who live in Sun City Anthem. That is all I have ever tried to achieve.

    I have been here for over 11 years and have taken the time to examine reality, rather than pretend it does not exist.

    You cannot solve a problem until you accept the fact that one exists, and it appears your problem is refusing to acknowledge the problems exist. Instead you choose to criticize the individual who brings them out in the open.

    If one chooses to stick his head in the sand like an ostrich and ignore the problems associated with the financial future of a community, then I send those individuals my sincere condolence.

    Without Anthem Opinions, this community would be like you...refusing to accept reality.

    And that, is my estimation, as well as, many others, is sad.

    Have a pleasant day.

  9. From Victor Opinions

    Our sister community to the west had 9 candidates for 5 board positions.

    They had 40% of the residents send in their votes.

  10. Really tells you something, doesn't it Victor?

    My guess is that with the interest shown thus far, Sun City Anthem's total will not even be close to that figure.

    In the 11 years I have resided in Sun City Anthem, I have never seen such apathy or lack of interest in a Board election.

    Why? Perhaps because only one candidate, Carl Weinstein, was willing to answer resident questions.

    Perhaps that proves my point...why should anyone care, if only one of them does ?

  11. Part One of Two

    The time has come to call David Berman for what he is, and always has been......

    a MENACE to the well-being of Sun City Anthem.

    This is his latest disgusting commentary which, as always, is tainted, and filled with ridicule and LIES.

    "Because it is election time again, that means once more that Mr. Arendt's "silly season" is underway.

    His analytics, as always, portray his blog as wildly successful compared to this one because he records thousands more page views than does mine.

    Though it has been explained to him over and over that my more than 1,750 subscribers receive blog posts by email rather than having to visit the blog directly, his "alternative facts" are what matter to him.

    What he CAN'T explain is how come those thousands of readers have always deserted him each year when it comes time to vote for his preferred Board candidates.

    Shouldn't be much of a problem this year, as there are only five candidates for the four Board seats in contention. This saves him the recurrent embarrassment of picking all losers.

    What is doesn't explain, however, is how come those who would attack the unpaid volunteers who step forward to serve never run for the Board themselves. The answer, of course, is that they have little or nothing to offer. People who live in glass houses are always more content to throw stones."

  12. Part Two of Two

    Now let's take a closer look at his continued attempt increase his importance by ridiculing others.

    When...just when...has Anthem Opinions EVER attacked ANY volunteer?

    The answer is simply...


    But Mr. Berman, who lives in a delusional world filled with medication to control his admitted medically diganosed depression, and believing himself of some importance, simply ridicules individuals at will....because they seen him for what he really is, namely an individual who has accomplished NOTHING of any importance in his life...

    ..other than being able to predict the winner of Sun City Anthem Board elections.

    Though he claims 1,750 subscriers to his publication, that may indeed be the case, but knowing Mr. Berman...there is always "more to the story" he would rather not have you know.

    How many actually check his blog as a follow up to any of his ridiculous artlcles?

    Unlike Anthem Opinions, he FORCE FEEDS his subscribers by sending them emails.
    Anthem Opinions sends out eblasts with headings, thus allowing individuals a CHOICE as to whether or not they read the articles.

    Those CHOICES amounted to 10,003 in the past 7 days, as compared to his paulry 1,764.

    As far as readers "deserting" us when it comes time to vote...

    Let us firmly state...

    Though his choices have been the elected ones, he can not deny that THEY HAVE CREATED the many financial problems that exist NOW and in the past.
    He is even unwilling to publish the voting records of those he has recommended for one reason...
    ...he needs them to exist. He is their MOUTHPIECE He is the perfect example of BOSS POLITICS...CRONYISM.

    The individuals cited in the Anthem Opinions article are THOSE who have been past Board members whose underhanded tactics and crony politics have created restaurant losses, a Liberty Center lawsuit, and an IRS fine.
    When have you ever witnessed any article which brought out substantial losses to Sun City Anthem on his blog ?

