Information Pages

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Is the Nevada Legislature Planning on Adopting a "Sanctuary City" Law ?

Will Nevada Force Local Governmental Agencies to Restrict Immigration Enforcement?

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If you thought the current legislative session was throwing you a silent curve about changing the name of McCarran International to Harry Reid International, get a load of these two bills introduced.

With a debt of gratitude, Anthem Opinions thanks Sun City Anthem Resident, Nelson Orth, for his research in bringing this issue to our attention.

The first, Senate Bill 223, essentially allows the state to "call the shots" on who will or will not enforce immigration law.

Of course, we are talking about sanctuary cities.

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Just what is a sanctuary city?

According to Wikepedia...

A sanctuary city is a city what harbors refugees and undocumented individuals through municipal policies or funds.

Policies which support or encourage illegal alien inhabitance may include nonexistent or selective enforcement of national immigration laws.

This can be achieved by forbidding municipal police or employees to inquire about immigration status or by failing to alert immigration authorities when an illegal alien's immigration status is discovered.

Other policies may include providing undocumented individuals access to municipal services or social welfare programs.

Such policies can be set out expressly in law (de jure),  or observed in  practice (de facto).

Are such practices legal?  You decide.

Summarizing current federal law:

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Any person who, knowing that an alien remains in the U.S. in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields that person from detection...shall be fined under title 18, and imprisoned not more than 10 years.

 Read the full law:

With this information in mind, on February 27, 2017, the following bill was introduced in the Nevada State Senate:

 SB 223

Original Bill Summary

Restricts certain state and local governmental agencies from performing certain actions relating to immigration enforcement

Current Bill Title

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; restricting certain state and local governmental agencies from performing certain actions relating to immigration enforcement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

Bill Amendment Dates: No Amendments

Which legislators are the primary sponsors of this bill?

Primary Sponsorship

  Yvanda Cansela 
(D-Las Vegas)
Tick Segerblom
(D-Las Vegas)
Aaron Ford
(D-Las Vegas)
Julia Ratti
Moises Denis
(D-Las Vegas)
Other Sponsors
Kelvin Atkinson
(D-Las Vegas)
Mark A. Manendo
(D-Las Vegas)
David R. Parks
(D-Las Vegas)
Pat Spearman
(D-North Las Vegas)
Joyce Woodhouse 
Shannon Bilbray-Axelrod 
(D-Las Vegas)
Chis Brooks
(D-Las Vegas)
Sandra Jauregui
(D-Las Vegas)
Daniele Monroe-Moreno
(D-North Las Vegas)
But...there is more...another bill, Senate Bill 333, introduced on March 20, 2017,which prohibits, limits, or discourages cooperation of immigration enforcement laws.
SB 333

Original Bill Summary

Prohibits a county or city from adopting, enforcing or endorsing a policy which prohibits, limits or discourages cooperation with the enforcement of the immigration laws of the United States. 

Current Bill Title

AN ACT relating to local governments; prohibiting a county or city from enacting an ordinance or otherwise adopting, enforcing or endorsing a policy which prohibits, limits or discourages cooperation with the enforcement of the immigration laws of the United States; requiring the Attorney General to investigate and issue an opinion on whether a county or city has violated such a prohibition; providing, under certain circumstances, that a county or city that violates such a prohibition is ineligible to receive any money appropriated by the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.Bill Amendment Dates: No Amendments

Primary Sponsorship

Michael Roberson
In both cases, no hearings have yet to be scheduled.

We have sent emails to EACH of the HENDERSON MAYORAL CANDIDATES asking them which bill they would support.

Below are responses from five candidates:

Angelo Gomez
Edward Hamilton
Debra March
Crystal Hendrickson
Rick Workman

And...if we receive additional responses, we'll promptly publish them at the end of this article.

Do you have an opinion as to which should be adopted (if either) ?

First, we suggest that you make your views known to the State of Nevada by clicking on this link:

...then send us a comment at:

  1. From Edward Hamilton...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions

    The city council, including Mayor Hafen, is WEAK on illegal immigration because they are all liberal on politics.

    They are quietly in favor of a sanctuary city protection for criminal illegal aliens!

    For example, they turn a blind eye to the practice of shielding of criminal illegal alien identity by the police. This is then a de facto reality in the Henderson city hall or jail.

    As your Mayor I will enforce the rule of law by working closely with federal immigration authorities, such as ICE and BCP (border control agents). I will END a de facto sanctuary city status for our city of Henderson.

    Finally, all of us MUST now call Nevada Governor Sandoval's office in Las Vegas, or Carson City, NV, to VETO the Democrat sponsored Sanctuary State legislation.

    The Democrats . don't have the necessary votes to override such veto (that is if Republican assemblymen/women, as well as, GOP state Senators, manage to stay united, in their opposition to sanctuary city or sanctuary state bill).
  2. From Angelo Gomez...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions

    As an American, there is not a bone in my body that accepts illegal immigration; I find it unacceptable illegal immigrants get help before our veterans and own citizens in many situations.

    As someone who worked for President Trump's Campaign, I stood with our president since he first announced he was running due to the fact his sole message was AMERICANS FIRST and that we need to tackle the massive burdens illegal immigration poses upon our nation.

