Information Pages

Saturday, March 25, 2017

New Nevada Senate Bill to Protect Those Who Cause Harm to Others ???

Has a Nevada Legislature Proposed Bill Gone Overboard?

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Senate Bill 254
(introduced March 7, 2017)

Original Bill Summary

Removes provision that provides immunity from civil liability in actions involving use of force under certain circumstances.

Current Bill Title

AN ACT relating to civil liability; removing the provision of law that provides immunity from civil liability in actions involving the use of force in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

Bill Amendment Dates

No Amendments

Which legislators are the primary sponsors of this bill?

Primary Sponsorship

Aaron Ford
(D-Las Vegas)

Kelvin Atkinson
(D-Las Vegas)
  Yvanda Cansela 
(D-Las Vegas)
Pat Spearman
(D-North Las Vegas)
Moises Denis
(D-Las Vegas)
Jason Fierson
(D-Las Vegas)
William McCurdy II
(D-Las Vegas)
Dina Neal
(D-North Las Vegas)

Tyrone Thompson
(D-Las Vegas)

Richard Carrillo
(D-Las Vegas)

Other Sponsors
Nicole J. Cannizzarro
(D-Las Vegas)
Mark A. Manendo
(D-Las Vegas)
David R. Parks
(D-Las Vegas)
Julia Ratti
Joyce Woodhouse 
Edgar Flores
(D-Las Vegas)

Sandra Jauregui
(D-Las Vegas) 

Brittney Miller
(D-Las Vegas)
Daniele Monroe-Moreno
(D-North Las Vegas)

Senate Bill 254 removes the provision in Nevada law protecting people from civil liability when they justifiably use potentially deadly force against a person who is injured or killed while invading their home.

Should a Nevada resident be financially liable for any injuries a home invader would receive while a person defends themselves?

Do you have an opinion as to whether this bill should be passed? 

Note:  This bill is 100% Partisan...sponsored entirely by State Senators & Assemblymen & Assemblywomen of the Democratic Party.

We suggest that you make your views known  to the State of Nevada by clicking on this link:

...then send us a comment at:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    It is an absolute disgrace that you would put innocent homeowners at risk for defending their lives or property.

    Clearly this is yet another way to assure that attorneys have yet another source of potential income.
    1. From Mary Opinions

      The Democrats can pass all these ridiculous bills they want.

      If a home invader tries to enter my house, and I have the opportunity, I will shoot first, and litigate later. This is pure and sensible LOGIC.

      These progressives are so insane, it is impossible to have a coherent understanding of how their brains. or lack of, work.

      I would be mortified if I were associated with Democrats.
      1. From Janus Opinions

        Unbelievably ridiculous!

        I will make sure any invader is dead if this passes!


  1. From Robert Opinions

    It is an absolute disgrace that you would put innocent homeowners at risk for defending their lives or property.

    Clearly this is yet another way to assure that attorneys have yet another source of potential income.

  2. From Mary Opinions

    The Democrats can pass all these ridiculous bills they want.

    If a home invader tries to enter my house, and I have the opportunity, I will shoot first, and litigate later. This is pure and sensible LOGIC.

    These progressives are so insane, it is impossible to have a coherent understanding of how their brains. or lack of, work.

    I would be mortified if I were associated with Democrats.

  3. From Janus Opinions

    Unbelievably ridiculous!

    I will make sure any invader is dead if this passes!