    Had our candidates been chosen, NONE of those problems would have existed.

    As a result, if success is measured in elective ability, that prize goes to Mr. Berman...

    ...but as to warning the community of the hazards of those he recommended...hazards that HAVE COME TRUE...

    ...that is where Anthem Opinions shines in every way.

    The great Henry Clay said in 1839, "I'd rather be right than be president'".

    So too, that is how Anthem Opinions looks at our community.

    We too, look at the success of being RIGHT, rather than the shallowness of electing individuals that are without proper credentials...credentials Mr. Berman can never understand...

    ...because he has never achieved them himself.

    That is what he brings to the Sun City Anthem table other than reprinting community publications...

    ..a distorted publication that gravitates to those who are, in many cases, every bit as crude and rude as he himself has demonstrated again and again...

    ...and is an insult to the word "journalism".

  13. I sometimes enjoy some of the criticism received from the Berman minions, the latest from a man named John Burke, yet another "expert" but without life experience in anything but a classroom where life is often described "as it should be", rather than "how it actually is".

    Mr. Burke's latest was out of the Berman school of "let's dig deep enough, and we'll find some mud to sling".

    Well, this "fascinating" individual, Burke, a "Board meeting groupie", whose life consists of attending meeting after meeting and "observing", has now criticized what he referred to as some sort of error in my stating the Board forum was given a 4 day advance notice.

    You see, IT an eblast, but Burke needed something to "analyze"...that's his "expert style", so he decided to research the February issue of The Spirit where it was announced.

    Can you imagine the type of fascinating individual this guy must be to actually take what little time one has left on planet earth, to search an expired magazine, in order to criticize an individual?

    Please God, allow me to die before I ever turn in to such a creature who chooses to spend his life in that manner !

    Well now, to you Mr. Burke, while you sit at meetings and/or read such fascinating material in a community publication where most articles have to be submitted 2-3 months prior to the printing, I instead look at life in what most FUN people do, namely enjoying the entertainment venues afforded by the Las Vegas valley...

    ...and...I try to share them with individuals who HAVE A LIFE and look for ways to ENJOY IT !

    Mr. Burke, I've lived my fun lifestyle since I retired at the ripe old age of 54,16 years ago, sold my business, and unlike you and so many who sit in those meetings constantly looking to advise individuals on how to live their lives...

    ...usually looking at "experts" like you, who have opinions without the relevant experience on which to establish credibility...

    ...I've been there, done that, and guess how?

    With ingenuity, independent thought, and unlike so many of your types...

    ...with MY MONEY, even without a monthly social security check until a month ago.

    Of course a solid track record like that in the minds of your "groupie" friends have no "relevance". You instead consider those who have "done it themselves" as inferior to your thought process, and ignore us instead, don't you?

    ...and one would have to have had their heads buried in a sand pile not to see how "well" those ibexperienced decisions have served Sun City Anthem.

    That's why our Anthem Opinions objective is for the "independent minded".

    Unlike you, Mr. Burke, I did not retire to come to a new city to "veg" at community meetings as you seem to do.

    Had that been the case, I would have died of boredom listening to individuals such as yourself.

    Ever wonder why many of us don't attend your bull session meetings that endear so few? They attend one and afterwards prefer placing their index finger down their throats listening to the stupidity of decisions made by people who have rarely, if ever, made any such important decisions in their lives...that affect the lives of others.

    That is not my idea of a "fulfilling" retirement experience, Mr. Burke.

    Mr. Burke, just when was the last time you actually left this community and had a cold beer with someone outside the Sun City Anthem cubicle you choose to hibernate ?

    Enjoy your meetings, Mr. Burke....and please, keep up your criticisms. At least David Berman might buy you that cold beer.

    After all, in between meetings, he's usually sitting at at a Green Valley video poker machine having a discussion with a number of those machines that enjoy taking the money his wife earned while he was failing at everything else in his life.