    As someone of Latino decent, it will be my sole duty to fight against the liberal "enslavement" of the Latino Community and unlock the conservative potential in many American Latinos.

    For our country to truly tackle illegal immigration, we need to elect a new generation of what I call "Americans First" Conservatives.

    Politicians today, except for President Trump, have been proven incapable of tackling this issue.

    Running for Mayor, and hopefully winning, is just one of many steps I will take on my God given pathway in the political arena to fight with every ounce of my body to put Americans first.

    If I am elected Mayor of Henderson, Nevada, I will make sure Henderson is not turned into any type of sanctuary city.

    Henderson already has forgotten the voice of of its residents; imagine the issues and costs we'd face if we became a sanctuary city.

    In my view, if a Henderson Police Officer arrests someone and finds out they are undocumented, then the Henderson PD should turn this individual over to ICE.
  3. From Debra March....Candidate for Mayor of Opinions


    Thank you for the opportunity to answer this question for your readers.

    Our Henderson jail is the facility that ICE sends their prisoners.

    ICE maintains a full time staff position at the jail and when an illegal alien is brought in, ICE is immediately notified.

    Our contract with the US Marshall's office is a $10M/yr contract.

    I do not foresee any change to this contractual relationship with the US Marshall.
    1. From Crystal Hendrickson...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions


      Based on the evidence I have seen in public records, Henderson is not a sanctuary city, and actually gets reimbursed by ICE for holding illegal criminals until they are handed over to ICE for custody.

      I do not support any city in Nevada becoming a sanctuary for illegals or harboring criminal activity. I am shocked that we have NV senators and assemblymen who support illegal immigration.

      I support legal immigration.
      1. From Rick Workman...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions


        I am 100 percent opposed to Henderson becoming a sanctuary city, and I will fight hard to keep it from becoming one. 

        1. From Rick Workman...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions

          Thank you Dick, nice job. 

          You’re providing a great service to our community.


  1. From Edward Hamilton...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions

    The city council, including Mayor Hafen, is WEAK on illegal immigration because they are all liberal on politics.

    They are quietly in favor of a sanctuary city protection for criminal illegal aliens!

    For example, they turn a blind eye to the practice of shielding of criminal illegal alien identity by the police. This is then a de facto reality in the Henderson city hall or jail.

    As your Mayor I will enforce the rule of law by working closely with federal immigration authorities, such as ICE and BCP (border control agents). I will END a de facto sanctuary city status for our city of Henderson.

    Finally, all of us MUST now call Nevada Governor Sandoval's office in Las Vegas, or Carson City, NV, to VETO the Democrat sponsored Sanctuary State legislation.

    The Democrats . don't have the necessary votes to override such veto (that is if Republican assemblymen/women, as well as, GOP state Senators, manage to stay united, in their opposition to sanctuary city or sanctuary state bill).

  2. From Angelo Gomez...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions

    As an American, there is not a bone in my body that accepts illegal immigration; I find it unacceptable illegal immigrants get help before our veterans and own citizens in many situations.

    As someone who worked for President Trump's Campaign, I stood with our president since he first announced he was running due to the fact his sole message was AMERICANS FIRST and that we need to tackle the massive burdens illegal immigration poses upon our nation.

    As someone of Latino decent, it will be my sole duty to fight against the liberal "enslavement" of the Latino Community and unlock the conservative potential in many American Latinos.

    For our country to truly tackle illegal immigration, we need to elect a new generation of what I call "Americans First" Conservatives.

    Politicians today, except for President Trump, have been proven incapable of tackling this issue.

    Running for Mayor, and hopefully winning, is just one of many steps I will take on my God given pathway in the political arena to fight with every ounce of my body to put Americans first.

    If I am elected Mayor of Henderson, Nevada, I will make sure Henderson is not turned into any type of sanctuary city.

    Henderson already has forgotten the voice of of its residents; imagine the issues and costs we'd face if we became a sanctuary city.

    In my view, if a Henderson Police Officer arrests someone and finds out they are undocumented, then the Henderson PD should turn this individual over to ICE.

  3. From Debra March....Candidate for Mayor of Opinions


    Thank you for the opportunity to answer this question for your readers.

    Our Henderson jail is the facility that ICE sends their prisoners.

    ICE maintains a full time staff position at the jail and when an illegal alien is brought in, ICE is immediately notified.

    Our contract with the US Marshall's office is a $10M/yr contract.

    I do not foresee any change to this contractual relationship with the US Marshall.

  4. From Cystal Hendrickson...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions


    Based on the evidence I have seen in public records, Henderson is not a sanctuary city, and actually gets reimbursed by ICE for holding illegal criminals until they are handed over to ICE for custody.

    I do not support any city in Nevada becoming a sanctuary for illegals or harboring criminal activity. I am shocked that we have NV senators and assemblymen who support illegal immigration.

    I support legal immigration.

  5. From Rick Workman...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions


    I am 100 percent opposed to Henderson becoming a sanctuary city, and I will fight hard to keep it from becoming one.


  6. From Rick Workman...Candidate for Mayor of Opinions

    Thank you Dick, nice job.

    You’re providing a great service to our community.
